Your Good News

Do you have a bit of good news to share with the readership?

Let us know.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Kostadinov says:

    Good news from the Catholic Church in Switzerland are a rare animal, but now the Pope has granted Vitus Huonder two additional years as bishop of Chur until Easter 2019 when he’s 77… and Bishop Huonder is the last publicly perceivable voice of the Swiss episcopate that can be deemed Roman Catholic. He’s also a great patron or promotoer for the FSSP and the TLM in general

  2. JonPatrick says:

    Back in March I completed my NRA pistol shooting course, not exactly with flying colors but good enough to get the certificate. Next on the agenda is to purchase a .22 target pistol and practice practice practice, then think about possible firearm choices for self defense (leaning toward a 9mm but want to try out different options before I pick one).

    Weekend after next we are all attending a Fatima Conference at St. Anthony Monastery in Kennebunk ME which is only an hour from where we live, which includes talks and Masses in the Ordinary and Extraordinary Form(!).

  3. Legisperitus says:

    Just got one of those combat rosaries. Love it.

  4. brian mcmahon says:

    I passed my ‘Faculties’ exam last week and will be ordained as a priest for Westminster diocese (London, UK), at Westminster Cathedral next month!

  5. YellowRoses says:

    Low Latin Mass this morning – Votive Mass of Jesus the Eternal High Priest – at which a young boy received his First Communion.
    Our local college seminary (St. Joseph’s in Charlotte) expects to double in number of seminarians this fall.

  6. [So you won’t have to be a sacerdos simplex after all!]

    Fr. Z's Gold Star Award

  7. bellator says:

    A friend at work recently told me he and his wife and their duaghter-in-law (but not their son?) are all converting from Baptist to Roman Catholicism.

  8. Fr. Timothy Ferguson says:

    Speaking of a simplex priest, Venerable Solanus Casey is to be beatified, probably later this year

  9. un-ionized says:

    JonPatrick, YAY! That is a life sport that almost everyone can do. I love my Mark II because you can dry fire it all day without harm. I pay someone to clean it though, ha ha. Make sure and earn lots of those badges and things, they look nice on a jacket. Wish you could see mine.

  10. Marion Ancilla Mariae says:

    God in His goodness appears to be drawing my Episcopalian husband of 30 years, ever nearer to the True Faith, particularly recently.

  11. Joseph-Mary says:

    My friend and I are hosting a Fatima Conference next weekend to honor the 100th anniversary of the first apparition of Our Lady at Fatima. We are expecting about 300 people. Not bad for something two grandmas put together and at an out of town parish that has been super collaborative!

  12. wanda says:

    President Trump just signed the Religious Freedom order! Praise be to God. The Little Sisters were in attendance and President Trump invited them to come up onto the platform with him.

    My how things (and administrations) have changed! Thank you dear God for this wonderful day.

    Also, National Day of Prayer! Laus Deo!

  13. Geoffrey says:

    Getting married in nine days!

  14. Charivari Rob says:

    Solanus Casey to be beatified!!!

  15. dtoneill says:

    It appears that the Belgian Brothers of Charity are pushing back against the lay board of directors who decided to allow euthanasia at Belgian Catholic Hospitals. God Bless the Brothers! (Though it is sad that a religious order actually fighting for Catholic morals constitutes news, it should just be the norm)

  16. ajf1984 says:

    Eldest Son to receive his Eucharistic Lord for the first time this Sunday!

  17. CrimsonCatholic says:


    The executive order does nothing to change the current situation, the HHS mandate is still in effect, and bakers can still be sued if they don’t bake for gay weddings. Check the NRO and the Daily Wire.

    This is bad news in my opinion.

  18. Vy says:

    I am preparing to enter a religious order on Sept. 8!

  19. VexillaRegis says:

    I’ve made a new friend, a much younger but very mature, level headed and fun woman!

  20. monnica says:

    Well, this looks like good news for Thomas More College!

  21. Adrian - Regina Magazine says:

    For once, I have the best news, and I’m so excited, I can barely contain myself.

    I got a note from Fr. Joshua at St. John Cantius Church, and included was a group photo of the priests there learning the Mass in the Extraordinary Form this week.

    Some readers may remember that Fr. Z was kind enough to give the campaign a shout out back in November!

    I promptly plastered the photo all over Facebook.

    But just for Fr. Z’s readers, here it is again.


  22. cengime says:

    There is a man named Alfredo Ottaviani who works at Libreria Editrice Vaticana and sold me a copy in Latin of the Roman Catechism. When I remarked on his interesting name, he wrote back that he is honoured to bear it and happy that someone still remembers his uncle, Cardinal Ottaviani.

  23. Mary Jane says:

    Hubby and I celebrated our wedding anniversary on the Feast of St Joseph the Worker. Hard to believe 7 wonderful years have already gone (flown!) by. St Joseph, ora pro nobis!

  24. Sliwka says:

    Stupor mundi #3 was born last Friday healthy and strong. June Tara Valdine S. 11lbs 15.5oz. My wife is amazing.

  25. JonPatrick says:

    Thanks un-ionized. Ruger now has the Mark IV which is supposed to be easier to take apart, I will have to try one. I recently shot a S&W Victory I liked the feel of that gun also.

  26. un-ionized says:

    The Mark iv is very nice. No more getting that stud in the wrong place and jamming the bolt!

  27. DavidR says:

    Can’t comment on the Ruger trigger, but Smiths have always been known for excellent triggers. I’ve got a couple, and have previously had a few more.

  28. MikeS says:

    Second daughter is receiving her First Holy Communion tomorrow.

    Friends who have suffered through three miscarriages are approaching a June due date with everything looking (cautiously) good this time.

  29. un-ionized says:

    I had a volquartsen match trigger put on my mark II. Less filling, tastes great.

  30. Nan says:

    Lovely college seminarian will graduate this spring. Don’t know if his plans include crossing the street to the major seminary but he’s very devout so

    11 men will be ordained to the priesthood and three to the transitional diaconate, including the guy who took a couple years off and returned last spring.

    Pilgrimage to the Holy Land, iconography class in Bethlehem and Easter in Jerusalem were great.

  31. TimG says:

    Visited UW Platteville with our senior to be today and was very happy to find a solid and growing Newman Center. Had a great conversation with Fr John Del Priore.

  32. Discerning Altar Boy says:

    60 First Communions today, ~4 Baptisms tomorrow, and a K-8 parochial school filled to 90% capacity.

  33. leftycbd says:

    Yet another new Oratory … This time in Scotland.

  34. bibi1003 says:

    My nephew was confirmed tonight!!

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