It is October, and therefore time to start thinking about getting a new Ordo for the 2012-13 liturgical calendar… for the Extraordinary Form, of course!
I returned to the USA from my travel abroad to find waiting for me a copy of the FSSP’s new Ordo for 2013. You can buy one HERE.
You can see that it is the usual, practical no-frills presentation.
It lies open, flat.
Helpful information about abstinence and fasting regs.
There are appendices with useful documents, including a translation of the rubrics for Mass and the important De defectibus.
All priests should have a copy of the Ordo for their Rite. That means, for Roman priests, Latin Church priests, also for the Extraordinary Form of their Rite.
Does a regular gal need this? Or does a calendar or ipieta suffice?
Ann: This is pretty much a priest thing.
My husband just got 2 copies in the mail.
One for our pastor (keep those prayers going),
another for an occasional visiting TLM priest
Our pastor uses an Ordo with the name of the diocese on it. Does that make a difference? Can you use others?
Cavaliere says:
“Would the SSPX consent to a visitation by authorities of the Vatican to assess their seminiaries, religious sisters, etc.? ”
Thank you for the link which provided further evidence of the disobedient spirit of Archbishop Lefebvre.
Good. You’re absolutely correct.
Now explain why Paul VI presided over the mangling of the liturgy (i.e., de-Catholicizing it). While you’re at it, explain why Paul VI did nothing about Hans Küng or Karl Rahner. Why he appointed one liberal bishop after another (his buddy Abp Marty destroyed the archdiocese of Paris). And why he made Jean Jadot the Apostolic Delegate to the US.
The Ordo is definitely not just a priest thing – that is, if one is really “into” liturgy, explanations, etc. There are plenty of explanations before each month’s dates, notes for the Divine Office (which some lay people recite at least parts of daily), indulgences…….If you are one who frequents an FSSP church or chapel, the locations around the world are listed. If I want to visit Phoenix, AZ, I can find out where to attend Mass before I go. If I’ve missed getting a weekly bulletin, I can look in the Ordo for weekday masses and commemorations. There is so much in there.