Brick by Brick: Fort Worth, TX … Rio Rancho, NM … Minneapolis, MN

I have had the following bits of good news, for your Brick by Brick file.


Some encouraging news from the Diocese of Fort Worth that I hope you will share with your readers: Bishop Olson will be in choir during the celebration of the High Mass in the Extraordinary Forum at St. Mary of the Assumption on Sunday, July 13, at 5:30 PM. HERE


Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
Schedule: 2014/07/07 [That’s 7 July… a special day]
Times: 6:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Location: St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church
1502 Sara Rd. S.E.
Rio Rancho New Mexico 87124
phone 505-892-1511


I don’t think they meant to SHOUT at you.


Please join us THIS SUNDAY, June 22, for the Archdiocesan Corpus Christi Procession, 2:00-4:00 p.m., starting and ending at the Basilica of St. Mary in Minneapolis.It will be led by Archbishop Nienstedt. Bring your family and friends for this festive walk the the Minneapolis Community and Technical College and Loring Park with our Eucharistic Lord. Park free in the MCTC ramp next to the Basilica. Ice cream social follows. Rain or shine. Details at or call (651) 239-8574.

Visit our website or contact me if you would like more information or can help out on the day of the procession.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. HyacinthClare says:

    Mater Misericordiae in Phoenix will be having a Corpus Christi procession after the 11:00 sung mass this Sunday. (It could be 108 degrees — umbrellas will probably be allowed!) Our celebrant will be Fr. Lee, who is our temporary pastor for the summer. His “usual” job is canon law professor at the FSSP seminary in Nebraska. The timing of the procession just MIGHT be because Fr. Lee hasn’t tried processing in Phoenix in the summertime before!

  2. TopSully says:

    7 July. The anniversary of my reporting to Boot Camp. Thanks for remembering Father!

  3. The_Scott says:

    It’s worth noting that Bishop Olson was in charge of the banning of the Extraordinary Form at Fisher More College. With him being in choir, I think it’s safe to say that he isn’t a “tradition-hating” bishop that some immediately took him to be.

    Father Z, I believe you once wrote an open letter to him suggesting that he celebrate Mass in the Extraordinary Form. Perhaps you have him as a reader. ;)

  4. Matt R says:

    It is outstanding to see two metropolitan archbishops offer Mass in the traditional rite so close to each other. Next Sunday Archbishop Tobin of Indianapolis will celebrate Mass for the feasts of Ss. Peter and Paul, and as we see here, Archbishop Sheehan will celebrate the traditional Mass. To boot, these are bishops not thrown out as “traditional” so this is a very welcome sign.

  5. Kerry says:

    There will be lightning in Minneapolis Sunday; the Archbishop as lightning rod. Take that atheistic, secular, progressive, relativist, nihilist, DFL’ers, feministas, rainbow flaggers, and anarchist occupy types!
    Did I forget anyone? Heh.

  6. Sid Cundiff in NC says:

    It is my understanding that the College of Fisher More in Fort Worth now has closed sine die. There was a big fuss about Bishop Olson last winter at Rorate Caeli last march regarding the termination of the MEF at the College, and about F-M bringing in some who were said to be questionable speakers. Fr. Z mentioned this also on his blog 03 March 20114. Dr. Taylor Marshall also reported about this.

  7. Joseph-Mary says:

    St. Thomas Aquinas parish in the Albuqueque area is arguably the best parish in the city. They have had a very holy pastor, the only priest I ever saw cry in a homily on the Passion.

  8. William Tighe says:

    I attended Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas, Rio Rancho, at the suggestion of Msgr. Jeffrey Steenson, on Sunday, January 5 of this year. It was the most wonderfully dignified celebration of the OF Mass (with ad orientem celebration) that I had attended in a long time — and the sermon by Msgr. Raun was simply the best sermon (as well as the best-organized sermon) I have heard in years.

  9. helentourigny says:

    I am also a member of Mater Misericordiae parish. I have enjoyed and agreed with your comments and would like to meet you if you attend the High Mass. You may email me at

  10. St. Thomas Aquinas Parish in Rio Rancho, NM is my home parish. Yes, Msgr. Raun is one of the finest priests I have ever known. Likewise, nearly every priest who has served that parish while it’s been under his care has been wonderful. When I was told that the Archbishop was going to celebrate a Solemn High Pontifical Mass from the Throne I nearly fell out of my seat. I can’t begin to express how happy I am to see this happen. It’s indescribable.

  11. JohnW says:

    Today in Houston at Regina Caeli parish we had a High Mass and procession followed by Benediction. The Mass was the most beautiful thing on this side of heaven. Words cannot express the experience and the many graces received by all .

  12. Mike says:

    This afternoon I made a short pilgrimate to attend Missa Cantata in a neighboring diocese at a parish that looks as if it is growing both comfortable and engaged with the TLM. There was a Eucharistic procession afterward, gratifyingly complemented by hymns I dimly remember from my early youth before the modernists stomped out both the hymns and the devotions they were attached to.

    Here’s a brick for you: not only was there a choir of parish children at today’s Traditional Mass but the diocese’s Twitter account retweeted a photo of it. That such a thing might happen any time soon in any of its adjacent dioceses, including my own, is unthinkable. All the same, I’m feeling a mite better about the general prospects for healing of the liturgy and of the souls who depend on it.

  13. ppb says:

    We are indeed very pleased here in the Albuquerque/Santa Fe area about the Pontifical High Mass in the Extraordinary Form to be celebrated by Archbishop Sheehan on July 7, in thanksgiving for the promulgation of the motu proprio Summorum Pontificum. If you live in the area or are visiting, we encourage you to attend the Mass!

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