In honor of the Westminster Dog Show, be sure to check out “Yellow Dog” at the very bottom of this blog page. You can find “Yellow Dog” there, even when this entry scrolls away.
Snack during the Westminster Show.
And don’t forget Basil.
The snack is for me, not for “Yellow Dog”.
Never let the false catholics get you down.
Let can. 915 be applied “liberally”.
I confess, “Yellow Dog” has been amusing me in the absence of my own dog.
APX: You are not the first person to say that this has been a reminder of a real dog.
Amazing. Gently pat Yellow Dog’s head with the cursor and real life reactions of man’s best friend – the blinking eyes, mouth expressions, and … petting a dog with the cursor ?? My cat just left the room because – I think – she’s put out! or she’s looking for herring …
Next thing we learn is that you have got yourself a dog. That will put a real crimp in your trips to NY and London.
I have often thought about getting a dog. As a matter of fact I have given quite some thought to that.
But, given my environment, I am also happy, ready, and able to kill them.
Fr. Z, you have all those lovely birds which visit you…
I love that dog show! My smooth fox terrier won in her category, hurray! Unfortunately, Piper could care less about tv; my dalmatian Chelsea used to be wild for television, and loved watching those dogs prancing up and down in the arena!
Nothing like a real dog though!
Love the yellow dog –very cool
Basil and the Yellow Lab (I have a real one) are cool, but I really approve of your evening snack. I have to pick up a lime on the way home, otherwise I have all those ingredients.
Oh my, do I see frost on the outside of that bottle?
Looks like a wonderful snack!
Reminded me of the place down the street that serves a fresh anchovy antipasto. It is awesome!
I too am contemplating getting my own dog once I have a job, but my dad has assured me that I do not need a dog. I think I do. I miss that piece of mind knowing if I just left the door open or if someone snuck into my house. I hate constantly having to sweep the crumbs from my kitchen floor, or pick up food that falls on it.
BTW: That bottle of vodka looks very good right now.
I don’t ‘see’ your ‘Yellow Dog’ at the bottom of the page, Father Z. Maybe it doesn’t show up on my iBook’s Safari browser.
You would ‘kill’ a dog? How come? Why would you think of doing that? Is it because a dog would go after the birds at your feeders? [No, because there is a very large and aggressive dog in the area, which runs loose, and with which I have had a couple close calls. The next time will be the last.]
I’m feeling depressed today (yeah, and it’s Valentine’s Day so it additionally ‘stinks’ for me, too)…. twelve years ago (2000) I had to put my Westie-mix terrier to sleep because he got cancer. And in another week or so it will be six years that I had to put my second dog, a Jack Russell / hound mix, to sleep because she got a blood disorder that eventually led to kidney failure.
February has NOT been a happy month for me in recent history!
Thank God for a priest who drinks alcoholic beverages, and says so. We are not Puritans, are we now? [Not now. Not ever.]
If you could post a photo of yourself with a good cigar, it would make my day…
February is the shortest month because it’s just awful and prolonging it would be rude. Personally, I consider 2/14 the low point of winter.
I always thought Pope Benedict XVI should get a rottweiler for the Vatican, just to amuse all 8 people who would enjoy the reference. [Or a whole pack… for the Vatican Gardens at night.]
I hate to be a downer, but these dog shows are becoming increasingly freak shows. This is especially the case with flat-faced breeds. They were never so smushed-in in years past. The poor Alsatian (German Shepherd) could barely walk from dysplasia. A lot of the breeds that win their category are the sort favoured by gay men and ditsy women. The best looking dogs were the Schipperke and the Finnish Spitz, which were overlooked. I did like some of the “new breeds”, which were actually old foreign breeds. A lot of the Norwegian breeds look like they smile.
(I disclose that I have an undocked Schipperke).
no yellow dogs for me…the only breed I will ever have is a Chow Chow (I see Martha Stewart’s just won Best of Breed at Westminster…but my Cosmo is cuter!)
Sadly, you are correct. When dogs compete in what is merely a beauty contest, with no attempt to gauge suitability for the intended purpose of the dog, Westminster is what you get. And the longer the breed has been popular, the worse it gets.
We have seen this with the Labrador Retrievers (the breed I am familiar with). The “show” (conformation) dogs have been so altered by the demands of that racket that they are by and large no longer able to do the job they were originally bred for (water retrieving and, secondarily, general retrieving). I was one of the gunners at the Working Certificate Test for Labs at the National Specialty — that’s an ultra-bare-minimum retrieving test, just one shot flyer at 50 yards on a flat bare field, and two birds in the water at 25 yards to show willingness to re-enter the water. It was sad to see the short-legged, obese show Labs waddle out 50 yards to the bird, wheezing, and just bark at it (or roll on it), even sadder to see some that wouldn’t go into the pond at all.
The Brits have a much better plan – for a Lab to claim the title of Champion it must demonstrate proficiency at retrieving by passing a working test. I’m not familiar with the ins and outs of the British retriever hunting tests — I know their field trials are completely different from ours and demand a different type of dog and different training.
Bottom line for anybody who’s thinking about a dog – any breed of dog:
Be sure that you buy from a professional or amateur breeder who is active in the breed association and active in some form of dog sport suitable for the breed. The latter ensures not only that the dog is healthy and has a good temperament, but is trainable and has a job it can do (essential for any dog). Any reputable breeder will have all the necessary health clearances on the parents (for Labs, it’s hips, eyes, CNM and EIC, but that varies from breed to breed) and will have achieved some sort of distinction in dog sports.
If Labs are your cup of tea, PLEASE let me know and I can fill you in on more details (I am NOT a breeder myself so I’m not tooting my own horn).
As for Yellow Dogs, may I present Miss Katy, a/k/a SHR Green Timber Katy Bar the Door JH, a fine example of a locally bred, friendly, accomplished Yellow Lab. You can see her running a water retrieve here.
Fr. Z, are you eating anchovies? It’s rude to comment on the food choices of another, but…eeuw.
It’s a food choice I just cannot fathom, but my idea of a snack is a pinwheel cookie and cup of coffee. Furthermore, limes? I think you must be making an anchovy and lime appetizer on a cracker. Have you tried Pinwheels? I think they’re in one of the food groups, the sugar group.
I selected the Wire-haired Dachshund, and he/she won! Her coat reminded me of Hickory, the Winner from last year. Beautiful. I had a rescue Dachshund, Weiner, but had to give him to a rehabilitator. Nutty dog.
Friendly reminder…I love dogs…LOVE DOGS…but it’s much like being a parent, which is also awesome, if you’re up for it. What I mean is…responsibility…you’ve got to be home…going away from the house for 8 hours is a big deal…they need play, attention, and last but definitely not least, they need to go out. They’re in, they’re out, they’re in, they’re out…infinity!
I got my silky terrier from a “breeder” (haha). She is adorable, smart, smartest dog I ever had. We have to SPELL, or she knows what we are saying, I’m not kidding. She has had health problems from year two, chronic ear infections, a huge bladder stone that had to be removed, and seizures that put her on permanent Phenobarb. She just turned ten today! Valentine’s Day.
I will never have another purebred dog. I will only do rescues, because there are so many needy dogs.
Fr., if you have a vicious dog in your neighborhood, and no way to fence in your “potential” dog, don’t get one. It’s bad for the nerves to worry every time Fido has to go out, whether or not Killer is going to show up. Unless you have nerves of steel, it’s just not worth it.
Happy Valentine’s Day Everybody!
I assume you bought from a reputable established breeder with health clearances?
Unfortunately, even with health clearances there are no guarantees — just like with children (and you’re right on that point – a dog can be almost as much responsibility as a child). My middle dog has EIC, an inherited recessive condition. She was one year old before a genetic test was developed; now of course every reputable breeder tests for it, but for her it was too late.
Rescues provide an admirable service, and I support our local Lab rescue with my time as well as my money. But rescue is not the be-all and end-all, it’s more of a sometimes-successful attempt to clean up after irresponsible people. And it does nothing to improve the breed — without reputable breeders we would lose the dedicated sporting and working breeds. And of course in 10 generations or so of random breeding, we will all wind up with the reversion-to-type, i.e. the Southern Yellow Dog or Dixie Dingo or Carolina Porch Setter.
Fr. Z, can you find the owner of Spike? a telephone call to Animal Control, followed up by a nuisance/dog-at-large/dog aggression complaint, might be more effective (and a lot less dramatic) than self-help.