Some time ago I reviewed the St. Edmund Campion Missal & Hymnal for the Traditional Latin Mass. HERE. It came out in 2012.
It seems that there is a new edition for 2013. It is no longer from Corpus Christi Watershed.
I have lots of pics of the first edition at my link (above) where I also speak of the weight and binding, and so forth. Here are some pics of the new book, which someone sent me.
What has changed in the Second Edition? (From the website.)
1. Several typos were corrected
2. The Solemn Mass section was completely redone and now has a more “classic” layout
3. A ribbon has been added
4. Minor improvements were made throughout the book to things like headers
5. The cover has been changed to a more subtle, supremely elegant design
6. Artwork by James Ridley has not been included
7. The Second Edition is being sold by Triple P (LLC)
The material that covers the cover seems to “smudge” a little from the oil from your fingers, but it isn’t really smudged in the sense of being dirty.
Binding remains about the same. Note the ribbon.
It still has the nice internal artwork.
A pictorial explanation of Holy Mass in the Extraordinary Form.
A Kyriale and Hymnal in the back. Large neums and characters make it easy to read.
Information page with the 2013 date.
Everyone: There are good resources out there for building an Extraordinary Form “stable group” and community and even parish.
Make use of them!
Go HERE for more information.
Doh! We just bought about 25 of these for our TLM community and they are already out of date! Oh well, I’m happy to *have* an all-EF community.
[On the other hand, your purchase gave needed support to the project and made it possible for others to buy their copies.]
what do you mean they are “out of date”?
acardinal, I was only joking. I work in the IT world and our stuff all becomes “out of date” as soon as the next release is out…
We are very happy with the Missals and I recommend them. The main drawback is that they are big and heavy. It’s rather hard to manage one with a 1yr. old on my arm and the 3 and 6yr olds on either side of me needing monitoring… :-)
Understand. Thanks
FYI, I purchased the 1st edition, and it is heavy but it’s meant to be a pew book more that it is a personal hand missal.
I also have the first edition, a gift from my uncle. Beautiful volume!
Actually, the 2nd edition (for which I was among the proofreaders) is from the same folks at the Corpus Christi Watershed as the 1st edition, just being marketed and sold through a different channel. And it is fully “backward compatible” with the 1st edition, no page numbers having been changed, and all the beautiful Mass photos are still there. My summary review of the 2nd edition:
“Contrary to my initial reaction, after looking closely at this Second Edition, I feel the simplification of the layout and the loss of some artwork may have been a blessing in disguise. I think a majority of folks will find the new more clean-cut format more readable. The subdivision and open 2-column formatting of things like the Lavabo is a big improvement, as is the new Crucifixion and more visible display of the Te igitur, making them easier for neophytes to follow. Also, I think the new page footers may be helpful for newcomers to the TLM. In short, as a devotee and promoter of the Campion missal in its First Edition, I wind up my review of this Second Edition simply liking it better!”
Thanks for that Henry. I may end up buying the Second Edition, too.
Excellent work on making that book more elegant – the cover, the overall balance of negative space of the pages, the proportions and somber dignity of the cover mirror that of TLM – the omission of the busy artwork of Mr. Ridley has definitely helped to achieve all that. Great job!
I liked the cover of the first edition. Where can I get a copy of the first edition? Are there any left over from the print run(s) that weren’t sold? I checked the Watershed site, but they are only selling the second edition.
The ribbon is a very important improvement. My wife had cut ribbons for our own use. She was ahead of the times.
What is needed the most is a 1962 Roman Missal in Latin to Spanish. If you wish to purchase an old one it costs over $ 250 in the Internet. Angelus Press promised one but never came through. I must say that the quality of the Latin-English Angelus Press 1962 Missal is unsurpassed. A work of art.
As to ribbons, you can find “Bible ribbons” on Inexpensive, and many there to choose from. I shall leave it to Fr. Z to provide a link, so he can gain the modest amount such things will add to his account.
There is a 25% discount as one can see on the website.
I have one of the first edition ones. Love it. My only objection then was the lack of ribbons. One ribbon is an improvement but not enough for those who, like me, are relatively new to the TLM and don’t have it down-pat yet. I’d like one ribbon for the order of Mass, one of the propers of the day, and one for the Kyriale. I make do with bookmarks.
I have the first edition and use the Mass settings from it in our Schola. We haven’t been able to “sell” the parish on its use by parishioners in spite of the fact that we need something and you would be hard pressed to find a better hymnal/missal than this one. Hopefully, the 2nd edition’s plain cover and adjustments can make it an easier sell, but I fear the main problem is a contingent of layman who think the only acceptable hymns for the Latin Mass are Salve Regina, Tantum ergo and Schubert’s Ave Maria.
P.S. Where Fr. Z says:
Everyone: There are good resources out there for building an Extraordinary Form “stable group” and community and even parish.
Make use of them!
Let me add that there are not only good resources, there are good FREE resources. Briefly, there is the link to Watershed that Fr. Z already gave ( On that site, check out the Liturgical Music tab ( for online Mass settings and Propers.
Also, check out the Church Music Association of America here: and find pdf’s of almost every Catholic musical publication ever made. Check out their forums ( and the Chant Cafe blog:
The inclusion of only one ribbon is a very unfortunate limitation to what appears to be a fine Missal. A hand Missal as typically organized demands four to six such ribbons, used as follows to mark:
1. Current position in the Ordinary.
2. Current position in the appropriate daily Propers.
3. Location of other Propers that are referenced in the appropriate daily Propers, if any.
4. Location of Proper Preface.
5. Location of Proper Communicates.
6. Location of the appropriate chant in the Kyriale.
These ribbons are not, as an earlier posting implies, present only to assist those new to the EF. It is essential that the identification and bookmarking of these sections within the typical 2000-page hand Missal be performed before every Mass by every conscientious user of an EF hand Missal. I did this 55 years ago, and I do it today. It is immaterial that this Missal is not actually a hand Missal.
One ribbon is laughably useless…totally useless in fact. It’s similar to having an electric power plug with only one prong.
[Totally useless? No, actually it is not. The power plug with one prong isn’t a power plug at all. The book, however, is still a book and can be used as such. The ribbon can still mark a page. Furthermore, is something preventing you from using a holy card to mark a place in the book? Is something preventing you from using another book mark? 73!]
Fr. Z wrote: “Totally useless? No, actually it is not. The power plug with one prong isn’t a power plug at all. The book, however, is still a book and can be used as such. The ribbon can still mark a page. Furthermore, is something preventing you from using a holy card to mark a place in the book? Is something preventing you from using another book mark?”
Thanks for your comments, Father. I extend apologies to anyone interpreting my term “useless” as applying to the Missal itself. I stated in my first sentence that this appears to be a fine Missal, a very welcome addition to the literature. The “useless” appellation is directed only toward the ribbon. One ribbon works fine in Bibles, where it is used simply to return later to a text that is being studied. But in an EF hand Missal one must during Mass frequently switch in limited time from text in one location to texts in as many as five others, then return back to the original location. Two ribbons are required in a Missal to make the round trip from the principal text to even one temporarily sought location. As you suggest, other bookmark methods are usable, but those all lack both ease of use and elegance. This Missal appears to be one that deserves that elegance.
It is correct that one needs several ribbons to mark all the propers and readings when using a typical DAILY hand missal. Because for many daily Masses during the Church year, the propers are found in several different places in the missal. So with a daily hand missal I use multiple ribbons just like you do.
However, this does NOT apply to the Campion missal, which contains only Sunday and Holy Day Masses, plus a few special Masses like nuptial and requiem, and just those relatively few other Masses in the Church calendar that can occasionally supplant a designated Sunday Mass.
For each of these select Masses, ALL the propers and readings are found in just a single place—the one and only self-contained section for that one Mass. So in using the Campion missal, one NEVER EVER needs to turn pages between multiple places to find different proper prayers and readings for a single Mass.
This why—completely UNLIKE the use of a multiple-ribboned daily hand missal—a SINGLE ribbon can suffice to keep one’s place in going back and forth between the order of Mass section and the propers section for the day’s Mass. At each such page change, you can simply move the ribbon from where you’re going back to, to where you’re leaving (and will go back to at the next page change).
@techno_aesthete – I bought two of the first addition when I bought mine. One is unused. I’d be happy to speak to you about aquiring my extra one for what I paid. If you cannot find the first edition, contact me (
Just out of curiosity, why does it say Traditional Latin Mass on the cover instead of Extraordinary Form? “Latin Mass” can apply to the Ordinary Form as well – in fact it usually does in my community – and “English Mass” can apply to the Anglican use as well. “Traditional Latin Mass” is confusin verbage to anyone new to the EF, since the OF can also be said with many of the same traditions of the EF and in Latin. I thought the official terminology is Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite – why wouldn’t the publishers use this?
That aside, I’m saving up for a copy of this missal – the book is beautiful and really very affordable!
Please note that the title modifies “Latin Mass” with the word “Traditional” perhaps because the “ordinary” Mass prior to 1970 was what is now known as the Extraordinary Form, and it was used for centuries throughout the Latin Rite Church . . . traditionally. The OF is only about 40 years old. Not very traditional.
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