Via AlmanaccoDiRoma:
On 22 August 1764, during the pontificate of Clement XIII, at Campo de’ Fiori, the hermit Giuseppe Morelli was hanged, guilty for having “celebrated 29 Masses with consecration without being a priest and for received alms from the faithful.”
To those women our there who think that they are Catholic priests: this is serious stuff you dare to dabble in.
Giuseppe Morelli was, no doubt, given a chance to confess his sins and purge his soul before his corporal, capital punishment, lest his fate in the next life be… well… death, eternal, capital punishment of body and soul.
In our soft and squishy times, the Church doesn’t often tell you with clarity that you are in danger of Hell.
Let me help: If you are in the state of sin and/or under some kind of censure which prevents you from receiving the Sacraments, you still have time now, while alive, to repent and get back in harmony with the Church.
If you committed public scandal, set the record straight and, with a public statement, do more good with your conversion than ever you did with your defiance and scandalous actions.
Surely the terrifying prospect of hanging clarified Morelli’s values at the end. But you, dear ladies who are pretending to be priests, don’t have any such harsh, immediate appointments on your schedule. We have advanced in society in regard to the application of capital punishment. But, in these comfy climes, haven’t we also lost view of our eternal salvation in the midst of our comfort and relative safety? Hence, you need repeated, clear warnings.
It may be that a time of greater mortality, greater brutality and cruelty will descend on our O so civilized countries. That would get people thinking about salvation pretty quickly.
Is that what it takes for us human beings? Times of mortality and brutality?
We have to be disciplined in regard to the true state of our souls.
Ladies… repent while you still have breaths and heartbeats.
I include all who support this wrong-headed, spiritual dangerous notion.
I’m just sayin’
Moderation queue is ON.
Yep, wimin preests make this world wild at heart and weird on top!!
Pope Francis will be dealing more deeply with reality of women priests when he travels to Lund, Sweden on October 31 for a celebration of the Lutheran Reformation.
Archbishop Ajtje Jackelen, the first woman to lead the Lutheran Church of Sweden, and Pope Francis will co-preside in a common liturgy to conclude with a prayer of gratitide for the Reformation.
One wonders if Pope Francis will also have the honor of meeting the bishop of Stockholm Eva
Brunne, who has a young son with her wife, also a Lutheran priest. Brunner gained local fame for her proposal to remove crosses from her church in order to make visitors from “other religions” feel “welcome.”
Father, having defended the Church to those who challenge its teaching on this subject, I am afraid these poor souls are so convinced of their right to be priests that they do not second-guess their own motives. To them it is a right, not a vocation.
Perhaps it is because we live in a democracy that they think along these lines and apply it to Catholicism. I have noticed that the great majority of those who push the women’s ordination agenda (and the married clergy agenda as well) live in America, Canada, Germany, etc. They have been brought up to believe that anything they want to achieve is theirs for the taking if they work long enough and fight hard enough for it. There are no unattainable goals or unbreachable borders in their universe.
They also forget the examples of great Catholic women who have both faithfully served the Church in obedience and have led it forward, such as St. Catherine of Siena. From our Blessed Mother to Mother Angelica, these women have served and flourished by joyful obedience, and none have been priests.
God has special plans for all of us, in our own unique circumstances and using the talents He has given us. I am sorry for those who are so unhappy because they are putting their own wants ahead of what God asks of them.
Unfortunately, this is the sad state of affairs in our time: so many people are willing to embrace “God the Merciful”, while tossing “God the Just” out the window. Mercy cannot exist without Justice. Without Justice it’s only Relativism.
I know a couple, in fact I worked with one (as a DRE/LEM a few years before her ordination) and frankly I would not want to work with her in ministry. The other one had a mass at a funeral home and it was pretty ersatz. The homily was mainly about why we need women priests, a little bit about the deceased, and almost nothing about the paschal mystery. In theory I don’t have a problem with the ordination of women but I never met one that seemed well-suited to ministry. If females bear enough resemblance to Christ to be baptized I don’t see how that resemblance is not an adequate substrate for orders. I find the tortured “theological” rationalizations to the contrary as being unconvincing.
I am very perplexed about how to respond/think/act in regards to this event in which Francis is participating. I am confused. I would like to think that perhaps it won’t really happen. In my secret thoughts I hope that some calamity will occur that will prevent it from being completed. I think: “How could it happen that the Vicar of Christ would participate is such a blasphemous event”. In short, “It makes me very mad. Very Angry.” Is this feeling and reaction a sin?
I cannot stand in unity with someone who participates in such an event especially given the person’s position and what it represents. Is this wrong thinking?
And I am commenting as a convert. St. Francis de Sales, ora pro nobis!
How very odius.
I am a cradle Catholic and I share your observations.
Holy Mary,come to our aid!
St Joseph, hammer of heretics, hear our prayer.
St Michael, defend us in battle.
“We have advanced in society in regard to the application of capital punishment.”
I profoundly disagree with that statement. [So, you would hang boys who stole loaves of bread.]
ts, I feel as you do. We must stand in unity with the office, and the person in it, but not necessarily all of his actions. I think your reaction is not a sin unless it causes you to do something untoward like stomp around and swear and throw things. A sighing and rolling of eyes might be okay, that is what I am doing. And ending with a prayer that I can keep on track and know right from wrong when my testing comes.
” “We have advanced in society in regard to the application of capital punishment.”
I profoundly disagree with that statement. [So, you would hang boys who stole loaves of bread.]”
Did I say that? [Well, yes, by inference.]
I certainly believe that crimes such as kidnapping, treason, aggravated assault, human trafficking, child molestation and so forth warrant the death penalty.
I have somewhat mixed feelings about whether obstinate heretics deserve the “short drop & sharp stop” but if it were up to me, I would likely err on the side of caution and hang them. God will sort out the rest of the file.
But most especially, those lowlifes who drive at the speed limit in the passing lane deserve no mercy whatsoever. Summary roadside execution for every one of them. [You, of course, haven chosen at the end to be jocular. Sometimes a little humor can lighten the tone of tough topics.]
I was in the comment boxes on I believe it was Commonweal, and read a comment from a man stating that he had received last rites from a woman priest. I probably should have said: “No you didn’t, and it’s probably a good thing you didn’t die”.
This is serious stuff.