Tag Archives: Card. Coccopalmerio

Certain sins bring infestation of demons: horrid #sodoclericalism “parties” close to the most important places in the Vatican

UPDATE: Just because a bishop sets a “policy”, that doesn’t mean that the rest of us in a diocese are obliged to follow that “policy” if that policy clearly contradicts the universal law of the Church. The failure of a … Read More

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Si vis pacem para bellum!, Sin That Cries To Heaven | Tagged

Will Francis punish Archbp. Viganò for his Testimony?

Archbp. Carlo Maria Viganò is experience what virtually all whistleblowers experience.   He is being smeared and savaged by those on whom he has blown the whistle.  Also, there is the threat of punishment, or being sued or prosecuted.  That often … Read More

Posted in SESSIUNCULA | Tagged ,

Fr. Murray on Card. Coccopalermio’s odd utterings about validity of sacraments

Today at TCT my friend Fr. Murray drills into the implications of Card. Coccopalmerio’s stunning statements which undermine our understanding of sacraments. Coccopalmerio characterized the Church’s teaching on the question of Anglican orders as follows: “We have had, and we … Read More

Posted in The Coming Storm, The Drill, The future and our choices, You must be joking! | Tagged , , ,

Ed Peters on Card. Coccopalmerio’s alarming assertion

Ed Peters – HERE – has some observations about recent comments made by Card. Coccopalmerio – who, frankly, is becoming a bit a of a concern. The Bitter Pill (aka The Tablet, the UK’s … not best Catholic weekly) has Coccopalmerio … Read More

Posted in The Drill | Tagged , ,

“If you don’t commit adultery, I’ll kill myself!” – “Well, okay.”

My friend Fr. Gerald Murray has again offered some insights over at The Catholic Thing about… The False and Dangerous Coccopalmerio Gambit Ready for some casuistry? [which is the use of clever but unsound reasoning, especially in relation to moral … Read More

Posted in Mail from priests, One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity, The Coming Storm, The Drill, The future and our choices | Tagged , , ,

Is there a “schism”?

I pay scant attention to Patheos, but for a couple contributors.  This caught my eye after a frequent commentator here alerted me. Fr. Dwight Longenecker wrote, with my legendary emphases and comments: Headlines last week were proclaiming that a group of cardinals believe … Read More

Posted in Liberals, Pò sì jiù, You must be joking! | Tagged , , ,

Card. Coccopalmerio: “Maybe we have to reflect on this concept of validity or invalidity. “

Just after I read a silly piece from the ridiculous Hans Küng over at the Fishwrap (National Schismatic Reporter) about completely rehabilitating Martin Luther, I flipped over to the National Catholic Register and saw Ed Pentin’s long interview of Card. … Read More

Posted in What are they REALLY saying?, You must be joking! | Tagged , ,

Fr. Murray on Card. Coccopalmerio’s booklet defense of Communion for mortal sinners

I direct the readership to dash over to The Catholic Thing for a new column by my friend Fr. Gerald Murray.  He drills into the booklet offered to the public through the intermediary of the Vatican Press by His Eminence … Read More

Posted in Mail from priests, One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity, Pò sì jiù, The Drill, What are they REALLY saying? | Tagged , , , , ,

Card. Coccopalmerio’s booklet: The Response™? Apparently not.

Yesterday, I posted HERE about the release of the booklet by Card. Coccopalmerio, Prefect of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts. It was ballyhooed as The Response™ to the Five Dubia of the Four “intransigent” Cardinals, who are dissenters because they … Read More

Posted in The Drill | Tagged , , , , , , , ,

New booklet by Cardinal asserted to be response to the Five Dubia of the Four Cardinals

In the shallow, liberal, Italian Catholic weekly Panorama we are informed about a booklet now out over the name of Card. Coccopalmerio, Prefect of the Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts.  It is ballyhooed as “the response” to the Five Dubia of … Read More

Posted in One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity, The Coming Storm | Tagged , , , , , , ,

“Would it really be totally impossible to admit her to Communion?”

Some of the mistakes we make in life can’t be fixed. These days we expect everything to be fixable, to have a solution.  There must be some way to get around problems, some cure, some repair, some slight-of-hand. No.  Not … Read More

Posted in "How To..." - Practical Notes, Fr. Z KUDOS, Hard-Identity Catholicism, One Man & One Woman, Our Catholic Identity | Tagged , , , , ,