Undeveloped photos from WWII found

One of you readers sent me a link to a great story at the Daily Mail about a man who bought 31 rolls of undeveloped film from the WWII era at an auction. Along with them were moving letters written by the photographer, one from a hospital, another “musing about the meaning of it all”.   There is a video.



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. The Egyptian says:

    so sad, they got nothing out of the mass, they can’t see the what the Priest is doing ;>)

    according to my dad the standing ones are more than likely prot, they attended out of respect and reverence, to see such faith today,

  2. pelerin says:

    Beautiful picture – a pity the caption on the Daily Mail makes no mention whatsoever that this is a religious service.

    Many commenters criticise the Mail for their often juvenile, uninformative or even erroneous comments saying that it looks as though they had been written by ‘primary school children’ . The captions can occasionally even raise a laugh as one I saw describing a ‘funeral corsage’ instead of a ‘funeral cortege!’

    They do seem to have special difficulty with anything religious! I remember seeing a caption of ‘a walking stick with a cross on top’ and ‘beads with a cross pendant’ – no prizes for guessing what the photographs were!

  3. LarryW2LJ says:

    I am amazed that the film held its latent image so well, for so long. The film must have been stored in an ideal location. In all my years in the photo industry, I have seen far fresher film degrade quite rapidly.

  4. Lepidus says:

    Cool! Thanks for posting, Father!

    Does anybody have any idea what the big white board is for over the priest’s head? Is that because there is no altar piece artwork and they wanted to cover up whatever is stacked there (life rafts?). Happily, there were no projectors at Mass back then, so we can rule that one out!

  5. Kathleen10 says:

    How ironic! We were just talking about my father-in-law, who, as a Navy sailor sailed to Russia on the Murmansk around 1940 something. The crew knew they could have been blown up at any minute. He never talked about it. He was a devout Catholic.
    It makes me remember we have no choice but to face Islam today with determination and courage, not only for national preservation but because we owe it to the memory of all our military who gave so much for us. They had their challenges, and we have ours.

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