The liturgical eye-candy specialists at NLM have posted some great photos of the annual pilgrimage to Chartres Cathedral (for those of you in Fridley, that’s a big, pretty church in France).
We need more processions.
Anecdote: One day in May I was hanging around outside the Paul VI audience hall (Vatican) during the annual plenary meeting of the Italian Bishops Conference waiting for my bishop to emerge, chatting with fellow journalists and the bishops’ drivers and secretaries a couple bishops who had simply fled the hall in boredom. I had just been to a Eucharistic procession the day before held by the Teutonic College that went through the Vatican gardens, Swiss Guards carrying the canopy, … stunning. Deep in his chest this one old bishop rumbled “Meno chiacchiere – più processioni. … Less jabbering – more processions.”
Pretty much says it all.
Pilgrimages, especially big and public processions such as this, are a useful tool for the spiritual life and also a tool for the new evangelization.
Take it to the country roads and streets.
It was fantastic. I have blogged the first of my reflections on it here and more will follow.
Yes! Aye !Aye Aye! Si! etc to Pilgrimages and prcessions!
Palm Sunday in the streets near church, not a token round the isles and round the car park
Revive /introduce Whit walks.
May processions.
Corpus Christi processions through the town centre wheresoever there be two catholics, a priest, and a good catholic family dog!
Singing: “Let us walk to blooming Walsingham!”
Or Rome.Or Fatima .Or Lourdes Or Santiago,Or Loreto !Or Knock . Or Ayamaonte!
Or 15 miles round town to the next Parish ! Some will stare and some will cheer and some will shout and some will spit, and in some places theyll throw rocks as the muddly, straggly,scruffy, kidful and prampushing ((babbybuggy brindling?) out of tune utterly Catholic procession goes past.
I subbed at a school for a short time, Chavagnes, which has boys go on this pilgrimage and other pilgrimages It is a great experience for staff, parents, students. Fr. Bede Rowe at that school is a fantastic, traditional priest, who went on this year’s pilgrimage. If one wants to send a son to a Spartan, but very Catholic boarding school, Chavagnes is the place. And, one could go on pilgrimage with the kids as well. There is a small, but strong traditional community in France. The scouts take part, as you can see from the photos. Scouts in France form a serious organization, highly religious if connected to a Catholic school. I am waiting for this year’s photos. Here is last years involvement. The traditional movement is getting stronger.
This reminds me of the new Bishop of Tarbes-Lourdes, daily and nightly Eucharistic and Rosary procession capital of the world. His Excellency was a regular participant in the Chartes pilgrimage in every Traditional, Extraordinary way. Remember the announcement?
I can’t wait for our Eucharistic Congress in Sept.!! Here are some scenes from the Procession last year through uptown Charlotte: It was raining, but somehow that made it even more beautiful. It was especially awesome to watch the people on the sidewalks fall to their knees in silence as Our Lord passed by…like “the wave” at a football game, but waaaay cooler.
I’m especially excited this year, because 1st Communicants are invited by Bishop Jugis to lead the procession & scatter rose petals before the Eucharist, & two of our children received their 1st Communion this year! :o)
“We need more processions.” Amen!!! Such a beautiful sight!
I couldn’t let the reference to Chavers pass without also giving a link to the FSSP-run school in Normandy: . Unlike the former, this is of course French-speaking.
‘We need more processions’-Amen to that!!!!
I saw some of the ‘eye-candy’ pictures on NLM yesterday. Wonderful! There was one of a group of Sisters in beautiful white habits and veils, with the Sacred Heart on their scapulars. They were from the ‘Monastery of Consolation’ in the Frejus-Toulon diocese in France. I think they were called ‘The Sisters Consolers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Holy Face’.
That old Italian Bishop had it right, Father Z, in what he said! Sounds better in Italian than in English!
‘Less Jabbering….More Processions….’
Arrived home at 2 a.m. this morning (we had an extra day after returning to Paris from Chartres on Tuesday evening… in the Metro rush-hour… carrying a 7′ flagpole, banner-pole and large wooden Celtic cross… fun… not!). Up to get the train into work at 7 a.m. Fun. Not. And it’s raining as well. Heck, it’s Ireland. I missed the summer while I was away apparently.
Yes, the pilgrimage was superb this year . The weather was baking hot, although probably not as warm as 2010. Our chapter didn’t get into the Cathedral for the final Mass, unlike the last 2 years, so we stayed outside in the shade. Couldn’t see the big screen but the sound system was tip-top and I thought the choir was excellent. As in other years I’ve been on it, I actually thought our Chapter’s private Mass in the crypt on Tuesday morning was the highlight, only slightly marred by the very loud N.O. Mass being celebrated in a neighbouring crypt chapel, complete with little joke/laughter at the beginning and chorus of “Happy Birthday” at the end. Hint: sound really echoes in that crypt, guys. An interesting lesson in the… ummm… contrasts between the two forms :)
The organisers at Notre Dame de Chretianité do a truly splendid organisational and logistical job, year after year. God bless them.
Thank you all, good posts.
Those old French Cathedrals are soooo beautiful (Reims is my favorite – I have to admit). I would love to have seen/been part of something like this! I never did this when I lived in Germany – and now regret. Thanks for sharing this.
Another wonderful pilgrimage – though boiling hot, especially on the Saturday. A very nice American couple and one of their daughters walked with our English chapter and it was great to have them with us. The heat on Saturday prompted the husband to compare the pilgrimage with a “Death March”, but he still managed to complete the whole 72 miles!