In The Wild: Save The Liturgy car mag

I received a photo of a seminarian’s vehicle with a delightful (and available) car magnet.

Remember, friends, that the biological solution is working it’s inexorable effects.

Young men with their head’s screwed on on the proper direction are coming up.

Pray for seminarians and vocations to the priesthood!



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. digdigby says:

    I would get it but no one (especially Catholics) would have no idea what I was talking about. As for the people who understand it – its preaching to the choir. How many Catholics in America in the year 2012 can give you a minimally coherent definition of the word ‘liturgy’?

  2. pcstokell says:

    Columbus Diocese REPRESENT!

  3. Frank H says:

    Yes! Alongside the bumper magnet for the mighty St. Gabriel Catholic Radio AM820!!

  4. Tom Ryan says:

    YES! St. Gabriel Radio. So proud to have helped out there prior to them getting their new station!

  5. Tom Ryan says:

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    20 April 2012 at 9:31 pm

    YES! St. Gabriel Radio. So proud to have helped out there prior to them getting their new station!

  6. capchoirgirl says:

    Yeah Diocese of C-bus. :) Awesomeness!
    Sadly….the guys that have this stuff on their car are USUALLY in the seminary.

  7. Ceile De says:

    For heaven’s sakes lose the bumper sticker till after ordination. if Fr Ray N. Bowsash and Sr. Hettie Rodox see it, they’ll kick you out of the seminary in minutes flat on charges of orthodoxy.

  8. Tom Ryan says:

    capchoirgirl says:
    20 April 2012 at 9:34 pm

    Yeah Diocese of C-bus. :) Awesomeness!
    Sadly….the guys that have this stuff on their car are USUALLY in the seminary.

    I disagree. I see the 820AM bumper stickers everywhere. But, 7 yrs ago, no seminarian would be this bold!

  9. Frank H says:

    Ceile De –

    No such worries at the Josephinum!! Those days are long gone!

  10. discerningguy says:

    Great picture!

  11. irishgirl says:

    Couldn’t really see the bumper sticker-print’s too small-but great photo, nevertheless!

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