A 1st Sunday of Advent sermon

I haven’t posted a sermon in quite some time.

Here is a Sunday offering.


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. benedetta says:

    This is helpful towards setting out on a coherent and prayerful response to those “Advent plans” you refer to. Thank-you.

  2. Maltese says:

    I wish more priests had your wit and wisdom, Fr. Z. It is rare that you find such a light spirit (e.g. great humor) combined with a seriousness of purpose (e.g. the reality of everlasting Hell). G.K. Chesterton comes to mind, along with Charles Coulombe.

  3. Magpie says:

    Thank you Father. I hope one day you will do a podcazt for the 4th Eucharisic Prayer. The others were excellent and I gave copies to friends.

  4. Magpie says:

    * Eucharistic, of course.

  5. Supertradmum says:

    Good stuff for pondering on later. Thanks. And, thankfully, today, our Latin Mass priest referred to the Pope’s request for prayers for nascent life. The priest’s sermon was terrific. He acknowledged that “some” bishops ignored the request.

  6. Malateste says:

    Thanks so much for posting this! The regular podcazts have been sorely missed over the past few months; it’s great to have something new to brighten the morning commute tomorrow.

  7. Malateste: I have been busy with quite a few things, and the PODCAzTs are time consuming. I wanted to rethink my approach to them. Also, they are hard to with any quality when on the road… At least for me. Should I get them going again?

  8. irishgirl says:

    Father Z-I tried listening to the PodCazt, and it was too fast!

  9. Magpie says:

    I love your podcazts Father and I miss them. I enjoy listening to them. Especially when you digress!

  10. Maria says:

    Dear Father Z,

    Your Ist Sunday in Advent sermon was very moving to say the least.

    Your teaching gift alongside the simplicity of the way you put things over made Advent come alive much more meaningfully to me than ever before.

    The message it carried will linger in my heart long after Christmas.

    Thank you, and may God bless you more and more with His Gifts.

  11. Maria: Thanks for that! I hope you have a very fruitful Advent preparation!

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