Ignatius Press has released a new Latin-English edition of the legendary Enchiridion Symbolorum: A Compendium of Creeds, Definitions, and Declarations of the Catholic Church.
If you order the book for yourself or as a gift, please use my links.
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This is the 43rd edition. There is, among other indices, an extensive systematic index. The forward says this is first English Denzinger since 1957, the 30th ed., over a a half century ago. This edition is an exact translation of the 43rd German edition, which added material from the pontificate of Pope Benedict XVI up through 2008, which means Summorum Pontificum par. 1, and the introductory letter. Remember, on the Vatican website you can get Summorum Pontificum in Latin and, only, Hungarian. Really.
Every bishop, priest and seminarian, for sure, needs this book.
I just put it on my wish list.
ACTION ITEM: Alas, there is no Kindle version! Therefore, please dear readers, make the request that it be also in Kindle form. Besiege Ignatius: click this link HERE.
Along with the Catechism of the Catholic Church, this is a great tool for drilling into what we really believe as Catholics.
“If you order the book for yourself or as a gift, please use my links.”
Order placed!
Why Latin and English? If I don’t know Latin it just makes the book twice as large. Might as well have Hungarian on one side. If I know Latin I don’t need the other side (Hungarian or English): it just makes the book twice as large. Is there an explanation? [Gee! I dunno. Maybe for people who want to use the book but whose Latin skills are not up to unaided reading? Who knows? I wonder why there are Italian-Latin and German-Latin editions. Hmmm…]
Aw man. I just got the old version, with the old numberings and other inconveniences, a few months ago. I would have waited it out for this one had I known it was coming. Perhaps I’ll add the new edition to my Christmas list, anyway.
I’ve felt a little bad that I haven’t had much extra income to make donations over here, but I’ll definitely use your links for a some upcoming Christmas gift orders, Father Z. Thank you for your hard work on the blog, and on all of your other services to the Church.
If Latin is the primary version, then you can go to the Latin if you’re wondering exactly what the English translation is getting at. Otherwise, you have to search all over the Internet or the library to find out what the heck was going on.
This may seem like nitpickery to the average reader, but it often comes in handy for a serious student.
Pray tell, Fr. Z., do you know if they continued the previous translation or if they re-did the whole thing?
-Kevin Symonds
KevinSymonds, the Ignatius Press website description states, “. . . completely revised and extended to the pontificate of Benedict XVI. ”
Send Ignatius Press an email with your question. I have done it before and they are very good about responding. info (at) ignatius (dot) com
Thank you, Father Zuhlsdorf, for endorsing this new “Latin-English” edition of the Denzinger Compendium published by Ignatius Press. Although most of the Creeds and magisterial documents are in Latin, some of the earlier texts are in Greek, and, as early as A.D. 1611, some vernacular languages appear as the original text, including Italian (in 1611) and (later ones) in French, German, Spanish, and English (as well as Italian). The Foreword to the English edition says that the English translation corresponds to the fortieth edition. This is true, but this should be changed to read forty-third edition because the translations also correspond to the 43rd edition that now has texts up to A.D. 2008. The English Foreword states that “many translations are original, and others are taken from existing sources.” While some translations from Deferrari’s 1957 version have been retained in part or in full, “other translations of his have been revised or abandoned according to the circumstances.” Since Deferrari’s translations do not extend beyond the 30th edition of Denzinger-Rahner (1954), his translation could not apply to subsequent magisterial texts. A critical review of Deferrari’s translation, written by Fr. Paul F. Palmer, S.J., appeared in “Theological Studies” [1957] Vol. 18, pp. 280-288. I hope this information is helpful to those who have not yet seen the new Denzinger.
In Cordibus Jesu et Mariae.
Order received!