Your (Corpus Christi) Sunday Sermon Notes – POLL

15_06_04_corpuschristi_03Far and wide the celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi, which properly fell last Thursday, has been transferred to this Sunday.

Was there a good point made in the sermon you heard for your Mass of Sunday Obligation?  Let us know.

Also, tell us about the procession you had with the Eucharistic Lord.

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For Corpus Christi 2017, on either Thursday or Sunday...

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  1. Bthompson says:

    NO Corpus Christi:

    Sign vs symbol vs sacrament. We’ve lost the understanding of the reality of symbols (That in encountring or using the symbol, one interacts with the thing itself); If we can’t even get symbols right, No wonder it’s hard for us to grasp sacraments and especially how the Blessed Sacrament is the Real Presence of Christ. The remedy for this is to reaffirm the fact of the Real Presence, but also to recapture our sense and imagination for mere symbols which surround the Blessed Sacrament and highlight its reality (Especially the meaning of the objects, actions, and prayers of the Liturgy).

  2. teechrlady says:

    Part of our procession went to the Texas State Capital grounds where there were about 150 people taking part in a yoga demonstration. They gawked at us like you wouldn’t believe. lol

  3. ChesterFrank says:

    The sermon was based on Catechism as it pertains to the Eucharist and particularly the importance of the real presence of Jesus Christ. The importance of this day in relation to Catholicism was also emphasized. Oddly what was not mentioned was the Priests role in the Eucharist, especially since both proclaimers of the Liturgy were women, and 3/4 of the altar servers were women, and 6/8 of the Eucharistic ministers were women, and the parish is technically without a priest. One would have thought that one of the intentions on Fathers Day/Corpus Christi in a parish without a Priest would have been for a Priest to deliver the Eucharist, and thanks for a retired Priest doing exactly that.

  4. Neil Addison says:

    Over here in the North West of England we had a rather special Corpus Christi procession in Warrington, Cheshire. The FSSP have been established in St Mary’s Warrington for 18 months now and on the Saturday we had the pleasure of wathcing our Archbishop Ordaining 2 FSS Priests one of whom (Fr Alex Stewart) then led the High Mass on Sunday followed by a social and then a procession through Warrington which was led by Fr Alex to the local (Ordinary form) Parish Church, St Mary’s being a formally designated as a Shrine Church.

    A beautiful 2 days and actually the first Traditional Ordinations in England for 50 years. You can see photos etc at &

    We also have the Institute of Christ the King at New Brighton in the Wirral and St Walburge in Preston so we are very fortunate compared to other parts of the Country. The 2 Orders have been well received and are being successful in attracting Vocations so we can only hope that other Dioceses will take note

  5. Grateful to be Catholic says:

    We had a beautiful sung Mass usus antiquior and procession on Thursday evening, then today another celebrant chose to observe Corpus Christi again. He gave a terrific sermon on the meaning of the rituals, especially of the Consecration and the priest’s preparation to receive Communion. The separation of the Species indicates the death of the Lord, the fracturing of the Host indicates that Christ’s body was broken for us, the mingling of the Particle in the Precious Blood indicates that Christ lives in His resurrected Body, still bearing his glorious Wounds. The priest makes a nine-fold preparation: Agnus Dei 3x, three petitions, and Domine, non sum dignus 3x.

    I would guess that a similar sermon has not been given 10 times in the U.S. in the last 50 years. In the Novus Ordo and its typically empty homilies, everything is seen and little is understood. And so most people no longer believe in the Presence of Christ in the Eucharist because they have not been taught.

  6. James C says:

    I’m in the Italian Alps, and there’s a parish in a high valley here where the traditional mass is celebrated every day (and twice on Sundays). It’s an ordinary parish, except for the stupendous surrounding scenery and the fact that the parish priest dropped ALL celebrations of the Novus Ordo and got away with it. Incredible. This isn’t a ‘personal parish’!

    So what did we have? A sublime mass with wonderful music, a rip-roaring homily from the brave parish priest, and a stunner of a procession through the medieval streets of the high Alpine village: it went on for a full 45 minutes, with various stops at street altars along the way and two of the parish children spreading rose petals before the Blessed Sacrament as It processed through the streets. The priest had rehearsed the hymns with the congregation before mass so everybody could join in during the procession. I never heard such full-throated singing!

    What a magnificent experience. What a way to honour Our Lord in the Eucharist!

  7. St. Louis IX says:

    We had a procession after The Traditional Latin Mass in Enfield Ct.
    Deo Gratias

  8. Prayerful says:

    It was a very subtle homily for the Second Sunday after Pentecost which linked the Book of Exodus, the priests the Temple in Jerusalem and the Real Presence. Fr Richardson concluded by asking his listeners to show their belief in the Real Presence by joining the Corpus Christi procession in the afternoon. I cannot name a single highlight, but everything dovetailed neatly towards the conclusion. The Masses for Corpus Christi were offered on Thursday, morning and evening (no homily either Mass).

  9. CaliCatholicGuy says:

    Father started off the homily by singing part of a Bruce Springsteen song “Everybody has a hungry heart”. then stopped and said the only thing that really satisfies us is the Lord. He then started singing a bit of Gift of Finest Wheat “You satisfy the hungry heart, with gift of finest wheat
    Come give to us, O Saving Lord,
    The Bread of Life to eat.”

    Father then told a story of in Libya recently the International Criminal Court sent diplomats with a pen and watch that were actually recording devices. Although by their outward appearance they were common items they were found out to be something else – such is the Lord in the holy sacrament. Although the appearance is bread and wine Jesus himself said on Holy Thursday to take and eat because “this is my body” and take and drink “this is my blood.” Jesus didn’t say “this is a symbol” or “this is like my body.”

    No processsion this year, instead we had exposition of the blessed Sacrament and Benediction. I love singing Tantum Ergo and the divine praises with lots of incense – takes me right back to being a young altar boy again. We are blessed to have a seminarian with us over the summer.

    My son spontaneously wanted to wish Father a “happy Father’s Day” after mass which made me beam and seemed to touch Father Henry.

    Happy Father’s Day to all the Fathers both natural and spiritual and especially our gracious host Father Z!

  10. slainewe says:

    Extraordinary Form: External Solemnity of Corpus Christi.
    Our beloved priest spoke about how our Lord did EVERYTHING for us. He could not have done more for us than He did. And about the Eucharist being the greatest miracle to take place on earth; much greater than even the raising of the dead. The frequency of the Event should never make us forget this.

    It made me think about the fact that, actually, two miracles occur: the miracle of the transubstantiation of the bread and wine into The Body and Blood of Christ; and then the miracle of this Flesh and Blood keeping the appearance of bread and wine in order to increase our Faith and make our reception less fearful.

    I find it interesting that when the second miracle does NOT occur, that is, after transubstantiation, the Body and Blood of Christ appears as He is: Flesh and Blood, we call this event a Eucharistic “Miracle.” However, is it not a non-miracle? Is it not natural for flesh and blood to appear as flesh and blood? It is a rare event for the second miracle not to occur, as a PROOF of the first miracle, but in what sense do we call this proof a “miracle?”

  11. LDP says:

    Ordinary Form Mass. Brief but pertinent sermon focusing on the importance of not only believing in the Real Presence, but also of behaving in a way that demonstrates belief in the Real Presence. Petal strewn procession following Mass, ending with Benediction. Was pleased.

    One thing: Personally strikes me as odd to see people kneel for Benediction, but not when the Blessed Sacrament remains exposed during Mass post-consecration, namely when people – sitting – wait for their ‘turn’ to go up and receive Communion, and immediately afterwards as well, even though at this stage the spare Hosts have not yet been returned to the tabernacle. Kneeling seems more fitting, but there we go, mustn’t grumble I suppose.

  12. CaliCatholicGuy says:

    In re: kneeling during communion. I think that may be a local usage thing.

    In the 3 parishes I’ve lived in my life – all in the same archdiocese and pastoral area – two of the parishes we’ve knelt during communion except when our row is going and again after until the Lord is reposed again. In the third parish we all stood “in solidarity with each other” ? Yeah, we don’t attend that parish anymore. Lex orandi, lex credendi.

  13. Christophorus1208 says:

    During the homily, along with epressing the reality that the Eucharist is truly Jesus Christ, Father also encouraged the reception of Communion on the tongue while kneeling. I was particularly encouraged by this because I have never personally heard a priest during Mass make any mention of the practice of kneeling. The closest I got was about 4 years ago when I was told by a priest after Mass that it is not allowed (after I had done it) and I would be being disobedient to the bishops if I were to continue

  14. Father Bartoloma says:

    The Tait!

  15. my kidz mom says:

    Here in Phoenix AZ, St. Thomas the Apostle, beautiful reverent N.O. with glorious music. After an absence of many years, Father brought back the procession. Even with it being 106 degrees, we had a strong turnout. What a blessing!!!

  16. harrythepilgrim says:

    Father Philip explained various biblical references to the Real Presence, beginning with God’s gift of Manna to the Israelites in the Desert and ending at the Last Supper. But he also emphasized the reference in the Lord’s Prayer, where “epiousia” really means “super-substantial” rather than simply “daily.”

  17. Dad of Six says:

    Beautiful Holy Mass at Assumption Grotto in Detroit. Schubert’s Ab Mass with orchestra. Rain held off for the lovely procession.

  18. Chris Garton-Zavesky says:

    Institute apostolate (Immaculate Heart of Mary) in San Jose, California.


    Time constraints with other parochial events (and, frankly, the blistering heat) reduced our procession to Benediction after Mass. The choir managed 5 of 6 movements of Byrd’s Mass for 3 Voices.

    Canon preached on the reality of what we receive when we approach the Communion rail. He pointed out that Christ did not say “this bread is a sign of my body” or “this bread is my body” — since bread is just that, bread. We must discern Who it is that we are about to receive.

  19. raven31 says:

    Due to mistakes in planning, my family and I ended up having only one option for Mass, at a church we hadn’t been to in years. The deacon giving the homily pointed out that Christ’s Real Presence in the Eucharist is the focus and the reason for coming to Mass. Not a particularly great homily, but the point seemed badly need at this church; the focus seemed to be on the rock band and the priest having a good time while being a showman. Easily the worst Mass I’d ever seen. We won’t be returning anytime soon.

  20. Sliwka says:

    OF Mass followed by Procession at our Archdiocesan cathedral: His Grace spoke on the Real Presence. He just returned from meetings across the country and was wandering through a festival that city’s Little Italy and his companion said all the double takes of him in his clerics were because people thought he was a part of the show.

    On the procession when we take Christ into the streets we will get double takes and looks but we want to for this world that desperately needs Christ. His Grace specifically mentioned abortion, euthanasia, and the breakdown of families. He then said to us fathers that we should lead our families in the procession as we lead them to Christ.

  21. Elizium23 says:

    I voted “no” because while my home parish did have a splendid procession for which I saw almost 100 photos, my visiting parish had no procession at all, and did not even sing the Sequence at the 5:30pm Saturday Mass I attended.

    Father delivered a suitable homily. Nothing heretical here. We sang a bunch of modern drivel but we had a lovely substitute cantor who was very personable. This was my last weekend at my visiting parish. Tomorrow I fly back to the Diocese of Phoenix (YAY!)

  22. St-Polycarp says:

    No Eucharistic procession in our parish. And in the homily (which, btw, was mostly about dads and not the Eucharist, since it was Father’s Day) our priest wrongly explained to everyone that we do not take the Eucharist because we need God. Instead, we take the Eucharist because God needs us. :(

  23. JonPatrick says:

    Our Sunday 8 AM Extraordinary Form Mass was a Missa Cantata followed by a procession inside the church ending in Benediction. Some points from the homily:

    Jesus is most present to us in the Eucharist – his promise to be always with us.

    We don’t see or sense any change. Reason only takes us so far. We need to add faith (go by faith and not by sight). Can you be humble enough to add faith to your intellect and reason?

    Eucharistic miracles – in 1263 a priest having doubts about his vocation said Mass and the host turned to flesh and bled onto the corporal. The bleeding host can still be seen in the Basilica at Orvieto. The following year the Pope added the feat of Corpus Christi and Thomas Aquinas wrote 2 hymns the Tantum Ergo and the Salutaris Hostia.

    The Eucharist is a miracle like the Incarnation, a continuation of the presence of Christ by another miracle.

    We need to approach it with great respect. In marriage two people become one flesh, in reception of communion we become one with Jesus. “He who eats my flesh abides in me and I in him.”.

  24. Matthias1 says:

    Great Sermon. Father told the story of the reason Ven. Fulton Sheen kept a daily Holy Hour: hearing about an 11 year old Chinese girl who was martyred for the Blessed Sacrament. Then he asked us if we’d do the same thing. Great examination of conscience.

    No procession, but we asked him and he’s receptive, just asked him too late, so he scheduled one for pro-life Sunday in October.

  25. Boniface says:

    I went to one utterly beautiful procession immediately after a high EF mass, and (here’s the upside of the transferring the feast to Sunday, since I got to participate in two!) another one immediately after a NO mass Saturday evening. The processions, music, vestments, style, servers in surplices and cassocks, and even the decorations were absolutely identical in style and tone between the two. Nobody, but nobody, witnessing the procession as it exited the church at the beginning would have been able to tell you what form of mass it had been. Great stuff.

  26. jme493 says:

    We were not able to travel to our normal parish (about 45 min. away) due to plans for Father’s Day. We therefore attended a traditional Latin Mass closer to home. The Mass was for the Second Sunday after Pentecost. Therefore, besides our own prayers and devotions in our domestic church, we had no celebration of Corpus Christi, since no parish anywhere near us had a Mass or procession for the feast on Thursday.

  27. Southern Rose says:

    EF on Thursday: I was blessed to be able to assist at a glorious Missa Cantata offered by Msgr. Pope. He spoke on something I expected – which was to point out that Jesus would rather lose followers than go back on what He said about eating His Flesh and drinking His Blood – and something I didn’t – which was to remind us that just as we must not starve ourselves of the True Food, we must not allow others to starve either. I know I’ve heard a good homily when I’m left squirming a little in my seat out of guilt. After Mass we had a procession inside the church.

    OF on Sunday: We did sing the Sequence. Our pastor preached on the Real Presence, though I admit I don’t recall much since it’s harder for me to concentrate when I’m in the choir. Afterwards we processed around the block. Slightly nervewracking, since this was my first Eucharistic procession EVER* and of course the choir was up at the front and being captured in all the gawkers’ videos, but also a highlight of my week and a genuinely moving experience. It is difficult to sing while trying not to break into tears at the thought of Jesus enduring all the Eucharistic sacrileges and abuses in history so that we could have an earthly communion with Him.

    *My other diocese is solidly “soft-identity Catholic”. If I had been back there this week, I would have been grateful just to have a homily for Corpus Christi rather than Father’s Day.

  28. iamlucky13 says:

    I know our registered parish had a Eucharistic procession, but also usually has copious volumes of incense on solemnities, which recently has been problematic due to morning sickness, so we attended another local parish. They did not have a procession.

    Father explained both why he always elevates the Eucharist for a conspicuously long period of time (about a minute for each species) at the consecration, and why he moved the tabernacle into the sanctuary instead of it previously being hidden in an adoration chapel off the narthex.

    I particularly recall him saying something along the lines of, “If Pope Francis were to visit our parish, we wouldn’t say, ‘you stay back there in the chapel.’ Yet, here is One greater than Pope Francis.”

    I also think there has been a subtle change in the congregation, especially the volume of conversation before and after Mass, since he made the move.

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