Your Sunday Sermon Notes

Share some good points from the sermon you heard for Sunday (in most places Corpus Christi).

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

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  1. wmeyer says:

    The sermon on Sunday–yes, a sermon, not a homily–addressed very explicitly that being Catholic means believing all that the Church teaches. Father spoke, as well, to the need for all Catholics to have and use the Catechism. He then spoke at some length about CCC 2271-2273, stating clearly that a person cannot be pro-choice and a Catholic. That a Catholic cannot be pro-choice.

    Very well done, though I did notice a good deal of coughing behind me….

  2. NoTambourines says:

    Our pastor discussed the need for silence for receptivity to God working in our lives (he said it better than I just did). It’s a challenge, he noted, because it’s not the direct sort of instant-gratification approach we often prefer.

  3. Fr.WTC says:

    The most interesting elements from this last Sunday’s sermon! I found, were that Christ’s coming upon our altars is an act of profound love on God’s part for us. He draws near to us in humility, to our benefit. He shares His mind, understanding, His self knowledge (Logos) with us, as a lover shares himself with the object of his love.
    *This drawing near solicits a particular response from us.
    *The Eucharistic martyrs gave that response, they gave up all their liberty over to him. above all the freedom to do with their bodies and their lives as they please. (St. John 21:18)
    *The surrender of our liberty to Him, in much the same way spouses surrender their liberty to each other is the only apropriet respose to the fact of the eucharist.
    *Human freedom is not an end in itself it is the means by which we are drawn to divine charity.
    *Those who refuse to make such a surrender of self to Christ do so in a perverse attempt to hold on to freedom. I will not serve; I will not repent; I will not believe the clear teaching of the gospel; I will not celebrate Mass according to the rubrics…etc.

  4. chcrix says:

    Remember the old sixties Batman? (Sock-Pow-Oof!)
    Yesterday was a real punch fest.

    In a nutshell:
    Heresies originate with priests and bishops – rarely from the laity
    Even Luther believed in the Real Presence
    Luther did not believe in the “sacrifice” part of the sacrifice of the Mass
    This disbelief in the sacrifice is a central tenet of protestantism
    Vatican 2 resulted in a damaged understanding of the Sacrifice of the Mass
    This must be remedied if the Church is to hold on to its identity.

  5. asperges says:

    2nd after Pent (EF Dom rite): on the gospel – “Homo quidam” who invited his guests all of whom had excuses not to come to the wedding feast, so the master sent out to the highways and byways for the lame, blind etc. An explanation of the groups: one went to see his new farm – idolatry; another with the 5 yoke of oxen – the five senses, materialism; married a wife, consumerism etc. All would not apply their minds to Faith and duty. Banquet a foretaste of the the Sacrament and the eternal nuptials. Those invited representative of most of us with weaknesses and faults. God accepts us with all our faults but that is not an excuse for them. We have a duty to overcome them as far as we are able.

  6. poorlady says:

    Our priest spoke of the importance of keeping things sacred. His example was of preservation of the Eucharist from being scattered through mishandling, and the importance of even the priest keeping his finger and thumb together during the Mass to prevent and the use of the paten under the chin of those receiving on the tongue to prevent the pieces from dropping.

  7. FaithfulCatechist says:

    The permanent deacon delivered one of the best homilies I’ve heard in our parish, speaking at length about the Real Presence. He mentioned a conversation he’d had with a Methodist middle-schooler who wondered what happened at the Consecration, and, perhaps snarkily, reaponded “But isn’t that cannibalism?” From whence he moved to John 6, and ended with some suggested practices to develop greater faith in the Eucharistic presence. He also put a bug in the congregation’s ear about eucharistic processions (we’ve never had one in living memory).

    At that Mass one of my grade four catechism students and her kid brother made their first communion.

  8. nichols.a.t says:

    Great homily from a Norbertine priest celebrating the Novus Ordo. Items covered:

    1) Priests and bishops have a duty to deny Communion to public figures who persist in public sin;
    2) The universal norm for Communion is on the tongue [Communion is received kneeling and on the tongue at our parish] and the faithful may receive on the tongue anywhere in the world, regardless of what we might hear;
    3) The fact that desecration is a much greater possibility if the faithful receive Communion in the hand;
    4) Every particle of our Lord’s Body is sacred, no matter how small.

  9. Scarltherr says:

    Our Pastor started by saying, “I love Guilt.” He continued to talk about guilty feelings being akin to pain, to let us know we are hurting ourselves, our relationships, and most importantly our relationship with God. Then he tied this all to the sacrifices God asks us to make, and the way He forgives us. And finally how the Eucharist is the ultimate sacrifice for us, allowing us to be temples of the Eucharist even though we are imperfect vessels. And late in the day…

    We love our new parish!!!

  10. Gregg the Obscure says:

    “How many of you recognize that when you come up to the altar to receive the precious Body and Blood of Christ that it is a matter of life and death?”

  11. Winfield says:

    Our permanent deacon read a sermon: all the theology behind the Eucharist is fine, and you should read it if you feel called to do so. But we too easily forget amid all that theology that we gather around “this table” for a communal “meal” that ties us together and to Jesus, because this meal at this table should influence the way we relate to each other and live the rest of the week, etc.

    Words not uttered: altar, sacrifice, mystery, real presence, body and blood.

  12. a catechist says:

    Homily of Bishop Nickless, in Sioux City’s cathedral:

    First, the Real presence and a discussion of Transubstantiation; then the need to come to Mass & receive worthily–deliberately missing Mass a SIN that needs sacramental confession before receiving Communion. He reviewed the mechanics of receiving reverently by mouth (Yay!) and by hand. And he said put on some clothes no matter how hot it is, and spit out your gum!

    Ordination news in the other column :)

  13. digdigby says:

    That was a knock-out punch. It is going in my ‘commonplace book’ just as you wrote it.
    Bravo! (Brava?)

  14. jbpolhamus says:

    The priest at the parish where I make music and attempt to pray said, (I synthesize his remarks) “We are not here to kneel, we are not here to re-enact the sacrifice of Calvary, we are not here to take communion, we are not here to adore Christ in the Blessed Sacrament, we are here to go beyond what is indicated in the symbol of the Eucharist, to be swept up into the Divine reality of the life of God.” In a general sense, I suppose there is a certain metaphorical hint at an ultimate truth buried in that verbage, but on the Feast of Corpus Christi we most certainly are at Holy Mass to kneel, to receive (worthily), and to adore Christ in the Blessed Sacrament. This is a typical homily though, for San Diego, and especially from this priest. He started by saying that the Eucharist is much more than, say, a civil-war renactment group, seeming to credit it with a transcendent realith, but then – in a typically double-edged way – he negates all that, playing to the liberal element of his congregation, and goes meta, launching us all into the Beatific vision at a bound. Fortunately, this parish is a backwater where only about forty people at each of his three masses actually hear his lukewarm drivel. Which is a shame, because each of those forty people, if properly catechised, could be dynamos of the Holy Spirit.

  15. JKnott says:

    Mass in the EF. Our deacon gave a stinging sermon the gospel of those invited to the banquet .
    “The first said I have bought a farm, and must go out and see it.” Who buys property without seeing it? It could be a swamp or a garbage dump. And the one who bought the oxen unseen might find he paid for a mangy animal with one hoof in the grave. He wasn’t trying to be funny because he went on to offer many sad examples of the excuses people make for missing Mass, comparing the miracle of the Lord present in the Church to the petty attractions that keep them from so great a gift. This was NOT a feel-good homily.

    @nichol.a.t Good priest who gave that wonderful homily.

  16. Supertradmum says:

    Mixed bag. On the one hand, an excellent homily on the fact that the Eucharist is the center of our faith and that we should go frequently, but on the other hand, a criticism of the Church for denying to people for years and having too many rules. Oh well..

  17. Bea says:

    Our pastor just got back from a trip to NY
    He must have gotten a shot in the arm there.
    He spoke on :
    Proper dress in Church
    The Presence of Our Lord there
    Silence after Mass so others can pray
    Cell phones OFF (big problem in our parish as people exit to answer their phones)

    We took him to breakfast and said he got many positive responses on his sermon.
    He said he’s stressing this in all his Sunday Masses today and also last night’s anticipated Mass
    YAY (that’s the teen-y boppers Mass)

  18. Cool Catholic says:

    Mass in Latin (NO), but there was no sermon – at all.

  19. JamieMc4525 says:

    A wonderful homily that I wish I could have recorded and shared with others—it simply covered the reverence that should be shown to the blessed sacrament and how we show that reverence–genuflecting when entering and leaving church, proper attire, how to receive either standing or kneeling (he prefers kneeling), in the hand or on the tongue (he prefers on the tongue–and displayed how to receive in the hand) and the importance and silence before, during and after mass.
    I have lots of people I could have shared it with.

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