I haven’t been doing much interesting cooking, I’m afraid. I have, however, done a couple things that might be of interest.
Not too long ago, I made supper for myself and a priest friend, pan-fried steaks, sautéed mushrooms, and sauce Béarnaise from scratch was to be the highlight with a sturdy Côte-du-Rhone.
He stood me up, as it turns out, but I made the Bearnaise sauce anyway.
If you are interested in these things, try Julia Child’s Mastering the Art of French Cooking. If you don’t have her two volume set in your kitchen… well… what on earth’s wrong with you, anyway?
It was a little hard to snap pics of the process, since a lot of it requires both hands, especially the beating stage.
First, you should know that sauce Béarnaise is the cousin, perhaps the more Catholic cousin, of sauce Hollandaise. Use high quality ingredients, a top notch unsalted butter (you want to do your own seasoning, after all) and fresh eggs.
I used the microwave for to melt some of the butter. After chopping, really mincing, the shallot – you don’t need much, so for, say, four people you can get just a single, small one – you add it to white wine or wine vinegar or white, dry vermouth. You can use a red vinegar too, for a darker color. I like to do half and half, dry vermouth and vinegar for a more confident flavor. You can also get away with using green onion if you can’t find a shallot. And don’t use white sweet vermouth, for the love of all that’s holy! Use sweet white vermouth, such as Martini Bianco, for your pre-prandial, all by itself on ice with a twist of lemon. Excellent on a hot summer day. You could also use tarragon infused white vinegar, but check your flavor balance before the very last stage. Anyway, reduce your vinegar with the shallots and some chopped tarragon – how do people live without tarragon, I wonder – and a little pepper and a pinch of salt, until you have about 2 tablespoons left. Strain out the stuff and let the reduced liquid cool in the sauce pan you are going to use for the sauce itself.
Separate your egg yolks well and add them to your (cooled) reduction and then start beating them until smooth and they start to thicken. You can also add your reduction to the eggs after they are beaten. Just before they really change consistency, which will happen rather suddenly, you will get a little curl of steam from the mixture. Then you thicken them more over either a pan of boiling water (called bain-marie or double-boiler) or directly over the heat source. I like doing it directly over flame. I bring the pan over the flame briefly and move it away, again and again, as I beat the sauce together, making sure you don’t make scrambled eggs out of it. This saves time, though I had plenty of time, having been stood up by that priest. Right now, since I cook on a hot plate here in the Steam Pipe Trunk Distribution Venue, I have used the boiling water technique, but the next time I make a sauce like this, I’ll try direct heat. My hot plate is one of these induction units (sent from my wishlist by a reader – KA!) that requires direct contact with a pan of high iron content. I could do Add some of the cold butter and keep beating. As the mixture gets smooth and starts to thicken, you could add just a wee bit of cool water. As it thickens more, and started to stick a little to the whisk, you begin to add – bit by bit, mind you – your melted butter as you beat the sauce, watching your texture closely. Make sure that all of the butter is well blended in before adding more.
Tip: Don’t have a wire whisk? Use some chop sticks.
Tip: Clarified butter will make a thicker sauce. Also, I have also done the butter stage by keeping a mass of butter nearby and then picking up a little at a time with the whisk itself. You can use your fingers, too… don’t be ascared to touch food. After all, as Julia would say, “Who’s to know?”
NB: You really do need to add the butter a little at a time. Too much at a time and it won’t thicken and then you have to go into rescue mode. And whisk whisk whisk! When you are satisfied with the wonderful yellow ribbons, add rest of your chopped tarragon and then check the seasoning level, with salt and pepper.
Violà, Bearnaise sauce for the price of a few eggs and a little tarragon, some vinegar and a persistent whisk. It is not hard, really, but you have to pay attention for a few minutes. I was not distracted by my guest, the priest who didn’t show up, so this was a snap.
“But Father! But Father!”, some of you could be saying, “We are bored with freshly made Béarnaise sauce. Ho hum. And you hate Vatican II!”
Never fear. There are variations. If you were going to make steaks in a pan, as I was before I was stood up by that priest, you could deglaze your pan and then beat the liquid into the Bearnaise for to make sauce Colbert, which isn’t funny at all. If you would beat in a little tomato paste or, even better, a fresh purée your result is sauce Choron.
RESCUE TIPS: If you blow it with the sauce, and it gets lumpy because you screwed up the heat and beat part, you should be able to rescue a lot of it by pressing it through a fine mesh strainer into a bowl and beating it up with a bit more vinegar until it is smooth again. And if that doesn’t resolve it, because it’s far too scrambled and lumpy, then lumpify it more. I don’t remember where I picked this up, but I know it was from Julia Child. It isn’t in the Art of French Cooking but I have it on a sheet of notes tucked into the cover. She suggests to add chopped hard boiled eggs and more herbs and maybe capers and present on the side of the plate as a garnish it as if that were exactly the way you wanted it to be. Don’t lose your cool. Bearnaise and Hollandaise can also curdle instead of thicken. This could happen if you add too much butter at at time during the whisking and beating stage. Resolve that by beating, little by little, some of the curds into more vinegar, until smooth and then, again, adjust the flavor.
Also, if your sauce cools too much before serving, warm it by beating in hot butter or hot water (which I prefer).
Since I was stood up by the priest for supper, I made a few little packs of the sauce to stick into the freezer for other times. I used that great wrap that sticks to just about anything, except to an appointment for supper with a priest, as it turns out. It doesn’t revive perfectly after being frozen, but in a pinch it’ll do for a spread in a sandwich or with many other things. I must try a smear of this in a BLT when the tomatoes come in. Hmmmm.
Speaking of butter, since I had sliced some mushrooms before the priest stood me up for supper, I did them too. Never put to many in a pan at once, if you want them to be a nice golden brown. Mushroom have a lot of water in them. If you pack the pan, they will steam each other. Space them out and be patient. You can make them well ahead of the supper you will have made in vain because you were stood up, by the priest, as I was.
Don’t be ascared to try making sauce Béarnaise. It is easy to use inexpensive ingredients to make additions which raise your meals to a new level, even when you are stood up by a priest. As Julia once said, “You don’t have to cook fancy or complicated masterpieces – just good food from fresh ingredients.”
Today, no sooner did I finish making three-bean salad, for myself and not for the supper spurning priest, but I found this article about multiple uses of vinegar, another material proof that God loves us. HERE
Wow. Note to self: don’t *ever* leave Father hanging.
Well if you ever invite me, I promise I won’t stand you up!
Boy – I agree Robert_H :-) I would hate to be forever known as THAT PRIEST THAT STOOD (FR. Z) UP”….
btw, Fr. Z….next time you’re in NY visiting Holy Innocents – or anywhere else – we’re here on Long Island and I can offer you more than a hot plate to cook on. Just sayin’
Please note that since Father Z did not reveal the name of the priest who stood him up at this now world-famous dinner, he is not guilty of the sin of detraction.
Bearnaise, hollandaise: aren’t those _Protestant_ sauces? Going soft, are we? Sauce maltaise (hollandaise with blood orange) is a wonder with eggs but also chicken.
But seriously: every keen cook should have a little herb garden in any window that will work, and thankfully tarragon is very forgiving. It’s lovely with a pork roast, too: cut some slots for garlic and tarragon and stuff away.
ice cube trays are good/useful for saving liquids – after frozen in tray, put “cubes” into sealable plastic bag or container.
Pnkn: I used to do that with herbs, frozen in water. I could just toss them into soups.
Wow, that absent priest might have committed the unforgivable sin! Speaking of sauces, it has been a beautiful June in DC and I have a bumper crop of basil. I spent Thursday afternoon making pesto sauce. My food processor died in the middle of it so I had to rush out to Sur la Table to buy a new one. Mel and Eve took such good care of me that I returned on Friday with tubs of sauce for them. The rest is safely in my freezer in quart plastic containers, to be thawed and refrozen as cubes as needed. I love summertime!
Happy and glorious Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul! That is certainly an occasion for a good sauce of some kind!
Fr. you need to get the Escoffier cookbook. It is THE book on French cooking. Whole butter is superior to clarified in that it gives the sauce a more velvety complex, but whole butter will not emulisfy into the liason as easily. Happy cooking!
Hmm, I wonder if Father Z got stood up for supper by a priest….
I’m pleased for you that you didn’t really care if your guest showed up or not.
For some reason I think Fr. Z may have been stood up for dinner by a priest tonight. No idea why though…
Yum! Next time invite me Father; you cook the steak and I’ll bring the wine.
The NuWave Precision Induction Cooktop might be good for this application, but you would have to give your readers the exact temperature setting along with the recipe. The NuWave Cooktop allows you to select whatever you want for a temperature–175, 180, 185, or whatever. It is also available from Amazon, and the NeWave company sometimes has special deals with (not lower prices) more stuff for the same price.
I can’t fathom why anyone would fail to appear to such a meal! Aside from being rude, it is stupid. [Now now… you don’t know the circumstances – at all – and I was pleased to include some jocual ribbing of said priest. Don’t be rash in your judgment.] Anyway, I make pesto and put it in sandwich sized zip bags that I then flatten and stack in the freezer. When I want to use some, I just break off the appropriate size piece and toss it in the pot. This saves quite a bit of space. [Good idea about the sandwich bag method.]
Steak + Sauce Bearnaise = Chateaubriand
The first time I ate Chateaubriand was near Montmartre. Across the aisle was a German Shepherd (dogs were not uncommon in Paris restaurants), who never took his eyes off my steak the entire meal, drooling all the while.
I suspect that the absent priest is one of Father Z’s BPFF (Best Priest Friends Forever) who had a perfectly good – maybe even noble – reason for not coming to dinner and Father is taking an opportunity here for a little jolly ribbing.
Bless us, Our Lord, and these Thy gifts . . . .
Thank you for sharing your culinary expertise, Fr. Z. It is good to know you are rattling those pots and pans. All feels right with the world.
I really enjoyed that post . . . I could almost smell the tarragon.
I am not that priest…
Wait, what day is this? Uh oh…
I will have to offer this up. It’s torture looking at these images and reading the recipes. Thank you Fr Z for a penance i did not expect today.The mushrooms especially.
Standing father Z up is a recipe for disaster.
Well, OK, point made. Still, after decades of making 3 meals per day for 6 (sometimes cranky) people, the idea of not showing up for a gorgeous meal SOMEBODY ELSE made is completely beyond comprehension, in my world anyway.
Hope the sandwich bag method is helpful. Lovely pictures BTW.
Being stood up is so disappointing, especially when one has gone to considerable trouble to prepare for the visit!! It has happened to me too. You really made me crack up with the creative ways in which you brought up the fact that the priest didn’t show up. Better to laugh than cry! But at least the awesome cooking wasn’t done in vain since you were able to share your mad culinary skillz with us. Yes, I used a Z on that word. ;)
Fr. Z. rocks the Mother Sauces (and their children, and cousins too)!!!!!
I would never stand up anyone who can make a classical Bernaise or Hollandaise – let alone a priest. Perish the thought!
I used to cook at the Pequot Diner in Foxwoods casino a year or two after it opened. The Executive chef at the time preferred us to use a blender instead of a whisk because so few of his prep staff (present company excluded) were competent enough to use the classical method without separating the sauce and wasting precious ingredients. An insult to Julia Child of the highest order, but it spared the nerves of the chef, which is always a good thing. The best chefs tend to be the most temperamental creatures in God’s creation. My chef could reduce a drill sergeant to tears.
[I know the type. And I think the blender method is what was pushed in the less than wonderful Joy of Cooking.]
I’m only sorry Fr. Z’s priest friend missed sucha great meal. Everything sounded great, and I’m not a mushroom fan. I loved the tips for rescuing a sauce like that, though if I ever try my hand at it, I’ll need a good pair of eyes watching to make sure I don’t do anything dumb with a nice sauce like that… either that or I’ll just let Fr. Z do the cooking. :) Tonight, dinner will consist of tomato sandwiches and fresh water mellon. Can’t wait!
Mellon = friend in elvish.
Lovely post! A good and easy kitchen trick to use when béarnaise “breaks” (separates): a little very cold water and a quick wisk et voila! Courtesy of Julia Child. I saved my sisters Hollandaise once like this, too, at an important party, and she was awed, which I didn’t deserve at all! But it does appear to work like magic :)
I just had an excellent idea for a short story, maybe a game, about a cooking priest. I am going to call it, Pan Theism.
The Chicken