One of these days… QUAERITUR…

The 11 year cycle of magnetic forces within the Sun is producing more and larger conditions for solar flares and coronal mass ejections, blasts of charged particles that rocket away from the Sun at millions of miles per hour.

From Spaceweather:

SOLAR ACTIVITY INTENSIFIES: Huge sunspot AR1476 is crackling with M-class solar flares and appears to be on the verge of producing something even stronger. The sunspot’s ‘beta-gamma-delta’ magnetic field harbors energy for X-class flares, the most powerful kind. Earth is entering the line of fire as the sunspot rotates across the face of the sun.

This morning, May 10th around 0418 UT, sunspot 1476 unleashed an impulsive M5-class solar flare. NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the extreme ultraviolet flash:


Apparently, the almost-X class explosion did not hurl a significant CME toward Earth. NOAA forecasters estimate a 65% chance of more M-class flares and a 10% chance of X-flares during the next 24 hours.

One of these days,…

… a huge solar storm will produce a vast coronal mass ejection directly towards the Earth.   It will take a matter of a few hours to reach the Earth.

If the positive and negative fields of the ejected mass line up with the Earth’s magnetic field, millions of tons of charged particles will spill down through the atmosphere creating a surge of power, an electromagnetic pulse, from the poles toward the equator.  The atmosphere will light up like a neon sign, in stupendous auroras.  The electrical pulse will also surge over and overload and burn out just about every electrically powered gizmo we depend on for our modern lives, including the transformers that supply the power to the grids within which we now live.

It will be TEOTWAWKI and then soon after the SHTF.

QUAERITUR: Reflecting on the trends echoed by and amplified by Pres. Obama’s administration, and given the way our society is spinning down into a moral toilet and intellectual tar pit in its very structures, might it not be preferable for something like the results of a devastating EMP to happen than that we continue to offend God so deeply by the perverse twisting the very structures of our culture and society away from what is good and true and beautiful?

I, for one, am going to refresh my supply of



When vast solar storms are about to fry your stuff and send you back to the stone age, why not make yourself a WDTPRS mug filled with hot, strong and fragrant Mystic Monk Coffee?

That’s right!  Mystic Monk Coffee has special anti-solar storm properties which are guaranteed to protect you from EMPs! When the coronal mass ejection arrives, you’ll be fine.  It’ll roll off your back, surrounded as you will be with the deeply satisfying aroma of Mystic Monk Coffee.  Think of it as anti-solar flare aroma therapy.

Mystic Monk Coffee!

It’s swell!


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
This entry was posted in Global Killer Asteroid Questions, Look! Up in the sky!, Our Catholic Identity, TEOTWAWKI, The Drill and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink.


  1. The answer is yes. And by the way, an electromagnetic pulse and its aftermath are not the stuff of science fiction: let anyone who doubts it look up Starfish Prime.

    By the way, what the heck does SWHTF mean??? I can’t find an explanation anywhere.

  2. rcg says:

    Some friends of mine were complaining that people who work out and eat properly still get sick, have heart attacks, cancer, etc. so what was the point? One of the guys listening was a doctor and he said that certainly all those things do happen to healthy people and are going to happen to everyone. However, all that hard work to exercise, eat properly, and healthy living greatly increases you chance of surviving those tribulations and regaining any degree of a high quality life. So say your prayers, love God, learn how to help yourself and others. Do 200 pushups everyday, 400 squats thrusts, learn to shoot, skin a rabbit, fish, plant a garden, and Morse code. Storms a comin’

  3. Jason Brown says:

    And Jehovah said, Because the cry of Sodom and Gomorrah is great, and because their sin is very grievous;
    I will go down now, and see whether they have done altogether according to the cry of it, which is come unto me; and if not, I will know.
    And Abraham drew near, and said, Wilt thou consume the righteous with the wicked?
    Peradventure there are fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou consume and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?
    That be far from thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked, that so the righteous should be as the wicked; that be far from thee: shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?
    And Jehovah said, If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare all the place for their sake.
    And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, who am but dust and ashes:
    peradventure there shall lack five of the fifty righteous: wilt thou destroy all the city for lack of five? And he said, I will not destroy it, if I find there forty and five.
    And he spake unto him yet again, and said, Peradventure there shall be forty found there. And he said, I will not do it for the forty’s sake.
    And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak: peradventure there shall thirty be found there. And he said, I will not do it, if I find thirty there.
    And he said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord: peradventure there shall be twenty found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for the twenty’s sake.
    And he said, Oh let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak yet but this once: peradventure ten shall be found there. And he said, I will not destroy it for the ten’s sake.

  4. guatadopt says:

    I would honestly say no. Studying history (and church history in particular) you will find many time periods that were much worse both intellectually as well as morally. From a moral standpoint, most of the popes from 800 AD to 1700 AD were quite awful human beings (The Borgias anyone…). Not to mention the Arian heresy which was worse (IMHO) than any other crisis in the church, including the protestant reformation. Then you have the complete sacking of Rome by the vandals, the Saracen invasions, iconoclasm, etc etc etc. Where were the sun’s death rays then? People are no better or worse than they have ever been. In fact, people have and will always be people. We are human, we sin. God knows this, he created us. There is no eschatological justice of the divine on this earth until the end when Christ comes in his glory. That could be tomorrow or in a billion years, but it has little bearing on the moral or intellectual state of humanity.

    We always look back at past times with rose colored glasses….heck, I’m 30 years old and even I do it! People talk about how great things were “back then” and how horrible they are now. News flash…things have never been that great for the human race. There was no golden age for morality. We have and will always be…human. Again, God knows this and doesn’t punish us on earth for it. That’s what the judgement is for.

  5. jrpascucci says:

    Well, at the very least, we know the Carthusians will be okay.

    Is it preferable in the sense of ought it to happen? No.

    It would be a natural evil like a hurricane (which in moral philosophy isn’t properly termed ‘evil’ at all), for which we often pray passes over us safely.

    For this one, although the direct effects are not natural evils (there is not a defect of a due good if all of our technology stops working), there is a defect of a good if people starve because of it, which is a likely outcome. That said, any natural ‘due goods’ are justly deprived due to sin, so it’s all really up to God, one ought not complain about it one way or another.

    Is it the worst thing that can happen? Certainly not. The worst thing that can probably happen to “the world” is for the eschaton (not in the sense that every day is judgment day, but final judgment, world ending in fire sort of stuff) to be today, rather than tomorrow. While I’m comfortable with it (I went to confession recently), I fear more for the souls of the others, and would ask God, in His mercy, for just a little more time for their sakes, in much the same way as I ask God to take me only when I am in a state of grace, at His will.

    Regardless, Dei voluntas fiat.

  6. John Weidner says:

    If we violate the moral laws, bad things happen. And it doesn’t require God hurling thunderbolts. It’s just how the universe runs, similar to the laws of physics. If I routinely steal stuff, I’m going to be punished, even if I never get caught. Why? Because I see things and judge things less clearly, and will mess up my life in other ways.

    I’d say our politics and public life today are blinded by sin, and this will likely result in catastrophes, in pretty obvious ways. For instance, we’ve just spent hundreds of billions of dollars on the “Stimulus,” with nothing to show for it. We ought to have spent some of that money on hardening our electronic and electrical infrastructure.

    But we didn’t even consider it. That is a form of societal insanity. There is a clear danger on the horizon, and there is a lot that could be done. And we don’t do it.

    God isn’t tossing lightning bolts, He’s looking down in pain and saying to Himself, “Don’t go that way! You’re gonna get hurt!”

  7. chantgirl says:

    Guatadopt, while I agree that there has been no golden age since the Fall, I do believe that we have entered into a new phase of immorality now that our technology has enabled us to wipe out entire cities with bombs, God knows how many people with biological warfare, corrupt countless innocent children with images online that they might never have had access to in centuries past, snuff out the lives of perhaps billions of children with oral contraceptives, clone humans to harvest their body parts, and grind the entire financial system to a halt. While I don’t think people are intrinsically any more sinful now than they have ever been, our technology now allows us to do far more damage with our sinful inclinations. I have no idea how God can love us enough to watch our viciousness on a daily basis and allow us to continue, but we may not need a natural disaster type punishment to bring us to our knees. Perhaps our technology/science, which we have made into our new god, will wreak its’ own punishment upon us. Don’t get me wrong, technology has improved our lives in numerous ways, but we have also come up with some pretty terrifyingly dangerous inventions as well. Pray, fast and don’t worry.

  8. robtbrown says:

    jrpascucci says:

    It would be a natural evil like a hurricane (which in moral philosophy isn’t properly termed ‘evil’ at all),

    Moral evil is a species of evil–evil that has been unjustly willed. Evil (malum) is defectio boni, failure of the good. Anything that exists is good. Thus, even the death of an old dog is evil. When a lion eats an antelope, that is evil for the antelope but good for the lion. Because the Divine Wisdom is manifest not only in things themselves but also in the Order of things, overall, the lion’s meal is considered a good.

  9. Gregg the Obscure says:

    To answer Miss Anita Moore OP-
    Stuff *

    *(or another suitable noun beginning with that letter)

  10. Gus Barbarigo says:

    The canonized saints, like Padre Pio, loathed even venial sin, so perhaps from God’s perspective, a solar chastisement would be preferable to adding to 50 Million abortions since 1973, or allowing another WWII-Holocaust. Has any heresy in the past claimed so many innocent lives, as the atheist/socialist movement has within the last 100 years?

    The solar angle is fascinating for two reasons:

    1) The sun and fire have figured in apparitions of the BVM at Fatima, Akita, and even Champion, Wisconsin! So how can we claim surprise that the sun/fire/plasma would be a source of chastisement? One blogger examines this hot topic near the end of this article:

    2) The impact of the solar flares on digital technology is a “tell.” I believe the “mark of the beast” may well be some kind of ‘smartchip’ to track our purchases and movements. I believe that Revelations says, that Antichrist or one of his minions will be able to have his image appear all of the world and make it speak (hello, Skype, TV, etc.). So if we are to be chastised by an EMP, which would knock out TV, the web, etc. perhaps this would be God’s way of buying us time before the final tribulation.

  11. HyacinthClare says:

    Thank you Greg, that one I knew… but ORIGINALLY, Fr. Z’s acronym was as Miss Anita Moore OP said, sWhtf. And I was mystified by the W as she was. I think Fr. has “scrubbed” his website… the w has disappeared since early this morning. Maybe he spilled Mystic Monk coffee over it.

    Oh… incidently… nobody in my house drinks coffee but Peaceful Monk tea is delicious and very calming after a bad day of solar flares. In AZ, we can heat the water by leaving it on the fencepost…no need of electricity.

  12. olh says:

    Yes, I think it would be better. It seems to me that a harder it is to get by the easier it is to rely on God’s providence.

  13. Liz says:

    It makes me think of Our Lady of Akita, Japan :

    “As I told you, if men do not repent and better themselves, the Father will inflict a terrible punishment on all humanity. It will be a punishment greater than the deluge, such as one will never seen before. Fire will fall from the sky and will wipe out a great part of humanity, the good as well as the bad, sparing neither priests nor faithful. The survivors will find themselves so desolate that they will envy the dead. The only arms which will remain for you will be the Rosary and the Sign left by My Son. Each day recite the prayers of the Rosary. With the Rosary, pray for the Pope, the bishops and priests.”

    “The work of the devil will infiltrate even into the Church in such a way that one will see cardinals opposing cardinals, bishops against bishops. The priests who venerate me will be scorned and opposed by their confreres…churches and altars sacked; the Church will be full of those who accept compromises and the demon will press many priests and consecrated souls to leave the service of the Lord.

    “The demon will be especially implacable against souls consecrated to God. The thought of the loss of so many souls is the cause of my sadness. If sins increase in number and gravity, there will be no longer pardon for them.”

    “…Pray very much the prayers of the Rosary. I alone am able still to save you from the calamities which approach. Those who place their confidence in me will be saved.”

  14. Bryan Boyle says:

    Oh, heck, there goes the HF bands again, just when we were getting some good long distance contacts going (got the 7O Yemen confirmed on LoTW) and Fr. Z all excited about Amateur Radio…the DX propagation will be better into a dummy load than the antenna in the backyard.

    Well, there’s always watching old movies on VHS tapes till the storm blows over.

    (And, unplugging my rigs so they don’t get zapped…)

  15. ContraMundum says:

    Let’s put it this way:

    QUAERITUR: Reflecting on the trends echoed by and amplified by Pres. Obama’s administration, and given the way our society is spinning down into a moral toilet and intellectual tar pit in its very structures, might it not be preferable for you and your family to starve or be murdered by looters than that we continue to offend God so deeply by the perverse twisting the very structures of our culture and society away from what is good and true and beautiful?

    Like James and John, many of us are subject to the temptation to call down fire from heaven, which is exactly how a coronal mass ejection might be understood by the people of the 1st century. Maybe we should pause to consider that this is calling an airstrike on our own location — a necessary tactic at times, but no one’s first choice.

  16. Gregg the Obscure says:

    Hyacinth –

    . . . of this we can be sure, though we know not the day, the hour, nor the particular “stuff”.

  17. Tina in Ashburn says:

    Father, if you are going to stock up on Mystic Monk, don’t forget a manual grinder for the beans to stuff into your bug-out bag.

    Along those lines, we’ve been watching Doomsday Preppers on NatGeo. All the different outlooks of so many individuals, how they prepare, what they think will be the emergency [volcano, EMP, financial mayhem…] makes it a very entertaining show. One method of protecting against EMPs was a guy, instead of spending a mint on a special metal-lined box, putting his electronics into a metal trashcan. Cheap and it works. And if you talk to any old timey phone man, really bada** electricity will climb anywhere even if stuff is off. It is better to unhitch as well.
    Now if you will excuse me, I hafta go park my computerized car into an abandoned trucking container.

  18. Andy Lucy says:

    Faraday cages. I keep all of my back-up electronics (HF/VHF/UHF radios, laptop, external drives, etc) in Faraday cages. EMP is going to happen. The more you prep ahead of time, the easier the transition will be when it does occur.

    Of course, prepping for all contingencies is also a worthwhile lifestyle. Pray as though God will take care of everything, prep like it is all on you.

  19. Has anyone here ever made a Faraday Cage?

    An interesting question in itself, though the real reason for the post was to get to my question at the end of the post.

    Perhaps people might read Luke 9.

  20. ContraMundum says:

    @Fr. Z

    Yes, specifically verses 54 and 55.

    Living in a Protestant society, I think we have picked up the false notion that God will “rapture” us out of whatever punishment falls on our country. History says otherwise; history says that the suffering falls on the innocent as well as the guilty.

  21. Joseph-Mary says:

    When one reads the Old Testament, it shows that chastisement in infallible. No worse now than before? I think the billions of abortions alone makes us worse.

    Have not you been to any of the refuges that have been prepared over the past 20 years? I mean holy places, not just ‘prepper’ places. And holy people have prepared them.

    Truly we are on the brink of the abyss. Totalitarianism is staring us in the face. Do we go over the edge? The POTUS is not worried about re-election it seems; what does he know, what does he have up his sleeve. Persecution is not out of the question here. The parallels to the 1930s Germany are chilling.

    BUT…in the end, Our Lady’s Immaculate Heart WILL triumph! In the meanwhile we need to prepare especially spiritually. Middle of the roadness will not save us. For or against Christ? This is what we will be declaring.

  22. Knittycat says:

    FYI Father, when I click on your Facebook link that you share, Facebook and Norton Security tells me that your website is potentially harmful and may infect my computer.

  23. ContraMundum says:

    re: Faraday cages

    That’s what allows you to see into your microwave oven, but the microwaves can’t “see” you.

  24. ContraMundum says:

    When one reads the Old Testament, it shows that chastisement in infallible.

    You first have to describe what you mean by “infallible” in this context. If you meant that in Old Testament chastisements only the evil suffer and never the good, I would say that you are playing games; whenever anyone is seen to suffer, you can always point out that this person is not without sin. However, when the children of Israel had to wander 40 years in the desert because they did not trust the Lord as Joshua and Caleb did, Joshua and Caleb had to wander with them.

  25. HyacinthClare says:

    All you smart people… what good is it going to be to save your cell phone in a trashcan or a “Faraday cage” if the cell towers are all fried? Are you suggesting short-wave? What else will work if towers and satellites are all useless? Gee… I’ll miss you all.

  26. I’m hoping that this and other catastrophes can wait another two, three, four, five years. I need some time to develop a self-reliant repertoire.

  27. @HyacinthClare A cell phone wouldn’t do you any good, but a short wave radio, an AM radio, a flashlight, a notebook computer, even a motercycle in a shed – all of those would certainly be helpful. As would walkie-talkies. There are innumerable devices that you could possess that would be helpful in the even of a problem, especially considering that you would be one of very few on earth besides government organizations still possessing devices like that.

  28. Tina in Ashburn says:

    I went and re-read Luke 9. Nothing about Faraday Cages there. oh. wait.
    That’s a big chapter, what in particular did you mean Father? There are a lot of inferences there that could apply to your post in many ways.

    In reference to comments saying, ‘oh its been bad like this before’, Id say “…mmmm. Maybe not”. What we seem to have today is worldwide apostasy. Has this depth of evil been this widespread ever before?

    I have been considering how the Blessed Mother asked the Church to dedicate itself to her Immaculate Heart as a protection against the spreading errors of Russia [socialism, Marxism]. Certainly consecrating ourselves personally to her would help in every area of our lives, and society. There has been debate about whether the Pope and all the bishops really did dedicate correctly the whole Church in accordance with Our Lady of Fatima’s request. We certainly have signs of Marxism abounding in this country. Perhaps its time for every bishop to simply dedicate their dioceses to the Immaculate Heart, keeping union with the Pope and Mary’s promise in mind. And then perhaps each pastor should dedicate each parish, and every family their own home.
    We might mitigate whatever looming punishment we deserve by doing this.

  29. Springkeeper says:

    @jrpascucci: Your comment, “Well, at the very least, we know the Carthusians will be okay.”,
    made me laugh at loud at the end of a miserable day, thank you ever so much!

  30. guatadopt says: Not to mention the Arian heresy which was worse (IMHO) than any other crisis in the church, including the protestant reformation. Then you have the complete sacking of Rome by the vandals, the Saracen invasions, iconoclasm, etc etc etc. Where were the sun’s death rays then?

    Those WERE the “sun’s death rays”!

    We always look back at past times with rose colored glasses….heck, I’m 30 years old and even I do it! People talk about how great things were “back then” and how horrible they are now. News flash…things have never been that great for the human race. There was no golden age for morality.

    Not even the High Middle Ages?

    We have and will always be…human. Again, God knows this and doesn’t punish us on earth for it.

    Doesn’t He? You don’t think war, famine, disease, pestilence and the very rebellion of our bodies against our souls are themselves punishments for sin? God set man up to rule over Nature, yet we live in bodily peril on account of the vicissitudes of Nature. Do you think this would be so if it hadn’t been for Original Sin?

  31. ContraMundum says:

    Not even the High Middle Ages?

    You’re kidding, right? Or maybe because you see that there were saints then, you forget the sins that these saints railed against? Maybe you are forgetting, among other things, the Albigensian heresy, with its encouragement of suicide and of concubinage?

  32. Supertradmum says:

    Time to start creating relationships with people around is called “the will to community”, which is the only way out of egotism. Back to basics, folks.

  33. mamajen says:

    Meh. I’m 31 and grew up surrounded by people who felt the world was going to hell in a handbasket, and was basically taught to believe that God would pop out when we least expected it to put the kibosh on the whole thing because we’re so evil and deserve it. No wonder I have had issues with anxiety and depression since I was 10.

    God alone knows what we’re doing here in the first place, and it’s not for me to speculate whether the world is serving His purpose or not. I love the life He has given me and would never wish it away in any manner.

  34. Tina in Ashburn says:

    Above I say Our Lady requested consecration of the Church – she specified Russia. Can we dedicate our country too to her?

  35. medievalist says:

    But Father! Wouldn’t that wished for EMP also knock out electric guitars, over-amped churches, altar mics, polyester factories and other wonderful modern innovations? How ever would Holy Mass be celebrated?

    [Indeed, one wonders. However, my little back in Italy, of which I was rector, had last been updated in 1627 and it had languished after WWII. We managed without electrical gizmos.]

  36. You’re kidding, right? Or maybe because you see that there were saints then, you forget the sins that these saints railed against? Maybe you are forgetting, among other things, the Albigensian heresy, with its encouragement of suicide and of concubinage?

    Asking a Dominican if she’s forgotten about the Albigensians is like asking William F. Buckley, Jr. if he forgot about the Soviet Union.

  37. Sandy says:

    The “wouldn’t it be better” query reminds me of Hebrews (12, I believe). “The Lord loves whom He chastises.” He wants us to turn back to Him and the world/our country is sooooo far from Him thanks to those who make ungodly rulings. Seems to me that humans are missing many of the occurrences or ways the Lord is calling to us.

  38. Andy Lucy says:

    My Faraday cages are old .50 cal ammo cans. I use some copper braid to connect the top of the can to the body (don’t trust the hinges to do that effectively), remove the gasket (it could allow EM leakage) and connect them to a 10′ ground rod with 6 10′ buried radials. I insulate everything in the can with bubble wrap, and the can itself is lined with cardboard. No signal to cellphones inside, no reception on any radio bands… it is pretty tight.

  39. Andy Lucy says:

    In response to the Quaeritur… tough question. Is there any evidence that such an event would halt, or even slow, our societal decline and the concomitant offenses against our Father? The absence of the media would doubtless improve things, as I attribute much of the accelerated decay to the influence the media has on most denizens of the Western world. But our society has gone so far… so deep into the muck… that a simple return to a late 19th century, non-electrical lifestyle might not be enough to realign peoples’ thinking on how humanity fits into God’s natural order. So many, many people have had it ingrained for decades that whatever makes them happy must be what God wants them to do… if homosexuality makes them happy, it must be God’s will… if polyandry makes them happy, it must be God’s will… and so forth, ad nauseum.

    Even when you add in the deaths… hundreds of thousands, if not millions… of possibly innocent persons… I just don’t know if a massive CME/EMP event would qualify as the sort of soul shifting event needed to force a return to living by God’s design. There would be riots, yes. There would be much unpleasantness I’d rather not go into on this forum… but not unrecoverable; there would be hope of things returning to normal at some point. Now, if the Yellowstone caldera lets go, that would change a lot in a hurry. Given predictions by rock jockeys that I trust, that event will definitely qualify as one where the effluvia hits the rotary oscillator. That event shifts paradigms… there would be no hope of recovery of the lost lifestyle.

    Given that, I guess the short answer to your question is yes… if an event, though horrible and devastating, were to bring about the end of our blasphemous culture and allow it to be replaced by one more in line with our Father’s wishes… it would be worth it to end the blasphemies and sacrileges taking place on what seems a minute by minute basis. I need only look up at the crucifix on the wall, and see the representation of the bloodied and broken body of our Lord, hanging there in reparation for everything that we have done… and to think of the agonies He endured for our sake… FOR US… it brings me to tears.

    @ContraMundum: “Like James and John, many of us are subject to the temptation to call down fire from heaven, which is exactly how a coronal mass ejection might be understood by the people of the 1st century. Maybe we should pause to consider that this is calling an airstrike on our own location — a necessary tactic at times, but no one’s first choice.”

    Prepping for such an occurrence (including both famine and looters), I feel, is my duty as a husband and a father. Preparing my family for “what may come” is part of my job, as I see it. Calling in an airstrike “danger close” is sometimes the only way to ensure that you are able to accomplish the mission. The mission is sacred (drilled into my head: La mission est sacrée), and it comes first… and if dropping snake and nape on my pos is the only way to accomplish the mission, so be it; you huddle in your hole and when it is over, you come out and start picking up the pieces. I would naturally prefer an alternative that is less fraught with danger and expensive in lives… but often, no choice exists, and I see no viable alternative presenting itself. And in this instance, ending the culture that we have allowed to form, the mission is not only sacred, but Holy as well. And… just to be clear: acknowledging the effectiveness of a chastisement and preparing for it is in no way equivalent to asking for it to happen. I pray daily that hearts will be changed and souls saved that the Father will not feel the need to chastise His blasphemous children.

    Sorry for the late night ramble, and I apologise if it seems disjointed or makes no sense. I am going to bed now… I get longwinded when I am tired.

  40. Supertradmum says:

    mamajen–The financial markets in disarray this morning would not exist without electronics, period.
    God has a plan, but His Perfect Will is not followed by so many flawed humans, including myself. Just make your local parish, or your TLM church your primary community. Think of those dark times in the past when people were raised to heroism through hard times. We are all called to be saints. All.
    And we are most likely being given chances to be holy daily. I consider this time Boot Camp for the real thing, which is yet to come. Do not be afraid. Look at the cloud of witnesses. I named my son after two martyrs 24 years ago for a reason. We are going to be stronger as a Church, but only through suffering. The decisions we make daily prepare us for whatever comes. God is good and has our perfection, our salvation in mind.

  41. Andy Lucy: One can understand how the early monastics felt, especially those who were influenced by the conviction that the world was ending.

    Perhaps we should combine resources, purchase and old monastery which is closed or closing, and “prepare” with a Catholic world view! o{]:¬)

    Believers will always sense the tension between the Lord’s affirmation that His work was complete, through we are not yet complete, and that His return was and is to be immanent. We will always feel the tension between desire for the active life and the withdrawn and more contemplative life.

  42. Andy Lucy says:

    Given how monasteries kept the spark of civilization alive through the Dark Ages, your suggestion is very appropos, Father. The striking thing about preppers… most (not all, of course, but most) prep with the idea in mind that they will assist in rebuilding after TEOTWAWKI… they lay in extra supplies to help those less fortunate, they make plans to grow crops to feed many more than just themselves, they store items like medicines that will be difficult, if not impossible, to replace. Adding to those extant components a Catholic spirituality… sounds like a winning combination.

    Now… to start scouring the internet for an appropriate venue…… ;)

  43. cwhitty says:

    “But Father, but Father”…If that happens how are we going to get access to your awesome blog?!

  44. cwhitty: If that happens, you’ll won’t be thinking about my blog.

    You’ll be thinking about your next drink of clean water, friend.

  45. Andy Lucy: prep with the idea in mind that they will assist in rebuilding after TEOTWAWKI… they lay in extra supplies to help those less fortunate

    In what I have read, I have noticed that too. I think they sense that we can’t just “go it alone”. But helping others, you are actually strengthening your own position.

  46. Andy Lucy says:

    Father, one of the better general books on surviving the most likely scenario, a total economic collapse, is written by a young man I am acquainted with. I would be glad to send you one (if you don’t already have it) if you would add it to your Amazon wish list. It is called “The Modern Survival Manual: Surviving The Economic Collapse.” The author, Fernando Aguirre, is an Argentinian who lived through that country’s collapse. Here is the link

  47. AnnAsher says:

    My answer is yes. Also, I should have planted a garden.

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