Nifty video about Clear Creek Abbey in Oklahoma

There is a great 5 minute video about Clear Creek Abbey in Oklahoma.   It is well worth your time. There is a brief, though annoying, ad before the video starts.

Clear Creek Abbey Work Day from clearcreekabbey on GodTube.

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. UncleBlobb says:

    The monk speaking is an honest-to-goodness, old fashioned lay brother, as opposed to a “choir monk”. Clear Creek keeps the traditional division between choir monks and lay monks.

  2. robtbrown says:

    He is–or was–Mark Owen. I’m not sure his name in religion. An Oregonian, he was a student at Thomas Aquinas College who transferred to KU.

  3. Joe in Canada says:

    Father, how did you manage to remove the ad for your site?!

  4. Therese says:

    Very nifty. (And no annoying ad played for me.) Thanks, Father!

  5. Del says:

    I first learned about the Clear Creek Monks a year or two ago, when Dale Ahlquist (founder of the American Chesterton Society) visited and wrote about them in Gilbert Magazine.

    In a novel, Chesterton has one of his female characters make an interesting observation: “I cannot prove it, but I know in my heart this is true: When the monks come back, marriages will come back.”

    Watching this video, I can see now how this is true.

    Fr. Z's Gold Star Award

  6. Jbuntin says:

    This is only a few hours from where I live in Texas, someday, God willing, I will be a happy visitor to Clear Creek Abby.

  7. tealady24 says:

    So nice! I sure hope Heaven has a place like that.

  8. mwmn says:

    It would be great to take part in one of these weekends? Please let us know when the next one approaches. Thanks.

  9. ReginaMarie says:

    We made a cross-country pilgrimage with our 6 children this summer & stayed with the monks at Clear Creek on our way westward. It was an amazing experience for our family to pray with the monks & I would encourage anyone who can to visit.

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