This could be something fun and memorable to do with your children.
From SpaceWeather:
GEMINID METEOR SHOWER: Earth is passing through a stream of debris from “rock comet” 3200 Phaethon, source of the annual Geminid meteor shower. Around the world, observers are counting as many as 60 shooting stars per hour, a number which could increase sharply as the shower peaks on the night of Dec. 13-14. Wherever you live, the best time to look is during the dark hours between local midnight and sunrise.
Really this week? Not the next one?
For the German mnemonic is (in a rough translation for which I apologize) “Ashes, Pent’cost, Cross, Lucy — Wednesday next the Embers be”.
Wrong combox. I’m really sorry.
Just came in from a beautiful clear night with my boys 6 & 10. Although they were more inclined to beam their flashlights everywhere and run into the woods, we managed to see approximately 8 meteors in the space of 15 minutes or so. It is nights like these that I really appreciate moving out of the city.
We saw seven in the space of 15 minutes last evening. Best viewing is to LOOK EAST!
Despite living in town, me and my little sister went out and saw 14 shooting stars in the space of 20 minutes! I totally don’t regret her dragging me out in 37 degree weather now! :)