This caught my eye. From my email:
Announcement of Competition: Latin, Greek and Humanities
at the Academy Vivarium Novum in Rome – Italy
Academic year 2014-2015
The Academy Vivarium Novum is offering ten full tuition scholarships
for high school students (16-18 years old) and ten full tuition
scholarships for University students (18-24 years old) of any part of
the world. The scholarships will cover all of the costs of room,
board, teaching and didactic materials for courses to be held from
October 6, 2014 until June 13, 2015 on the grounds of the Academy’s
campus at Rome.
Application letters must be sent to by July 1st
in order to receive consideration.
The courses will be as follows:
– Latin language (fundamental and advanced)
– Greek language (fundamental and advanced)
– Latin composition
– Roman History
– Ancient Latin literature
– History of ancient Philosophy
– Renaissance and Neo-Latin literature
– Latin and Greek music and poetry
– Classics reading seminars
The goal is to achieve a perfect command of both Latin and Greek
through a total immersion in the two languages in order to master
without any hindrances the texts and concepts which have been handed
down from the ancient times, middle ages, the Renaissance period and
modern era, and to cultivate the humanities in a manner similar to the
Renaissance humanists.
All the classes will be conducted in Latin, except for Greek classes
which will be conducted in ancient Greek.
In the letter the prospective student should indicate the
1. Full name;
2. Date and location of birth;
3. What school you currently attend;
4. How long you have studied Latin and/or Greek;
5. Which authors and works you have read;
6. Other studies and primary interests outside of school.
In addition, please attach a recent photograph and a copy of your
passport or your ID card.
(For more information about the Academy, you may visit the website
Accademia Vivarium novum
Via Corrado Barbagallo 20, 00166 Rome
Wow. I’d have been over the moon to have done that when I was an undergraduate. What a lucky handful. Although I have to doubt the practicality of any but the most gifted linguists attaining even modest oral competency in Attic Greek. Yes, the ancient Greeks did, but they had more than eight months.
Oral competency is going to be complicated by pronunciation issues.
My Greek professor had a theory about the pronunciation of Attic Greek . . . so I sound funny (for that reason as well as others). Having joint prayer services with the Greek Orthodox Cathedral here and singing with their choir has caused further confusion.
I am also confused by Classical Latin vs. The Old Pronunciation vs. Legal Latin vs. Anglican Choir Latin vs. Italianate Latin . . .
Chuckle chuckle. Like confusing the sound of “v” with “w” or mixing up one’s “i” with “ae” is what’s most challenging in such undertakings. May everyone’s command of Latin get to the point where such things make a fig’s worth of difference in mastery of the greatest language in the Western world.
Ummm, I don’t think girls are allowed. Housing issues, and all that.
American Mother,
And then there’s the Jesuit pronunciation of Latin they tried to teach us in Latin class.
“Students must respect fundamental norms of hygiene.”
This should be better clarified according to the cultural customs. Around here the fundamental norms of hygiene for students, especially around exam time, is not showered, unkempt hair covered by a toque, pajama pants/sweats worn to bed, and a food encrusted bunnyhug, or else whatever was worn the night before.
I feel kind of torn about advertising this. Yes it sounds like a great opportunity, but at the same time it is vocally a humanist institution, one that requires students to conform to their idea of an ideal human person, which may or may not be antithetical to the devout practice of Catholicism. At the very least, their enforcement of strict adherence to the community seems intimidating. I’d hate to be in Rome and not be able to attend daily Mass!
Or, as the excellent A. P. Herbert put it in Uncommon Law:
“. . . a priori, de jure, ultra vires, ex parte, status quo . . . and many others. We have taken these words from Rome, as we have taken much of her law, and made them English. I do not believe that the wisest scholars can surely say how Julius Caesar pronounced his name, and I care nothing if they can. For if I had abundant proof that the general answered to Yoolioos Kaysar I should not be persuaded to say that an act of the Chimney Magna justices was ooltrah weeraze. It is safe to prophesy that these hateful sounds will never proceed from the lips of an English judge, however many inocent boys are instructed to make them at school. . . .
It follows, I think, that a system of teaching Latin which runs contrary to the practical use of Latin wherever Latin is practically employed is wrong and ought to be abandoned. This has been said before; but it is time for it to be said by one of His Majesty’s judges. For our profession more than any other employs the naked Latin word as it was written by the Romans; and we alone are in a position to enforce our will upon this matter by guiding the speech of those who practise before us.
The New Pronunciation is dead and must be buried.
The Court rose.”
– “Rex v. Venables: The New Pronunciation”
Passing this on to home schoolers…
Hmmm. I suppose I could lie about my age and try to pass for 22. Ach. They’d be on to me as soon as I started talking about the election of Paul VI, or about the Bay of Pigs fiasco, or….
Dr Peters,
Women are not allowed on the longer academy programme, but the shorter programmes such as the summer school are mixed. I don’t think they make this very clear on the website (except from looking at the photo gallery) but I have a friend who gained a scholarship last year and this is what he told me.