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Registered or not, will you in your charity please take a moment look at the requests and to pray for the people about whom you read?
Continued from THESE.
I get many requests by email asking for prayers. Many requests are heart-achingly grave and urgent.
As long as my blog reaches so many readers in so many places, let’s give each other a hand. We should support each other in works of mercy.
If you have some prayer requests, feel free to post them below.
You have to be registered here to be able to post.
I still have a pressing personal petition. Really.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Rev. Msgr Delbert Schmelzer, 86, d. of Madison, who died July 2. He was still celebrating the TLM/EF Mass even during his “retirement” years.
If you look up his name HERE , you can view a short video he recorded wherein he speaks favorably of the TLM/EF Mass and thanks God for his vocation. May he R.I.P.
[You might be interested to know that Bp. Morlino asked our TLM Society to organize as a “Month’s Mind” a Pontifical Requiem Mass for Msgr. Schmelzer. It will be on the evening of 1 August.]
Prayers for George and family. He was recently diagnosed with lung cancer.
Already praying for beloved Msgr Schmelzer. Really, really fine, kind, intelligent well-rounded priest. One of the best priests, and I think anyone would say so. One thing I loved about him was he was the best I ever heard at giving a strong social justice homily that was also a strong pro life and pro-family homily. These things were integrally unified in his heart and mind.
Only semiurgent, that I find a new parish where the vindictiveness won’t follow me. This will take time.
I could use prayers for a safe and healthy delivery of our (big) son in two weeks.
Also, please say a Hail Mary for my daughter. She is following the world instead of her Church and we aren’t able to break through as of right now.
Prayers for all listed here.
please pray for priests.
Please pray for the soul of Fr Peter Carota, who was an excellent priest and whose blog and podcast were loved by many.
Please pray for my uncle who had undergone a heart procedure. Please pray for me as I get my papers sorted out so that I can make a discernment visit to a house of formation.
Please remember my mother, who will undergo a complex medical procedure on Wednesday, July 13th. Thank you and prayers for all.
Please pray for the Bergkamp family from the Diocese of Wichita. Brian Bergkamp, a seminarian for the Diocese of Wichita drowned in a kayaking accident on Saturday. His brother is also a seminarian (and now a Deacon) for the diocese as well.
Please pray that the violent stalkers be brought to justice and that God lead us out of harm’s way.
Please…may I ask for prayers that if it is not against God’s will, I may still become a religious one day…
Thank you.
Please pray for successful appeal in disability case, barring a miraculous recovery – if God so wishes either.
Thank you!
For the situation between a son and grandson—grandson being led astray by others in high school and resisting attempts to reach him.
Please pray that our beloved cat Auntie Olga returns home soon! She has been missing for a while now and we are quite worried about her.
Please pray for my family and for my job situation. Prayers for our troubled parish would also be very much appreciated.
I will pray for you and your intentions.
Thank you.
She’s back! Our cat is back! Within 15 minutes of my prayer request to you I saw her walking into our garden. Thank you!
Please pray that I can gain victory over SSA impurity. Also that a personal conflict with a priest I looked up to can be resolved. Praying for everybody’s intentions here.
Please pray for repose of the soul of Father James T O’Connor, who passed away 2 days ago, not long after his 50th anniversary celebration as a priest.
Some of the last words I heard him say were when he was talking about Heaven, and how we all long to see the Face of Jesus. He reminded us that we get to be with Him at every Mass—he had such love in his eyes and voice at that moment. And you could see he was still IN AWE that he got to be a priest.
I will remember all of you in my prayers.
Please, in your charity, if you could remember the following:
My family: my husband accepted a new position: that he be successful in his new company and role, as well as safe during his business travel;
My job: we are awaiting word on my position: we need this income for my son’s tuition as well as for me to launch my own company
The following People suffering from life threatening illness: Brad.R, Terry R., T.M.P, Dakota.S.R and June.K
And for my own recovery from this nasty virus before my son heads off to his new student conference.
Thank you.
Please pray for peace in America, and particularly for the citizens of my home State of Louisiana. Tensions are running high.
Please pray for the souls of the five police officers who were killed in Dallas on Thursday night, and for the other twelve police officers who were injured.
I live in the Dallas-Fort Worth area myself, and this “ambush” has been a major news story for days. Last night at Mass, an announcement was made before Mass started to take a moment of silence to pray for those who were affected by the shooting. There was not a peep for two minutes and then Mass began. Thanks.
Praying for your petition Fr. Z
Please pray for my son-in-law Sam who will find out today what type of malignant cancer he has in his chest. It’s already the size of an Orange. Prayers for his wife and children too.
We pray that this trial brings Sam and the entire family back to Our Lord, Who is the only way.
Things & Stuff
Please pray that my student loans are paid off by August 1st so I am free to enter the Norbertine Fathers of St. Michael’s Abbey in Orange County, CA this coming feast of Saint Monica.
Please pray I can get up to speed quickly on Gregorian chant semiology. (I wouldn’t ordinarily put such a request into the ‘urgent’ category, but our men’s schola has an ambitious and enthusiastic new director whose insights I’m eager to catch up with.)
Praying for everyone here. Thanks.
Mike, it’s not hard except for the names for things. But you can make up your own memory system. There are some books on the subject and you can search for it online too. I took an intensive 2 week class once and while I didn’t learn it all at once I learned enough to increase my confidence that it is doable by a mortal.
Mike, this was one of the books. Sorry I don’t know how to make those link things:
Please if possible pray for the Priests’ in France that want to deliver the TLM (Traditional Latin Mass) and or the Mass with the Priest Facing EAST on a SUNDAY! Our parish priest would like to do this for obvious reasons but over the years has had letters fired off from the congregation to the Cardinal for various reasons e.g. telling the truth in a homily.
Things aren’t great at the moment here in France.
Thanks, un-ionized! I’ve ordered the book you suggested. (FWIW, our director places particular emphasis upon the St. Gall notation.)
Mike, I got into the other computer to the class folder. Here is a list:
Basic texts: Graduale Triplex
Liber Cantualis
Beginning Studies in Gregorian Chant by Dom Eugene Cardine, translated by William Tortolano, G.I.A. Publications, Inc. 1988.
Gregorian Chant a guide by Dom Daniel Saulnier, Paraclete Press, 2009, ISBN 1-55725- 554-9
Recommended texts: Chant Made Simple by Robert M. Fowells, Paraclete Press, 2007, ISBN: 978-1-55725- 529-7
Gregorian Chant Intonations and the Role of Rhetoric by Columba Kelly, Edwin Mellen Press, 2003, ISBN 0-7734-6872-2
An Introduction to the Interpretation of Gregorian Chant by Luigi Agustoni and Johannes Berchmans Göschl, Volume I, translated with notes by Columba Kelly, Edwin Mellen Press, 2006, ISBN 0-7734-5993-6
The St. Gall is the most important to us, for historical reasons as it is the root of our tree today. St. Gall is important to the people who follow the developments of Solesmes.
I will pray that you experience the delight that I did.
Our family needs an income, however God cares to provide it. I was downsized three months ago and every interviewer I’ve spoken with brings up my age (58), thereafter no job offer is forthcoming. I’m on unemployment for the first time in my life and without insurance. The price of Obamacare is more than my house payment and the fine for opting out is $1000. All three of us have pricey chronic disease. I feel like our family is walking on very thin ice and force myself to pray “Jesus I trust in You” a lot. I figure if Jesus could feed 5000, He can feed 3…
Please pray for my dear elderly friend Mrs W, who suffered a massive stroke. She’s very devoted to Mary.