I’m off to the nation’s capital, where at least one good thing will be accomplished on Friday: the 2018 March For Life.
Among other events, I will probably attend the TLM at St. Mary’s and the customary meet up afterward across the way.
And, Delta is up to its antics…
Fingers crossed.
Meanwhile, weather forecasts look promising.
Okay, they keep pushing back our flight to DCA, but now the culprit is unmasked and the end is in sight.
I just read that Pres. Trump will address the March via video feed. Too bad he isn’t coming in person. However, it’s a first. HERE
The flight from BOS arrived. So they are getting off at the time we ought to be boarding. Delays and delays.
Now I’ll watch for bag alerts.
Delta is up to its antics… My sincere empathy. I’ve long since become accustomed to regarding the airline oligopoly as the “invisible hand of the free market” smacking us upside the head again and again.
Having lacked the foresight to schedule the day off, I’ll not be able to make the Nellie Gray Mass but am sending prayers upward that all the day’s activities are successful and uplifting.
Fr Z:
It may take longer to get to DCA or BWI from either MSP or DTW, but I am sure you have your kindle and other paperwork for your parish, and I know you do your prayers daily. You might be able to get a nap for a change.
If you have time in DC, make a visit to the Archdiocese for the Military Services headquarters. It’s within walking distance of the Shrine.
By the way, I hope Delta doesn’t deliver your luggage to Atlanta (unless you are making a connection there instead of DTW or MSP.
hwriggles4 says: Archdiocese for the Military Services
Funny you should mention that. I’m meeting someone tonight for supper (if I ever get there).
I will be there with other students from Boston College. This will be my first time at the march. When is the TLM?
Sooo good that Pres. Trump will address the March. At the least, it’ll mean that the MSM can’t do their usual kabuki of ignoring it.
And, it’ll greatly hearten those of us on the pro-life frontier in Ireland, because everything you in the U.S. do in that regard has ramifications over here. Really.
Our local pro-life group will be extending their First Saturday Rosary in the town square at 3 p.m. to every Saturday from now until the holding of the infamous referendum later this year. May God defend the right, in your country and ours.
And may there be a YHUUGE turnout on your March. GO, U.S. of A!!!
It’s always very cool to fly into Reagan National while coming down the Potomac river even at night!
Happy and safe travels, Fr. Z.
It is excellent that President Trump is addressing the crowd via any method whatsoever. It would be a likely mess if he attended in person, but I bet he wanted to. We appreciate his constant pro-life position. Those unborn babies won’t be voting in 2020, yet he cares about them anyway. His retraction of the Mexico City policy soon after his election made him a champion of the pro-life movement from the get go. This means the USA is not now funding abortion around the world. Lilianne Ploumen raised six million dollars to keep those abortions going, and I guess that is why she just received the award from…the Vatican?? Yes. The Vatican.
Anyway, here is our pro-life president, and we should pray for him often. God bless him.
Now can someone please explain to me, why our Bishops and the USCCB don’t support this man?
There is a Solemn High Mass at St Mary’s Mother of God in DC at 4:00. There is also a low Mass in the a.m. Their website has the details.
The last few years, a Tridentine Mass has been offered after the March. This year it is at 4PM.
If you drive by car, BEWARE of the horrible traffic as you will be like a salmon going the wrong way fighting the workday exodus and the extra traffic from the Pro-lifers. The workday exodus begins around 3:30 in DC and going towards St. Mary’s from the Mall you will meet impassable traffic coming your way.
Either get there way early or take the metro.
You can catch the Metro at Union station to Gallery Pl / China Town, and walk the few blocks. If you drive, you will likely find parking only in garages blocks away anyway.
It is worth going for all that – a wonderful Mass that is well-attended.
In regard to the Masses offered at St. Mary Mother of God Parish in D.C., I found the following information on their Facebook page:
Catholic Mass near the March For Life 2018 rally at Saint Mary Mother of God. Our church will offer many opportunities for participants to attend Catholic Mass before and after the March. First Mass is at 7 am and the final Mass is at 4pm. The church is located off of H Street on 5th in the NW part of the District of Columbia. It is a short walk from the Gallery Place Metro station. The rally is an easy walk from the church. Masses will be said both forms: the “Ordinary Form” in English and in the “Extraordinary Form” Latin Mass according to the 1962 Missal. Check the parish website for details.
Spread the word, lets end this unspeakable evil that is perpetrated on women and their unborn babies.
Mass Schedule for January 19, 2018
The 7 am and 7:45 am Masses are Latin Low Masses (private Masses with no communion distributed) said at side altars.
7:00 am: Latin Low Mass (extraordinary form) at side altar offered by a canon of the Institute of Christ the King. (No distribution of Holy Communion.)
7:30 am: Young Adults, Archdiocese of Washington (Novus ordo, main altar.)
7:45 am: Latin Low Mass (extraordinary form) at side altar offered by a canon of the Institute of Christ the King. (No distribution of Holy Communion.)
8:30 am: Institute of Christ the King canons and faithful. (Latin Solemn High Mass, extraordinary form.)
9:30 am: Saint Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, All Saints church from Archdiocese of Indianapolis, Saint Patrick’s church in Wareham, Massachussetts. Seminarians from New York.(Novus ordo.)
10:30 am: John Paul the Great Academy and seminarians from Lafayette, Louisiana. (Novus ordo)
12:00 noon: Our regular daily Mass (Novus ordo)
4:00 pm: Nellie Gray Mass. Solemn High Mass (extraordinary form). Celebrant: Monsignor Andrew Wadsworth.
The parish website is https://saintmarymotherofgod.org/
Happy travels Fr. Z. A Rosary for all those at the March tomorrow.
jaykay: Eirinn go Brach!
acardnal: “Reagan National” really does have a nice ring to it.
Kathleen10: Good question. It might be rhetorical, but just in case: