The latest SCOTUS decision affirming Religious Liberty – Trinity Lutheran v. Comer

At Crisis there is a masterful explanation of the most recent US Supreme Court decision which upheld (7-2) religious liberty.

On days like today, we need some GOOD news.

I won’t do anything with it here.  You should go there and read carefully, with your thinking cap on.

To read the SCOTUS opinions in the case, go HERE  and choose “Latest Slip Opinions”.  The PDF of the opinions HERE.

I often read SCOTUS opinions with pen in hand.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. tgarcia2 says:

    So, question excalibur (and yes, I know this is a rabbit hole and may lead me to getting banned) but when is it not an “attack”? Let the Judaical processes unfold. This is part of the reason why my Godfather left seminary…granted, he would have been a leftist Jesuit as he now works for the EPA.

  2. tgarcia2 says:

    As far as the topic of the post, it is an amazing and intellectual read!

  3. This is a good decision, but don’t get complacent. The decision makes clear that at least some of the justices realize where this line of thinking could lead, and they aren’t prepared to go there. That’s what footnote 3 is all about. Did you notice it refers to “discrimination”? That’s us: if you believe marriage is intrinsically about human complementarity and procreation, you are guilty of “discrimination.”

    The Supreme Court is generally fine with religious freedom, until it conflicts with the sexual revolution. Hence the agonizing over the most recent Little Sisters case: they couldn’t quite rule against the sisters (Divine Providence!), but they couldn’t bring themselves to rule for them, either. And Hobby Lobby was a close thing.

    And what if Kennedy retires, or one of the liberals retires or dies? There will be blood. The left will go crazy in a way well beyond the current fury of “resistance.” Mark my words.

  4. SKAY says:

    Father Fox said:

    “And what if Kennedy retires, or one of the liberals retires or dies? There will be blood. The left will go crazy in a way well beyond the current fury of “resistance.” Mark my words.”

    I agree Father. Satan does not give up easily. How fortunate we are that we do have this opportunity to have another more conservative justice nominated should we lose another justice
    through retirement, illness, etc.

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