Open Letter to Cardinal Sarah
To His Eminence
Card. Robert Sarah
Dear Eminence,
Pain and indignation invade my heart to hear certain incredible news: They have forbidden private masses in St. Peter’s!?— Joseph Zen (@CardJosephZen) March 30, 2021
CNA posted a translation.
“It was night.”
They (the factotums) in the high hats surrounding PF don’t care. They have their little sinecures, pensions, apartments, and other trappings. They’ve sold their souls to the prince of the world…and he’s rewarding them in the here and now.
A day of reckoning will come, just as it will to us all. And I’d not want to be in their shoes, for whom much is given, much is expected. Sometimes it’s good to be a peon rather than not.
I can’t dwell on this too long, because if I do, it fills me with serious anger.
Cardinal Zen is right, of course. And his idea is brilliant.
Imagine 100, or 1,000 priests and bishops, surrounded the laity on the steps of St. Peter’s Basilica, on their knees petitioning the Holy Father to retract this edict.
Certainly, we could do a lot worse.
“… ,But leave the devoted people of God alone!”
Yes, leave us alone and take you silver pieces with you.
Wow, wow, wow, “…it was night”. How telling is that during this Holy Week?
God bless Cardinal Zen.
Whenever the papalotrous enter a trance-like state and repeat their mantras of “Walking Together” or “Laudato Si” reply to those uninformed folks: “The betrayal of Cardinal Zen and the Church in China, Pachamama idols and silent altars at St. Peter’s.” Some of our benighted brethren and sisteren will eventually learn the difference between pagan sentimentality and the hardships and suffering of flesh-and-blood Christians.
Next. Pope. Hopefully soon…praying for Pope Francis but praying harder that the Holy Ghost works in mysterious ways again.
Pingback: Card. Zen writes an Open Letter to Card. Sarah about the St. Peter’s Suppression of Masses – Via Nova Media
One of the frustrating things is that it’s usually those who have nothing left to lose who are bold enough to say what needs to be said. Cardinal Burke, Cardinal Muller, Cardinal Zen, Cardinal Sarah (though he did pretty well before he retired), the seven life-tenured justices of the Australian Supreme Court who freed Cardinal Pell, Archbishop Vigano, any number of ex-politicians, and so on. If only sitting diocesan bishops had the courage to say the things that need to be said– and do the things that need to be done.
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There are young priests like me, as well as many seminarians in various levels of formation throughout the world, who have had our dreams of offering Mass at of one of the many side altars crushed.
From my seminary days, I anticipated the day I could go visit St. Peter’s for the first time and offer Masses of Thanksgiving at both altars of St. Gregory the Great (due to his inspirational devotion to the faithful departed) and St. John Paul II (who was Pope when I began to first discern the priesthood back in 2004).
I sincerely pray this will be rescinded.