Your Sunday Sermon Notes: 1st Passion Sunday (5th of Lent) – and a POLL

Too many people today are without good, strong preaching, to the detriment of all. Share the good stuff.

Was there a GOOD point made in the sermon you heard at the Masses for the 1st Passion Sunday (N.O. 5th of Lent)?

Tell about attendance especially for the Traditional Latin Mass.  I hear that it is growing.  Of COURSE.

Any local changes or (hopefully good) news?

Those of you who regularly viewed my live-streamed daily Masses – with their fervorini – for over a year, you might drop me a line.

I have some written remarks about the TLM Mass for this Sunday – HERE

About the VEILING OF IMAGES AND STATUES you saw in church, let’s have a POLL.

Pick your best answer.  Anyone can vote, but only registered and approved members can comment.

For this 1st Sunday of the Passion (5th Sunday of Lent) - 2022 - I saw in church that:

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About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. LeeGilbert says:

    Excellent sermon today in Portland at Holy Rosary’s 7am Mass

    What was going through her mind, the adulteress, as the crowd gathered? Surely that she was about to die. Then she and Jesus made eye contact and she saw nothing but compassion. He stooped to write, and what was he writing? In the homilist’s opinion, the sins of the crowd. And then we hear that phrase that makes us smile, “Let him who is without sin cast the first stone.”

    The homilist pivots to the Sacrament of Confession, and says among other things, “If you think you do not need to go to Confession and it has been six months, a year, maybe six years, then I have something to say to you in all charity and in a spirit of fraternal correction . . .you are a fool.”

    What preaching! thought provoking, hard hitting, and compassionate. Even that strong phrase above was said gently, with a smile, yet firmly. It drew a quiet laugh from the congregation. Yet if that had applied to me, I would have been looking for a confessor after Mass.

  2. Charivari Rob says:

    Strong homily on the need for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, tied closely to today’s Gospel.

  3. TonyO says:

    The pastor (Novus Ordo) had the excellent idea of contrasting the pericope of the adulteress with the story of Daniel and Suzanna. Great thought. Unfortunately, I could not hear what he said about it, because he is still wearing a mask, and has a Spanish accent. Between the two, that defeated me.

    I wonder if we should throw in considering the prophet Hosea, who God ordered to marry a prostitute, and keep going after her after her indiscretions. Between the three different stories, I imagine there’s a lot of truths to derive from them.

  4. maternalView says:

    Being the 1st Sunday of the month we had the NO-Latin. Noticeable drop in attendance compared to the TLM on other Sundays at the same time.

    (Yesterday morning for First Saturday the church was packed! It was more than last month. Perhaps inspired by the recent consecration?)

  5. Gregg the Obscure says:

    quite an experience. Cathedral in Denver 1830. Latin NO ad orientam (started that form in October 2021)

    before Mass, confession, adoration, vespers, benediction. good attendance for that array, but more than doubled for Mass. Most in attendance were between 20 and 40 years old, given the hour it isn’t surprising there were few under 20.

    i can’t do justice to the homily. started with a brief reading from a poem that i recognized but couldn’t quite put my finger on. then an intro to passiontide and the veiling of images. this is apparently the first time in over 50 years it’s been done in the Cathedral. interesting brief digression that in former times the entire Sanctuary would be veiled and that in some parts, the large curtain was called the hunger cloth, since it demonstrated our hunger for being closer to the divine.

    then a turn to the great philosophers. they recognized that the greek pantheon of eminently foolish personalities was implausible. they understood that the one true God must be all-knowing, all-good, and all-powerful. examples from gospel stories of how this applies to the Lord.

    invitation to participate in the mysteries of Holy Week. “if you won’t come to the foot of the cross on Good Friday for Jesus, will you do so for our Lady?”

    a brief and discreet recounting of the life of Oscar Wilde. a re-reading of the three stanzas of “‘the Ballad of Reading Gaol” that had started his homily.

    non sum dignus

  6. KateD says:

    Father gave a short homily that led into a step by step breakdown of how confession works and an invitation to avail oneself of the sacrament of reconciliation….and so I did. The previous Sunday he also spoke of confession and recomended we avail ourselves of the opportunity frequently.

  7. David Spaulding says:

    Our crucifix is covered but I didn’t know that other images were supposed to be. I’ve been in this parish for fifty years and have never seen the statues and busts of saints or Our Holy Mother covered. Most interesting.

  8. misanthrope says:

    8:00 am Latin Mass at our FSSP oratory. Packed – most crowded early Sunday Mass in weeks. As usual, lots of young families with many children. Exceptional sermon as always. ‘Was Christ Who He said He was – the Son of God?’. Also talked about how man wants salvation without the Cross, which is impossible.

    Very blessed that our diocese has supported this parish since its inception, and (for now at least) continues to do so.

  9. Flabellum says:

    As this was the Third Scrutiny Mass we had the pericope about the raising of Lazarus. The homilist drew a parallel between the death and raising of Lazarus and the mystical death and raising of the Baptismal elect, pointing out that Lazarus would die again before sharing eternally in the resurrection as would those preparing to be baptised.

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