Your (Corpus Christi) Sunday Sermon Notes – POLL

Far and wide the celebration of the Feast of Corpus Christi, which properly fell last Thursday, has been transferred to this Sunday.

Was there a good point made in the sermon you heard for your Mass of Sunday Obligation?  Let us know.

Also, tell us about the procession you had with the Eucharistic Lord.

Let’s have a POLL.

Anyone can answer.  Only registered and approved participants can post comments.

For Corpus Christi 2022, on either Thursday of Sunday...

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  1. Yorkmum says:

    There is nothing the devil wants more than to stop the Worship of Almighty God…

    We should cherish the opportunities we have to spend time with Our Lord, really, truly present in our tabernacles; pop into a church when it is open…. Even for two minutes.

    The consolation found in Our Lord’s presence is what gives meaning to our lives….

  2. Johann says:

    We didn’t have a procession today. But we did have Eucharistic Adoration.

  3. donato2 says:

    The Terrence Malick movie “A Hidden Life” has a very beautiful Corpus Christi procession scene. In addition to being beautiful, it is the most authentic cinematic protrayal that I have ever seen of a Catholic liturgical rite. It comes to mind as I participated in one just like it on Thursday, albeit it in a parking lot and not, as in the Malick movie, the Austrian countryside.

  4. Liz says:

    We did it Thursday and will do it today. We used to do it with a local n.o. church but the new pastor didn’t want to. It’s really sad. Father really encouraged people to come today. We will process to a local park and then back to the church.

  5. Gab says:

    God bless our Parish Priest!

    We had Solemn Mass, followed by a Eucharistic Procession in the large park across the road, followed by Benediction and then Adoration available for a few hours, followed by Vespers in the presence of Our Lord in the Monstrance and then Benediction. Glorious.

  6. Charivari Rob says:

    Neither Thursday nor Sunday, but Saturday was an archdiocesan Eucharistic Congress closing out a year of the Eucharist. Utilized a university arena – Mass, Confession available throughout the day, speakers & breakout sessions, Adoration, and Eucharistic procession to a nearby parish to close out the day.

    I believe some local parishes will be having their own processions today, but I haven’t looked them up yet.

  7. Josephus Corvus says:

    Had the procession around a few blocks near the church after the last Mass. Had Benediction before the early Mass.

    (Of course the homily focused on the first reading, because – money, and we had to have a Father’s Day blessing for all men, so nobody would feel left out).

  8. dahveed says:

    We had the best of both. Thursday, a procession, with Corpus Christi celebrated, and today, the External Solemnity of Corpus Christi. Happy days.

  9. Chiara says:

    At the end of Mass, my good pastor processed with the Blessed Sacrament through the interior circumference of the church, and then had Exposition and Benediction. He plans to process publicly from our parish to our sister parish on July 9, as we recite the patriotic rosary (each decade bead is a Hail Mary prayed for each state in the Union). He is 38 years old and the pastor of 2 parishes, which includes one grade school, the Newman Center of our local secular university, and oversees the daily feeding of 100+ street people, including hot meals several times monthly, and is chaplain of the local children’s hospital. He humbly refers to himself as a St. John Paul II generation priest, and we are blessed and grateful. I hope he never leaves.

  10. ex seaxe says:

    Pretty firm teaching in our NO homily. “When I am asked how RC worship differs from other churches I tell them we focus on the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in which we offer ‘the Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Our Lord Jesus Christ’ …” Our pastor repeated this ‘Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity’ several times during the sermon, we have it in the Tabernacle, we consume it in Communion, … He also mentioned the way in which St John’s Gospel repeatedly teaches the need to eat the flesh of the Son of Man. God gives us His very Self.
    No procession, our pastor says Mass on Sundays in both the parishes in his sole care and in the prison. But we did get the Roman Canon delivered with carefully articulated clarity and concentration.

  11. Zephyrinus says:

    Glorious High Mass followed by a Divine Corpus Christi Procession.

    Approximately one hundred Parishioners in the Procession.

    Wonderful Liturgy, great Devotion. Rose Petals were strewn by Schoolchildren in front of The Blessed Sacrement in the Procession. The first time I have seen Rose Petals strewn in this lovely Feast since 1958.

    Seventy years is a long time to wait to experience such wonders.

  12. jameeka says:

    No procession, an abbreviated spoken version of Laude Sion Sequence. However, the visiting “retired” priest Fr LM did a good breakdown of prayer, the Penitential Rite, the Mass as greatest Prayer, the Eucharist, tied It all to John Chapter 6 Bread of Life discourse. Jesus is telling the followers repeatedly, I AM the Bread of Life. You must eat My Flesh and drink My Blood, or you will have no Life within you. Most of the people say: this is a hard saying, who can follow it? And leave.

    Jesus asks the Apostles “Will you go away too?” And St Peter answers for all of them, “Lord, to Whom shall we go? You have the words of everlasting Life”. At the Last Supper Jesus gives them all His Body and Blood, for the first time.

    And then Fr drew attention to our actions after receiving Holy Communion. Said if we saw Jesus coming into the church right now, shaking hands with us, making an appearance in the Flesh as He does 2000 years ago, we would be calling all our friends and family, taking pictures, astounded and excited. But that IS what is actually happening. If we do not believe in His Real Presence, we are receiving Communion unworthily, as St Paul points out, and crucifying Him again to our own damnation.

  13. Kathleen10 says:

    We did not have a procession and I’m envying those who did.
    But Father did give a very good talk about the Real Presence and how few Catholics actually believe the Eucharist is the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ, according to a Pew Poll, about 30%. Father blamed this on poor catechesis for the last 50 years in the church, and that the church has done a good thing (tried to find unity with Protestants) but also not a good thing (abandoned what is truly Catholic). He made many good points, and reminded us that if we want to help, we should invite others to come to Mass with us.

  14. Suburbanbanshee says:

    I went to a local parish near me, and was surprised/gobsmacked to see a Eucharistic procession route all laid out, with colored cedar chip designs all glued to the sidewalks in a very sturdy way.

    I was then gobsmacked to hear a very beautiful rendition of Lauda Sion (full length, in English) chanted solo by a young man in their choir, and a nice chant of the Offertorium proper for the day, and so many other nice things.

    The sad bit was that Mass ran a bit long, and I had to run off to work. But it was really nice. The current priest is about to leave for another assignment, but one can see that he worked really hard with the parish for the last seven years. It is a totally more active and effective parish than it used to be, and there are a lot more young people too.

  15. Public Savant says:

    Athlone, Ireland.
    Only 1 church had a procession, Corpus Christi Church, SSPX. Less than a mile from the procession there was a gathering for the ‘Synod’. HOnestly I couldn’t tell you one thing about what they were discussing.

  16. Gregg the Obscure says:

    i have little idea who the priest was, perhaps he’s the new second parochial vicar. he emphasized proper preparation for receipt of Holy Communion: bodily (to include at least the minimum Eucharistic fast or, better yet, one of those required in years past – he called those out as praiseworthy – and even appropriate attire(!) ) as well as spiritual (being in a state of grace, examination of conscience, prayerful attitude, attention). he elaborated on the dangers of unworthy communions. he chanted nearly all of the liturgy (though not from the Te Igitur to the Hanc Igitur) and that very well.

  17. Imrahil says:

    Sermon notes for Corpus Christi, Old Mass community (fully sung except for the gradual; including the whole Lauda Sion): The preacher told a story about Ernest Renan who, apparently, was walking with a friend when they came across a Crucifix. The friend was very surprised at Renan, the avid enemy of religion, taking his hat off. He explained: “We do sometimes greet each other; but we never talk.” It is a danger for us that we too would have to say: “We sometimes, even very often greet each other, but we never talk”. What is necessary is: “We greet each other very often; and we never cease to talk at all.” He also mentioned the practice of saying at least hi to our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament in Church, on days where we don’t otherwise go to Church; which I really might try, coming to think of it.

    Afterwards, we got ourselves some coffee and breakfast and took part in the generally organized Corpus Christi procession (arriving at about the Our Father of the preceding New Mass) and went behind the figure of the patron saint of the parish we are attached too (pastor accompanied by two FSSP fathers in front). It turned out that the loudspeakers did not work; however, it also turned out that the parish who walked right behind us (the “charismatic parish”, with us being the “trad and Novus Ordo tradition parish” – but we all very much like each other) had a multiple-times Chartres-travelled scout leader with them. So… after an initial time of picking up the courage we started to sing our own songs. (We were disciplined: we only had religious songs, most of which Corpus Christi classics. Not even one little “We Were Anchored in Front of Madagascar” or “To Wander, that’s what Millers Love”.) After an almost complete “Holy God, We Praise Thy Name” (at the final place, waiting for the others to arrive) the choir announced via loudspeakers (in a stationary manner, they did work): “We do appreciate that you like to sing. However, now we too would rather sing along.” (I’m not inventing this. It was really fun.)

    Sermon note for the 2nd Sunday after Pentecost (I went to the Old Mass in the evening because I had been late for the Corpus Christi Mass in the morning with additional procession of the parish (which was more beautiful than the bigger procession): “I would have liked to preach, again, on Corpus Christi, with the festivities this morning. However, on reading this gospel, terror should drive into our limbs: is it really the case that the weak, the lame, the cripples – which is to say, they weak in faith, the lame in faith, the cripples in faith – are invited to the feast while we, the invited – and of course, when we think of the letter of invitation, how can we not think about the character of baptism – are cast out”? He went on that the worldly purposes of the invited are quite legitimate, in themselves. (Note: I’m not sure I agree; when I read this Gospel, I think it not unimportant that the real estate agent must see the house he has already bought, as if before the sale would not be the time to do so; the young husband rejects to bring his wife along and have both of them a good time together, and so on. But that what he said.) What the problem is (and here of course I agree again) is that they priorize these aims over attending the Lord’s feast, and do so explicitly and knowingly. If we don’t do that, if we just let our worldly desires get the better of us, then we are merely lame-in-faith.

  18. iPadre says:

    I preached on the three missing verses from St. Paul’s letter to the Corinthians at both OF and EF making the points that the Paul and the early Church believed in the Real Presence. Talked about Arch. Cordileone’s banning of Pelosio from Holy Communion. Two things necessary for proper preparation for Holy Communion: assent to belief in the Real Presence & Church teaching and being in a state of Sanctifying Grace. Both are not only applicable to public officials, but to all of us who confess to be Catholic.

  19. pcg says:

    High Mass and Eucharistic procession afterwards through the streets of Raritan with the Oratorians. Rose petals were strewn before the Blessed Sacrament together with lots of incense and hymns sung as we processed. There are 3 Catholic Churches within close proximity, so the procession stopped at each, where we had a reading from the Gospel and sung a hymn-other folks joined the procession at each stop.
    Very lovely and a beautiful, cool day to boot- the padre made an interesting point about the feeding with loaves and fishes: that people will follow Jesus, but are unprepared to receive Him, which contributes to the lack of belief in the Real Presence.

  20. MB says:

    Our diocese had a diocesan-wide Eucharistic procession. Wounded soul that I am, I was deeply conflicted about it. I heard a local professor talking about the purpose of it as being, “To invite the Lord to heal the wounds of “racism” and “injustice” in our diocese.” I just felt like they were forcing Jesus in His vulnerability in the Blessed Sacrament to be the poster child for their divisive liberal agenda. Liberals know how to use everything as a weapon. I just couldn’t help feeling sort of heartbroken by the whole affair.

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