From the Peanut Gallery

I post this for your amusement more than anything else.  Jimmy Carter, since his passing from the White House, has been the nutty uncle in the garage (save some building projects he had).


It’s not news when irrelevant people spout irrational opinions, because it happens nearly all the time, but hey – it’s been a slow day.

From Swampland:

Let’s get right to it. This week the Carter Center’s Mobilizing Faith for Women conference will ask the question, “Can religion be a force for women’s rights instead of a source of women’s oppression?” What’s your answer?

Well, religion can be, and I think there’s a slow, very slow, move around the world to give women equal rights in the eyes of God. What has been the case for many centuries is that the great religions, the major religions, have discriminated against women in a very abusive fashion and set an example for the rest of society to treat women as secondary citizens. In a marriage or in the workplace or wherever, they are discriminated against. And I think the great religions have set the example for that, by ordaining, in effect, that women are not equal to men in the eyes of God.

This has been done and still is done by the Catholic Church ever since the third century, when the Catholic Church ordained that a woman cannot be a priest for instance but a man can. A woman can be a nurse or a teacher but she can’t be a priest. This is wrong, I think. As you may or may not know, the Southern Baptist Convention back now about 13 years ago in Orlando, voted that women were inferior and had to be subservient to their husbands, and ordained that a woman could not be a deacon or a pastor or a chaplain or even a teacher in a classroom in some seminaries where men are in the classroom, boys are in the classroom. So my wife and I withdrew from the Southern Baptist Convention primarily because of that…

In the Islamic world that varies widely depending on what the regime is in the capital. Sometimes they try to impose very strict law, misquoting I think the major points of the Qur’an, and they ordain that a woman is inferior inherently. Ten year old girls can be forced to marry against their wishes, and that women can be treated as slaves in a marriage, and that a woman can’t drive an automobile, some countries don’t let women vote, like Saudi Arabia.

Yeah, the Catholic Church is just like the Islam religion in how women are treated. Practically indistinguishable. And in case he was unclear, later in the interview, Jimmy mentions the Taliban and Al Qaeda.


There’s lots more!

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Salvatore_Giuseppe says:

    vis-a-vis “ordain”

    You keep using that word, I do not think it means what you think it means

  2. Kerry says:

    Not the nutty uncle in the garage, but Abe Simpson, wearing onions in his belt…

  3. Gratias says:

    The Catholic Church was the great equalizer for women, and for slaves and servants. Jimmy probably is just ignorant of why the Church spread so rapidly in the times of the Apostles. Or maybe he is just a loser trying to stir up anti-Catholicism to strengthen the Democrat vote.

  4. Imrahil says:

    This is wrong, I think.

    Reminds me of the popular saying around here: Leave the thinking to the horses, for they’ve got the bigger heads.

  5. drea916 says:

    Oh! Oh! Me First! Yeah, “ordain” me. Carter and the gang would rue the day.
    I won’t back down and will preach all the things that folks like him disagree with. I’ll call out Pelosi and the gang. I’ll never shut up about the evil of birth control and abortion. I would have the courage to preach about the stuff that the “oppresive males” of the Church won’t. And, yes, we will call God FATHER. Yeah, “ordain” me. I dare you.

  6. APX says:

    Whenever I read this kind of nonsense, I’m reminded of this:

  7. scarda says:

    I never paid any attention to him when he was president, so there is no reason to do so now. The man is a cypher.

  8. majuscule says:

    Isn’t he a Baptist?

    Don’t some of them think the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon?

    (Look, I’ve read the above in the MSM over the years, so I have no idea if any of it is true.)

  9. robtbrown says:

    Jimmy Carter gives yet another reminder that his incompetence is not limited to politics and economics.

  10. acardnal says:

    APX, excellent video! Especially the last line as expressed by John Cleese.

  11. Trinitarian Dad says:

    Oh! How I wish I could meet him and shake his hand. While I’m doing that, I’ll look him straight in the eye and tell him, “Your brother Billy was the smarter one.”

  12. Elizabeth M says:

    I wonder how many people realize what a silly statement they make by saying, “This has been done and still is done by the Catholic Church ever since the third century” followed by whatever doctrine they don’t like. You can admit that the Catholic Church has been around for much longer than yours and you can’t see what the real problem is.

  13. Matthew says:

    Well in a sense Mr. Carter was right, a woman can’t be a priest in the same way I can’t be an eggplant.

    Otherwise he continues to be a doddering fool.

  14. LarryD says:

    Hey Father Z –

    Something happened to the link back to my post up at the top: Jimmy Carter: Failure of Catholic Church to Ordain Women is a Human Rights Abuse

    It’s also posted at The American Catholic.

    Glad you liked my post – and thanks for the link!

  15. maryh says:

    Mr. Carter actually makes the logical conclusion about women’s role for a protestant who has denied the importance of the role of the Blessed Mother and denied that the Mass is actually a participation in the Sacrifice of and by Jesus, a piece of Eternity made present to us who are bound to time. And who also denies that marriage is a sign of the marriage between Christ and his Church.

    Basically, such a protestant has removed the meaning of Woman as anyone other than Eve, the temptress of man, and a helpmate to prevent her husband from falling into lust. They have no role for the unmarried woman at all, and no understanding of the idea of a consecrated virgin.

    It’s interesting that his primary sign of the Catholic Church’s “oppression” of women is that a woman cannot be a priest. Well, if a priest is simply the person who presides over the Memorial meal, rather than the alter Christi, then why shouldn’t a woman preside at the table? And if our Blessed Mother is not the new Eve, who by her fiat actively participates in bringing Christ to all humankind, then there is no counter to Eve. Christ, in a sense, being the new Adam, uses masculinity to save mankind, but his Mother, to protestants, is not recognized as the new Eve, whose femininity Christ also uses to save mankind. Both male and female participate in God’s plan to save mankind, but protestants recognize only the masculine role, not the feminine.

    The only way for a woman to be “equal in the eyes of God” then, appears to require giving her access to every male role, because she has no significant female role.

  16. RafkasRoad says:


    I am smiling wryly alongside you. If they want this vision to come to pass, they would best be ready for their house of cards to be undone. Indeed, as you, Drea, if such were to ever arise, I would cry out for my down-trodden brothers and sisters with a disability, those routinely spurned by the PC crowd, those without a voice in so much of society, those considered by Peter Singer to be too unproductive to be allowed a single breath, or worse
    The MSM often claims that it is only religious groups that make nuisances of themselves re these sorts of ‘enlightened thinkers’; it is also vexing to disability groups, some which tried to bar Dr. Philip Nitchke from entering the UK. yes, disability groups are concerned about these new philosophies and rightly so, because it is our lives that are judged in the scales by our supposed ‘Able’ brethren and found wanting, based on their own presuppositions and prejudices.
    (90% of unborn children diagnosed with Down’s Syndrome never see the light of day – these figures were not revealed to me in some ‘prolife conspiracy publication’ but openly in a secular university during a lecture in early childhood development – special needs subject – shame!!, as one with a disability, shame!!!) they would rue the day!! There is an old tried and true saying ‘be careful what you wish for, you just might get it’. Not that I’m advocating womens’ ordination, but these scandellous individuals just might wind up being hoisted on their own petards if the likes of Drea and myself ever step up to the pulpit….

    I can speak to this personally due to the following

    Dauhter of an adopted mother and sister of an adopted brother (Thank God they were allowed to live)
    survivor of micro-premature birth (came into the world at only 26 weeks weighing 750g back in 1970)
    acquired my significant vision loss and other health complications as a result,
    With extended family who live with Down’s Syndrome , and late extended family who lived with CF and when asked what she thought about ‘being allowed to live’ never regretted it or complained whilst living with the onerous results of her condition.

    yes, lads and lasses of the ‘liberal’ bent (not so liberal concerning the likes of me), advocate away, because one day you might just raise up ruth who will not be quieted to appease the PC machine.


    Aussie Maronite.

  17. Andy Lucy says:

    Isn’t he a Baptist?

    Don’t some of them think the Catholic Church is the Whore of Babylon?

    (Look, I’ve read the above in the MSM over the years, so I have no idea if any of it is true.)


    That type of belief is not typically widespread among Baptists. I guess I was just “lucky” to have Baptist grandparents who went to their graves convinced that I was going to hell because I had “poped.” The larger Baptist sects, such as the Southern Baptist Convention, do not hold this belief, rather seeing Catholicism as just another denomination among many, the eldest of which are the Baptists. The “Trail of Blood” is the concept by which they derive their ‘ancient’ lineage… basically all of the heresies throughout history, the ones persecuted and martyred by the evil Catholic Church, were the Baptist movement in hiding, in exile, if you will. Then, finally, during the Reformation, it was safe to emerge from the shadows and take their rightful place as the oldest extant church. Trying to get them to reconcile the often contradictory natures of the different heresies is fun for a whole afternoon… sometimes, they even figure out that there is no reconciling them. That is when the fun and name calling usually starts, and a spittle flecked nutty ensues. LOL

    Catholicism as the Whore of Babylon is, however, a widespread belief among Seventh Day Adventists, many of whom I have debated on this topic, and is also prevalent in many, though by no means all, fundamentalist denominations.

  18. Dr Guinness says:

    Women are not equal to men. Men are not equal to women.
    Both hold their own unique places in Creation.
    If men and women were equal, there would be no sexes, only one ‘person’.
    Men and women are not equal by the very nature of their being men and women.

  19. Elizabeth D says:

    Sometimes one is tempted to assume there is not much point in leaving a comment on news sites especially on an article like that, because we have come to assume that if it has to do with the Catholic Church all the demons will be out to howl obscenely and spatter filth over everything. But sometimes I comment anyway. I was considerably surprised that my faithfully Catholic comment on that article, calmly explaining that Carter does not believe in the sacramental Priesthood nor that the Catholic Church is what it says it is, and, trenchantly, what I believe as a Catholic woman and why, is the highest rated and someone even tracked down my blog and sent me a nice comment via my blog contact form. Sometimes comments on articles like that encourage other Catholics and reach out to other people with the truth in charity.

  20. mousy says:

    I laughed at this… at first. Then I remembered something. Sometimes, a patsy is used as a mouthpiece: floating an idea out there. Maybe to test the waters, or maybe to start the discussion – which softens up the folks (and riles up the agitators) – that leads to new legislation.

    Remember that a few days before the HHS mandate hit us, Greg Stephanopoulos, moderator of a presidential primary debate, asked Mitt Romney if he thought contraception should be outlawed. Romney was caught flat-footed, because the topic of contraception hadn’t ever come up in political discourse. It soon did, of course, and we are losing that one.

    I hope I’m overreacting, and that Jimmy Carter’s words do not lead to that kind of confrontation, because it could get very, very ugly, very fast.

    St. Thomas More, pray for us!

  21. pmullane says:

    Jimmy Carter and Barack Obama are good witnesses to the existance and worldly power of Satan and his devils.

  22. dinsdale says:

    If memory serves, some years ago Carter visited Poland, and on his return he remarked that he would love to go back to evangelize. To me, this clearly indicates his views towards the Roman Catholic Church.

  23. BLB Oregon says:

    He reminds me of those Catholics who make a big deal about how they left the Church or quit making contributions because they had deemed it unworthy of their superior understanding of Scriptures, the guidance of the Holy Spirit, the demands of moral law, and the nature of the human person.

    What makes me think the Southern Baptist Convention didn’t beg to get him back? I know that no one bemoaning the lack of really superior candidates for public office are putting him on the list of people they’d like to be running things again. Let’s face it: While most people are pleased to see and ex-President building homes for the disadvantaged, even those people would rather re-elect Nixon than Carter. The more he uses his hands and the less he opens his mouth, the better.

  24. Kathleen10 says:

    RafkasRoad, your comment reminds me of that great narrative from “A Christmas Carol”, which may not be in the actual book but the film, when one of the Ghosts of Christmas chastises Ebenezer with something to the effect of, “Oh to hear the insect clamoring from the reeds that there is too much LIFE among his brethren….when in truth it may be that you are in fact far less worthy than a thousand like this poor man’s child…”, referring, of course, to Tiny Tim.
    I mourn the many precious children with Down Syndrome and all children who are not with us because someone deemed them “unfit”. Our God loves them more than even we would.

    Jimmy Carter represents a situation that unfortunately is hard to change. To protestants we are lost souls, who believe we can “work our way to heaven”. There exists quite a bit of ignorance about the Catholic faith, which the scandals committed by homosexual predator priests have not lessened, but probably only strengthened.

  25. StarOfTheSea47 says:

    This sounds very cowardly, not to mention inaccurate.

    “In the Islamic world that varies widely depending on what the regime is in the capital. Sometimes they try to impose very strict law, misquoting I think the major points of the Qur’an”

    So, can a woman be a mullah? His perception of equality between women and men in the Catholic Church seems based on the fact that women can’t be priests. I’ve never seen a female mullah in the 10+ years I’ve been living in Muslim countries.

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