From Daily Wire:
‘Bet You Stay Home Now Hypokrits’: Church That Refused To Close During Lockdown Gets Burned Down, Investigated As Arson
A Mississippi church in the midst of a legal battle to stay open despite local shutdown orders was burned to the ground early Wednesday morning. According to first responders, the First Pentecostal Church of Holly Springs was vandalized and suffered a large explosion to the back of the church. The incident is being investigated as a criminal act of arson.
“I Bet you stay home now you hypokrits,” read one message spray painted on the church parking lot, Thomas More Society senior counsel and lawyer for the church Stephen Crampton told Fox News on Thursday.
“First Pentacostal Church Holly Springs. Arson is Suspected,” reported Tom Dees of FOX 13 Memphis. “Investigators say the church was spray painted with graffiti and set on fire. There was a major explosion in the back of the church that blew out the front.”
Crampton suggested to Fox News that First Pentecostal Church was targeted for “being outspoken and somewhat firm about seeking to protect their Constitutional rights.”
“We’re in a time where I don’t think it’s any secret that there’s a growing hostility toward churches, across the board,” the lawyer said. “And now, here are churches like First Pentecostal that are sort of stirring up the waters by being outspoken and somewhat firm about seeking to protect their Constitutional rights.”
“They’ve had bad comments [sent their way] on social media,” Crampton continued, adding, “There is just a segment that takes issue with the church standing up, and the church just being the church.”
Imagine if it were a Planned Parenthood death factory…CNNCBSNBCABCPMSNBC would be running this 24/7 and screaming how all Christians (sneeringly) are all to blame.
It is just the beginning. And with elections coming, it will continue downward, if with different motivations and methods depending on the outcome of our November choices…. which may or may not be credible.
What’s the definition of “domestic terrorism” these days? I hope they have surveillance tapes.
Well the society and the world at large have seen Christians roll over on matters of faith and morals, and now they are used to it and want to keep it that way. That is one of the worst effects of what has happened from Rome and throughout the Catholic church, no voice of opposition to the culture. Now to simply exist is going to be harder, and when you really defend your position, you can expect pushback. The Christians in that area cannot let the haters win this.
Being weak and capitulating to the culture has made things exponentially worse and will continue to do so. It emboldens the enemy. Mississippi seems far from Rome, but they have Rome to thank.
As the Church goes, so goes the world.
Have you noticed that it seems to be the Protestants that are in the news for trying to keep their churches open throughout this entire time period? Where are all the Catholic bishops and pastors?
Would that our feckless, faithless Bishops would push back on the overreach of the State and “Open the Churches now, without restrictions, restraints, tickets nor further timidity!”
Day 73 and counting….
Oh! and look what arrived in today’s mail…. the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal Letter and request for another donation! Never ever again will this household give a penny {much less that once earmarked 6-figure bequest} to these faithless, corrupt pigs. EVER.
God Bless those heretics in their courage against the State. Today they get my prayers, my rosary and a cash donation.
The priest of a local parish refused to close his church. Only his parishioners knew it. They kept it hush hush. The Bishop knew and made no effort to stop him.
Father told his parishioners he emigrated from a communist country and knew first hand what it’s like to live without the Sacraments. He said he would never live under those conditions again, so he stayed open. God bless him.
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