I have written a few times about the priest in the Diocese of Brentwood, UK, a man of a certain age who – inexplicably – was in charge of the diocesan liturgy office, who sent a letter to The Tablet (aka RU-486) and the priests of his diocese claiming that they could set aside the current ICEL English translation of the Roman Missal and go back to the 1973 version. His arguments were risible. The letter was imprudent, defiant, crass. HERE
I also posted Fr. John Hunwick’s good comments. HERE
Fr. Hunwicke has another go at poor Brentwood Butler and raises some questions about the legacy of Benedict XVI. HERE
Inter alia, Father H reminds us of those people who proposed to wait Benedict out, wait for a new dawn and new pontificate, and then trash-can everything Benedict did.
Sure. But unlikely.
The enemies of Benedict’s vision at at their end. They might think they have the big mo right now. They may be emboldened. What they will try, they will attempt in vain.
They may try to roll back what Benedict set in motion, or the good things he ratified from his predecessor. They will fail.
There is a new generation rising up who have no time for their bitter retrograde agenda.
Now is not the time to be discouraged or to back down or to lose vigor. Press forward. The Biological Solution (which works on all of us) is at work on the aging-hippies. In finem citius! Yes, they are still influential, but they see the dusk closing around them.
Perhaps I’m being morbid, but I find this post rather comforting.
The flood has passed; only the weeds on the river-banks remain
in charge of the diocesan liturgy office
And now the good Bishop should remove him from that office. The letter of correction was done in an appropriate way, firm yet fluffy. Now Fr. Butler needs be removed, his presumptions in what he did warrant removal (dare I call it ‘schismatic’?). This is what gets to many of us, few of these types ever get removed. If I missed that he was removed, well, I am happy to be proven incorrect.
You’re right Father. There are probably disasters looming on the horizon (aren’t there always), and some if not all of them may have their root causes in what went on in the ‘spirit of Vatican 2’ days, but this crowd have gone beyond their expiration date and their day in the sun has passed.
excalibur says: in charge of the diocesan liturgy office…And now the good Bishop should remove him from that office.
Maybe he should just get rid of the office altogether.
@Miss Anita Moore O.P You are absolutely right! Something called a ‘diocesan liturgy office’ can only be a source of trouble.
Interesting. I am of the age of the aging hippies, although I’ve thought them rather hypocritical and self-absorbed since we were all young. What you refer to as the .dusk closing in seems to me to be the glimmerings of dawn. I met a couple of seminarians this evening and was (again) impressed. We may have hope and a future after all.
Since January 3rd our Diocese has a new and orthodox bishop. The culling of the heard of hippies in the chancery and parish staffs started before the bishop was even installed. Apparently the “Diocesan Liturgist” tried to tell the bishop how his mass would be…they are no longer the “Diocesan Liturgist.” The bishop has returned the cassock and surplice to the cathedral, has required our priests to actually WEAR clericals (oh the horror, no more golf shirts and khakis on duty), use of the actual RUBRICS of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass (Yes, it is now the CURRENT liturgical term) and it looks like our lay “Pastoral Administrators” are to be administering (many of whom are members of the Woman’s Ordination Committee) no more.
In a month’s time there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth among the aging hippie / progressive borderline (and not so borderline) heretic class over what is actually just the Bishop being, well, Catholic. I think I may run out of popcorn before this all over…hmm, I think I better go buy a 25 pound bag and lotsa butter as after 40 years of progressive rule, I’m sure things haven’t even gotten interesting yet!
I used to like the term “biological solution,” until some whippersnapper applied it to people who space twice after a period.
“There is a new generation rising up who have no time for their bitter retrograde agenda.”
Thanks Fr. Z! We’re trying to do our part– keep up the encouragement!
Serviam, Father.
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Rochester, NY (one can hope)?
William Tighe
Bingo. The People in darkness have seen a great light!
But, but…cpttom, you surely must be mistaken. Bishop Matano was appointed by Pope Francis. How could he be doing those unpastoral traddy things?
I’m happy for you. I wonder if we might all need some popcorn since your neighbor diocese of Albany should be getting a new bishop in the not too distant future, since Bishop Hubbard is 75. Dare we hope the next one will do something about the scandalous Cuomo?
Oh my Jesus, give us holy priests!
New York is going to be a very interesting place for awhile as the clean up continues. If Albany gets some one like Bishop Matano, well, I think I might have spring for a 50 gallon drum of popcorn! 8-)
St Thomas More pray for us. St John Fisher Pray for us!
To give you an idea what Bishop Matano brings to Diocese of Rochester, here is Bishop Matano’s First Mass in Diocese at St Mary’s Auburn a fairly orthodox parish, but still, his actions are of interest.
At the very least watch and listen to the Homily (at about the 00:22:30 minute mark). The Bishop talks about his welcome (he’s witty and humble about it), the Epiphany, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, the real presence and whether or not as Catholics we really believe. He is well spoken and very orthodox in what he says, and he is completely focused on the message of God.
He is a true son of the Church.
Just a reminder that not all of us in the Age of Aquarius were hippies at the time or ever. But, we were even cooler. We were the ones who looked for the TLM and found it! Poor hippie-types. They were the ones we were pulling out of smokey rooms and window sills. God bless them as I hope they sobered up and rediscovered the one, true, holy and apostolic Church, and the writings of the Pope Emeritus, who will be a Doctor of the Church someday, imho.
STM, some of us were hippies, at least briefly, but recovered. Alas, some of those we like to think of as aging hippies in connection with liturgical oddities were not, in fact hippies, they simply fell in love with the hootenanny Masses, and never recovered. Even hippies can be defamed. ;)