I have amazingly clear memories of the whole Apollo 11 mission. Indeed of all the missions before and after, but this and 13 in particular.
I received this…
From a reader:
Today, July 16, is the 50th anniversary of the liftoff of Apollo 11 on its voyage to the moon. It is, also, the Solemnity of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel. Apollo 11 landed on the moon on July, 20, 1969, which is the Solemnity of Elijah, the Prophet and founder of Carmel. This is interesting because Mary, in iconography is often represented by the moon, who reflects the rays of the sun (Son). It is, amazingly, also, a full moon on July 16,the ready of OLMC. I just thought this was an amazing confluence of events.
Very cool.
“When I consider the heavens, the work of Your hands, what is Man that you are mindful of him?”
“But You have made him little less than the angels, and crowned him with glory and honor.”
While we are celebrating great achievement by a great team, let me ask for.prayers for the soul of J B Piggin, who did great things on his own hook. Piggin’s Unofficial List was a bunch of searchable links to the Vatican manuscripts that have been digitized. He made his own catalog to replace the Vatican’s rather lackluster one, just as a retirement project. He passed away June 28, and I just heard about it from Roger Pearse. I do not know if he had family or religion. But he did something needing doing, for almost ten years, with no compensation except gratitude. May light perpetual shine upon him.
This is so interesting because last night, on the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel (patroness of our homeschool) after having gone to the beautiful pontifical mass at the Carmel of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph here in Nebraska, I looked out and saw a most gorgeous moon. I called some of our children to come see it. I felt like it was a present from our Lady. It was large, round, and golden but also a cross seemed to be emanating from it’s golden glow. It was breathtaking. (Now I wish I had a picture!)
Buzz Aldrin took consecrated host and wine to the moon with him on that mission, and after a request for silence and then a scripture reading he took communion. His broadcast was censored at the time because Madeline Murray O Hare had just sued Nasa for broadcasting an earlier reading of Genesis.
Buzz Aldrin is a Presbyterian–thus the hosts were not consecrated.