Sometimes when I post this, people send emails about various places that take Gregorian Masses. That’s not what this post is for.
Also, I am on the road, so I might not react immediately.
People sometimes write to me to request Gregorian Masses (i.e., the same Mass intention for 30 straight, uninterrupted days). Many priests have parish Masses, so they cannot do this, but some priests can! Therefore, I have put on my yenta cap to ask if there are priests out there who can take such a request.
I then forward your requests to those priests.
I have nothing to do with the stipend, which the parties work out for themselves.
Petitioners/Gregorian Mass seekers:
Drop me a note (HERE) and I will forward your request to a priest on my list. I won’t have anything to do with setting the stipend. Period. In the subject line of the email put: GREGORIAN MASS REQUEST. Put just that, and only that in the subject line so that I will be able to find you in my email: GREGORIAN MASS REQUEST [UPDATE: It is amazing that people write and put something else in the subject line! It’s as if you want me to miss your email. When I try to match people, I search for that title in the email Subject line. Put something else and you are out, unless you are lucky.]
Put AVAILABLE FOR GREGORIAN MASS in the subject line. Just that. Not anything else. Just that. Drop me a note (HERE)
Finally, I am not obliged to do this.
Folks, think about this.
Are you looking for a truly spiritual gift to give? How about having Gregorian Masses said for the deceased priests who served you?
Don’t necessarily pick the priests who were holy or kind or good. How about picking priests who were troubled or who were liberal and, therefore, probably not exactly faithful? Have Masses said for the priests who really need your spiritual care?
I would appreciate your prayers after my own death. I appreciate your prayers in this life too! You can have Masses said for both the living and the dead. Pray for your priests, dead and alive. We need your prayers.