James Lileks was, when I was a student at the U of Minnesota, a clever lad who wrote for the university paper and then went on to do other writerly things. He sends out fun tweets, for a long time using logos that Minnesota natives, more specifically Twin Citians, would recognize.
Here is one of his latest insights.
Almost made a simple, harmless tweet about a new salsa I like, and realized I would [be] drowned by people telling me I should really try another brand which is better and also only available in the town of Butlap, TX (pop 58)
— James Lileks (@Lileks) March 17, 2019
This sums up soooo much of what happens here in the combox under my posts. Rem acu.
Father Z, your combox has nothing on the mob-infested sewer known as Twitter.
And the other way is to make a spelling mistake
I can imagine! But this is just the nature of the internet and social media, isn’t it? Pedants, killjoys, and humourless virtue signallers lurking in every corner.
Any Babylon 5 fans? I always think of this:
I enjoyed Mr. Lileks’ site for many years (he was from Fargo and my mother hailed from a nearby small town). Sadly his combox got infected with nasty leftists shortly after the 2016 election.
Gregg, Most of the leftist wackos have stopped commenting at Lileks.com. It seems pretty rational. Lileks is a great writer and he can dig up come of the most interesting things out there.
My sister’s first job was as a courtesy clerk at Red Owl.