A New Advent I saw a wonderful video with footage taken in part via drone of Mont St Michel off the coast of France.
It says by way of introduction:
After the construction of a raised causeway in 1859, Mont Saint-Michel was permanently connected to the adjoining land. That all changed in 2013, when the construction of a bridge allowed the fortified abbey to become an island once again.
Le Mont Saint-Michel by EditionNumerique
Over there find also a description of Mont St-Michel and how it was a fortified abbey. The abbot was both religious and military commander.
Sounds like something we need again today.
Fr. Z., when the Zombie Apocalypse happens, can we volunteer to man the ramparts?
The shots of the statue of St. Michel triumphal over the servant are spectacular, and make one wonder in admiration at the sheer audacity and faith of those who even conceived such a project, before even considering the practical realities of construction in an age when there were no giant lift cranes. The scaffolding, long gone, must have been an amazing engineering achievement in its own right.
Er: “…. triumphal over the serpent…”
Can you say “Minas Tirith”?
I visited MSM last year and like Yzerman immediately thought of Minas Tirith. I wonder if Tolkien might have been partly inspired by MSM with its village with sloping street winding upwards.
Oh France! Why did you throw it all away to become a half dead, irrelevant, atheistic (and one day in the not too distant future Muslim dominated) republique??!!!
Y’all do know there is an English analogue to Mont Saint-Michel, right? Right across the way from Penzance — in (aptly named) Mount’s Bay: Saint Michael’s Mount.
It may have been the site of a monastery in the 8th – early 11th centuries and Edward the Confessor gave it to the Norman abbey of Mont Saint-Michel. It was a priory of that abbey until the dissolution of the alien houses by Henry V, when it was given to the abbess and Convent of Syon at Isleworth, Middlesex. It was a resort of pilgrims, whose devotions were encouraged by an indulgence granted by Pope Gregory in the 11th century.
My grandfather occupied one of the top rooms in the abbey during WWII; he said it made a wonderful artillery observation post. He brought back the left-behind portrait postcard of the room’s previous occupier, a German officer, who departed his digs in haste.
At ‘New Advent’ -right? There was no link- which you usually provide. I went there found nothing. What am I doing wrong? Saw the little clip but wanted to find more. Clip is cool. Thanks for the clip anyway.
I’ve been wanting to go to Mont Saint- Michel forever. Also the Bayeux Tapestries aren’t too far. Beautiful country there. Plus this year is 70th Anniversary of WWII.- May 8 1945. My mother took part in the invasion of Normandy. Would love to go. There are stained glass windows in a church in Sainte-Mere-Egliseè commemorating the paratroopers who liberated that little town.
St Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Spectacular! …..and then this thought came to mind why did Europe throw it all away almost, there was a time when it was Christendom and now it has become a mere shadow of its former self…and we have Shepherds within its boundaries who are willing to throw what little is left of its former glory away also…God have mercy on my native continent
@Crissin: …I’ve been wanting to go to Mont Saint- Michel forever. Also the Bayeux Tapestries aren’t too far…..
Mont Saint-Michel is depicted in the Bayeux Tapestry in scene 17:
Surmises Abbot Scalland of Mont Saint-Michel was the designer of the tapestry:
“New research has identified the man who designed the Bayeux Tapestry, one of the most important artworks of the Middle Ages. Historian Howard B. Clarke believes that this was Scolland, the abbot of St.Augustine’s monastery in Canterbury, and that it was made around the year 1075…. If this interpretation is accurate, this would make the designer to be someone associated with Mont St. Michel, and Clarke believes that this person was Scolland:
“Back in 1064, the year usually assigned to the Breton campaign, Scolland had been a senior monk at Mont Saint-Michel, acting both as treasurer and head of the scriptorium. After the Norman victory at Hastings he, along with others from the same monastery, went over to England and was effectively appointed by King William as head of England’s senior Benedictine house [of St.Augustine’s in Canterbury] in 1070.
“Clarke adds that there are several pieces of evidence which further link the Bayeux Tapestry with Abbot Scolland, including:
“1) Scolland was the head of Mont Saint-Michel’s scriptorium, which oversaw the creation and illumination of manuscripts. The years 1040–75 are considered to be a ‘golden-age’ for manuscript illumination at the Norman abbey, which would have given Scolland a great amount of artistic experience.
“2) It would explain why several of the early scenes in the tapestry focus on the Breton campaign, which isn’t considered part of the main narrative of the Norman Conquest, but would have been memorable to the monks of Mont St. Michel.
“3) Two individuals who are depicted and named in the Bayeux Tapestry, Wadard and Vital, had links with monks of St Augustine’s and Scolland….”
“The abbot was both religious and military commander. Sounds like something we need again today.”
Ah, you’re speaking about Cardinal Burke, isn’t it ? [Not necessarily.]
” Rorate Caeli: Now, Your Eminence may have a bias on this question, but would the Sovereign Military Order of Malta theoretically be able to function as an Apostolic Administration, giving faculties for traditional priests and religious?
Card. Burke: Well, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, the Knights of St. John of Jerusalem, has incardinated priests. But it did so as a sovereign military order, not as an Apostolic Administration. The Order has a Prelate, appointed by the Holy Father, who participates in the governance of the Order. He is clearly the lawful superior of any priests incardinated in the Order. Right now, we’re studying the whole situation because we have requests from additional priests who wish to be incardinated in the Order. But certainly it has happened in the past, and there’s no reason why it couldn’t continue to happen, not in virtue of the establishment of an Apostolic Administration, but in virtue of the nature of the Order.”
If it can become an island again, maybe it can also become an abbey again…
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