It was a quick trip, too quick, but duty calls.
As I leave Kansas City, I thank my amiable hosts, whose son was, today, ordained a deacon. They always try to provide the best for the weary clerical guest.
Thanks to Fr. Fongemie of the FSSP at St. Rose Philippine Duchesne on the Kansas side. They gave me a great tour of their “new” church, which was a recovered Lutheran church.
A wonderful rescued altar from a church in Scranton.
Then some of us did some shooting, which was a gas.
This was my first time to give a couple 1911s a try. I also enjoyed very much the Uzi, on full auto.
Later, we got out a real AK-47, an older one with the fully cast lower, and… the greatest pleasure of the day, an M1 Garand, Korean War vintage! When I heard that distinctive “ting” at the end, I said a prayer for vets who put their lives at risk overseas and hauled this rifle around over hill and dale, in bitter cold and savage heat, in boredom and terror, to protect our freedom and the lives of so many strangers. I want more time with that one someday.
A friend showed me a sampling of his collection of rescued relics. Astonishing.
Oppps… sorry. That last one was at my other friend’s house. Got in there by accident.
This is what I wanted to post. One of St. John Vianney’s amices, which I once wore for Mass.
At the ordination, I had the pleasure of talking for a while with His Excellency Most Rev. Robert Finn, Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph. He is a real father to the seminarians and the younger priests of the diocese, who are growing in number. Very good men. I was impressed with them. In his sermon, Bp. Finn reminded the men never to doubt the power of supernatural graces as they fulfill their mission in the Church. Also, he told them that defilement and avarice are tantamount to the worship of a false god.
Bp. Finn was in good spirits after the ordination. We chatted about a mutual acquaintance, and had a chuckle or two.
The new deacon, and two cold war warriors from the Compuserve days of the COL Forum!
Finally, because everyone wants to know…. yes… BBQ!
The best I have ever had.
You can’t beat a sign like this:
I look forward to my next stop in KC!
What a great blog post! And all those relics. Wow! AND an Uzi, too. Thanks Father Z!
Finally, because everyone wants to know…. yes… BBQ!
The best I have ever had.
KC BBQ is the best anyone has ever had.
Wow! Guns, BBQ and a brand-spanking newly minted Deacon all in one post. God bless our new Deacon.
Great adventures Father. Looks like you were very busy today. I will offer my communion for the recently ordained deacon.
Wow! Garand, 1911’s, spirits, Spíritus Sancti, warrior Deacon, Bishop, restored Lutherian building, BBQ. “Daddy, Teacher says ‘Every time a Garand tings…’ “.
Oh yes, and relics. Oh my.
Excellent barbeque, that.
I had the honor to be at the dedication Mass for St. Rose Philippine Duchesne. They do good work there.
Nice trip.
AHHH! Unnecessary quotations!!
“Rescued relics”? That’s a bit startling. How frequently, and why, do relics need to be rescued? What happens to them if they are not?