Your Sunday Pentecost 2020 Sermon Notes – VIDEO

The Feast of Pentecost, 50 days after Easter has finally arrived. Did you attend or watch Mass for Pentecost?

Was there a good point in the sermon? For my part…

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Kathleen10 says:

    Fr. Z. It is really and truly always edifying to listen to you. Tonight I’m feeling the stress of launching right from Covid-nightmare into domestic terrorism nightmare. Thank you for reminding us of the things of God.

  2. Ferretti says:

    No Father, I haven’t been to daily Mass, or Confession in 79 days tomorrow. My last weekly Confession, Mass and Communion was discouraging. I’d asked (the elderly priest, actually probably my own age) in the Confessional if I could speak to him after Mass, a weekday Mass, Saturday March 14th, about receiving on the tongue, as our Bishop had, in very strong language, insisted we receive on the hand. (From what I know, from reliable sources, it was introduced as an abuse [Netherlands there/Bernadine here] and continues to be an abuse for those who know, and as anxious as I am to receive my Lord I cannot nor will not abuse Him to do so.
    In sum, the priest shut the divider hard, said to see him after Mass. I did. He went to the Tabernacle to bring me a Host, and pressed it down so hard on my tongue as to break it in 3 pieces. I left out a few other hurts in this missive.
    But not this one – I’d offered a stipend to have that Mass said for Pope, Emeritus Benedict, and he never mentioned the Mass intention, his name, at all. If I could have, I’d have taken issue with that. It obviously, wasn’t the time.
    I found out yesterday that along with the protocols, committees, guidelines, this priest will be in control of the Liturgy in my parish.
    Father Z, along with the woman who wrote a comment on dealing with anger, I embrace her as a kindred spirit. I live in New York; so we’re at the mercy of Cdnl. Dolan and Andrew Cuomo. I hope that wasn’t my Viaticum.

    [I have a lot of sympathy for you in your situation. That said, these week “sermon notes” posts are about GOOD points from SERMONS. I try to elicit from people good and uplifting or helpful points, especially for the sake of those who don’t generally get good points in the homilies they hear. Again, I’m sorry about what happened to you. Let’s hope that the priest was later filled with real remorse, so much that it prompts an interior conversion.]

  3. JonPatrick says:

    For the first time since the first Sunday in Lent my wife and I were able to attend Mass, at St. Mary Broadway in Providence RI (FSSP) 8 AM low mass along with 50 or so other souls who did not allow the COVID scaremongering to keep them away. Father preached on how we often have a hard time understanding the Holy Spirit that at times people in the Church have gone in one of 2 directions either a Protestant style Pentecostalism or on the other direction a more Pelagian approach. If there is one good thing that has come out of this pandemic and the subsequent loss of the sacraments it is how much more we appreciate them and how important they are for us. It was so wonderful to be there especially at this beautiful church and the Mass of the Ages.

  4. Attended Mass in person, ordinary form. Father offered a brief reflection on each of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit.

  5. iPadre says:

    The Holy Ghost unites us by calling us together to worship in “spirit and truth.” From this flows unity our unity. When you go to church, it is first to offer sacrifice and adoration. From our divine worship we are formed as the Mystical Body of Christ. Divine worship leads to the social dimension, our human fellowship. All wrought through the action of the Holy Spirit in proper order. This is why the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and Adoration are ESSENTIAL to our spiritual life and our eternal salvation. We just can’t live without Him.

  6. Kathleen10 says:

    We have not been back to the diocesan Latin Rite Mass since this all started. I envy people whose love for God in the Blessed Sacrament is so strong they have suffered waiting for it and have taken the first opportunity to receive. My sad situation is, I am so repulsed by the church I hardly care if I go back. Ferretti’s sad experience another case in point. What abusers. I can take them no longer.
    Ferretti, I am sorry that happened to you. Jesus sees you, and He knows what your intention is as well as the wrong you endured. Offer it up, dear.

  7. anotherphilothea says:

    Attended a beautiful diocesan EF High Mass. The priest talked, among other things, about the spirit of rage afflicting our country, and how we are called as followers of Christ to handle our anger in a different way than just blindly giving into it as the world does. He made the point that appropriately resisting our anger will cause suffering, and this suffering can be united to Christ’s, transforming something that could otherwise lead to profound evil, into profound good, with salvific value for us and for the whole world.

  8. grateful says:

    I watched the mass from Rome via EWTN.
    The Pope gave a beautiful sermon, stressing not to be pessimistic, narcissistic,
    and not to give up hope.

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