Today is the Feast of Sts. Nunilo and Alodia, martyrs! Hurray!
Sts. Nunilo and Alodia, pray for us in our time of political correctness run amok. Intercede for us in this time of fear and tension. Ask God to grant us courage and perspicacity in our daily lives when confronted with conflicts about the burning issues of our time.
Saints Nunilo and Alodia were 9th c. virgin martyrs in Huesca, Spain. They were born to a Muslim father and Christian mother. However, they chose their mother’s Christianity.
And so during the Emirate of Abd ar-Rahman II it came to pass that these little girls were first put in a brothel and then were executed as apostates according to Sharia law.
Blessed feast day!
I tried the link a few times, but it states the webpage can’t be found.
Father Z,
Where can we get the statues?
No idea. Perhaps somewhere in Spain.
Thanks. We have icons, mostly, but it would be nice to honor them in our house.
This feast day isn’t mentioned in my Baronius missal
Anyone know why some feasts appear in some missals but not in others?