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I want one of these!

If we can’t use iPads for Mass, there are still a lot of other things we can still use them for.

Having an external keyboard really helps.

Not quite as portable, however.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Peter in Canberra says:

    super cute

  2. Maltese says:

    Also consider an 11 inch MacBook Air; it’s virtually the same size as an iPad, but, of course, you don’t have to worry about an external keyboard.

    I tried the iPad, but found it most useful as a doorstop, though I will say that the iPhone is the real-deal.

  3. irishgirl says:

    Too funny!
    I remember those old clunky manual typewriters!
    I’d be afraid that the letters would break the screen, though…..

  4. tzard says:

    But that *is* the portable version of the typewriter!

  5. pm125 says:

    Two olds make a new – exercise machine!

  6. Dorcas says:

    Fr the seller has kits for DIY…you can pick up an old typewriter for cheaper than the shipping costs on eBay…even cooler than merely owning one would be the bragging rights of actually making one, kit or not.

  7. tzard says:

    That’s so true @pm125. It creates strong forearms and fingers.

  8. Charivari Rob says:

    Is this the I-Hunt or the I-Peck?

    If they actually did it, this would be the most tempting product Apple has produced in a long time – if I didn’t suspect they’d find a way to make it more difficult than necessary to use/own (like building it so that you can’t change the ribbon when it runs out and therefore have to buy a new unit).

  9. Charivari Rob says:

    ooops – didn’t realize it was an actual custom product and not just a novelty photo. Wow – I may have to start a wishlist!

  10. AnnAsher says:

    This is quite cool. I did think the iPad with iWork would replace a laptop – it did not. We have MacBook air. I use the air, the iPad is amazing for kids. Admittedly expensive for kids but our first gen is still perfect. It is a gift from heaven for educating our autistic son. But my eldest – who likes real books and real paper- would likely love this typewriter addition to iPad!
    Btw … I’ve never had an iPhone or any apple need battery replacement prior to my desire for the new version. Like I said, first gen iPad, but this note comes to you from iPhone 4. Power to the Mac.

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