Your Real Epiphany Sermon Notes – PHOTOS

Last night, 6 January, we celebrated real Epiphany with a Solemn Mass.  At the beginning we blessed chalk as well as gold, frankincense and myrrh.  I also sang the Noveritis.

Was there a good point made in the sermon you heard for real Epiphany?  Let us know.

I spoke about following stars.

One of our readers here sent me a photo of real Epiphany from Cologne Cathedral, where the relics of the Three Kings are preserved.




About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Mary Jane says:

    Awesome photos.

    Our family was unable to get to mass due to quickly-deteriorating weather-caused road conditions…hubby and I had been planning to attend and sing for the high mass at our nearby FSSP parish. Instead we stayed home, prayed our family rosary, and talked to the kids about the Feas of the Epiphany.

  2. un-ionized says:

    I celebrate fake epiphany?

  3. APX says:

    We had a sung High Mass for Epiphany, but we had no sermon, so I appreciate whatever readers can provide from the sermons they heard.

  4. JMGcork says:

    In Ireland we have real Epiphany.

    EF Low Mass.

    Father made a point of saying that we cannot be “armchair Catholics” taking a general view of the faith. We have to be willing to act on the faith to every extent just as the Three Wise Men made the long journey across the Middle East to see the Christ Child.

  5. Eric says:

    My note on the sermon is that there wasn’t one. A sermon that is. Low mass with no sermon and no extra blessings. I am somewhat disappointed.

  6. un-ionized says:

    Eric, think of it as distilled, concentrated Christ.

  7. Gregorius says:

    At sung Mass, Father basically said the adoration we offered at Mass is connected to and united with the adoration the Magi offered to Christ thousands of years ago.

  8. KnitFoole says:

    Gregorious, that is an astounding idea! You might say that, upon reading your comment, I had an…….Epiphany! Ha ha.
    Seriously, though, that is really good stuff there.

  9. truthfinder says:

    I would have said that Gregorius must have been at the same Mass as I, but mine was a low EF. Father spoke of adoration and worship in connection with the Magi.

  10. Tom Ormon II says:

    Our pastor brought up the lowliness of the Magi (probably Zoroastrian) who humbled themselves before the infant king … how the humble conditions of the Holy Family (a poor hut rather than a Palace … not something you’d expect for the King of Kings) stirred their sentiments. {Played on the attractive qualities of humility & how it attracts fellow men}. Conversely when we exalt ourselves (rather than humbling ourselves) we get fixated in the “prism” of self (… he didn’t use those exact words) and brood over perceived injustices inflicted upon us (rather than unite our sufferings to those of the crucified Christ & attract others to conversion through our humility). This all in accord with a God who humbled himself by being born in such humble conditions (and henceforth being exalted by the Father & given the name above all names). The last parenthetical statement may have been my own meanderings … it was late last night & I was very tired, so the lines sometimes get blurred between what my pastor actually said and perhaps some subsequent conclusions my wandering mind managed to draw.

    PS I attended the “real” Epiphany … not on account of my liturgical purism, but because I’d either half to miss Epiphany (by attending Holy Family Sunday via EF ordo) or Holy Family feast (… which I already missed this past Friday & would miss again by attending Epiphany Sunday @ O.F. parish). It’s a tenuous balancing act … oscillating between the two. Attending Our Lord’s Baptism O.F. wise this coming Monday will enable me to celebrate Hillary of Poitiers memorial Friday & another Saturday of Our Lady (all 3 O.F. masses). Hope the straight jacket doesn’t bind me prior to closing out the week. ;)

  11. billy15 says:

    Attended the vigil at a Byzantine Catholic parish, so still in the proper time frame. The Vesperal Divine Liturgy of St. Basil was beautiful, as was the Blessing of Waters. But the short homily was great too. Father talked about how the East focuses more on the Baptism of the Lord, and the West on the visit of the Three Kings. But we still celebrate the same thing, the Epiphany or Theophany of our Lord. He told us how this feast is the greatest feast in the entire Church year, second only to Easter. And that’s because if Jesus was never baptized, we would never have the chance to be baptized. In order to enter heaven, we must be baptized. Christ purified the waters so that we could be baptized into the New Covenant.

  12. JMody says:

    The reliquary there is one of the few I have seen where you really are awestruck by … SOMETHING. Some are pretty and you look at them and the reaction is “oh, ok” but this one really generated a sense of awe. Thank you so much for sharing these pictures, Father.

    I really can’t wait until they demolish that horrid raised platform in the center/transept and restore that edifice to its proper configuration. “Brick-by-brick” there will unfortunately be more like “toothpick-by-toothpick”, because it looks like lumber hastily bought at the nearest OBI or Bauhaus (German Home Depot equivalents).

  13. JonPatrick says:

    EF Missa Cantata at our parish. The wise men were able to see what Herod and the people right there in Israel could not see even though it was right in front of them. We have to be open to seeing Jesus and not be like Herod.

  14. BenjaminiPeregrinus says:

    I attended real Epiphany EF Missa Cantata with blessing and distribution of Chalk, Frankincense and Myrrh to the faithful afterwards.
    Sunday at the local Benedictine monastery was somehow in their ordo the Baptism of the Lord.

  15. un-ionized says:

    Benjamin, your local monastery must have celebrated Epiphany on the 6th.

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