CHICAGO – A pro-abortion “Walk for Choice” rally was held in
downtown Chicago’s Daley Plaza on Saturday, February 26, 2011.
Participants of the “Walk for Choice” were protesting HR Bill 3
which limits taxpayer funding for Planned Parenthood.As a response to the “Walk for Choice,” anonymous teens and young
adults organized a “Pro-Life Flash Mob” over the span of a few
days. The goal of the event was not to counter-protest, but to give a
positive message of joy and life to Chicago.The youth assembled inconspicuously around the plaza before the rally
hiding their giant yellow balloons in black trash bags. When the
“Walk for Choice” had assembled, the youth prompted by music
coming from a backpack sound system then proceeded to unveil the helium balloons imprinted with the word “LIFE.”These exclusive videos shows the “Pro-Life Flash Mob” taking the
“pro-choicers” by surprise with Life, Spirit, and Truth!As participants of the “Walk for Choice” were asked to wear orange for
the event, so the Pro-Life flash mob jovially asks in their sign:
“ORANGE YOU GLAD TO SEE US???”Which side has more joy?
This is an excellent idea!
How beautiful! I am smoking from ear to ear! Joy is contagious.
Smiling that is…stupid autocorrect. :-)
I was thinking, that wouldst be quite the wide mouth you have, WBBritton! ;)
How lovely to see so many young! The future, difficult as it may be, will rest in their good hands.
Sheer awesomeness. That is why I love the March for Life. As much as it is a protest of abortion it is a celebration of life. Pro-abortion crowds have nothing to celebrate. I love the chants. I heard most of the same ones at the March for Life this year as in this video.
“the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
“Et introibo ad altare Dei: ad Deum qui laetificat juventutem meam.”
What joy these young people have!
I cried tears of joy watching the clip! THIS is the future, and I can just hope I will be around long enough to see the turn of the tide. God bless them all!!! Cheers, cheers for LIFE!
Wonderful! Their parents must be very proud!
That’s awesome.
It’s funny that some teens were able to mobilize almost as many people in a few days as the pro-abortion machine could turn out.
A pro-life flash mob…. how cool is that? Contrast the “flash mob” format, presenting its message in short and exuberant bursts, to the angry, sign-waving protest march and see which one makes a more lasting impression.
It is nice to know that Chewbacca the Wookie is pro-life.
Youth revolution: pro-life!
This is how to be a “happy warrior”, which is a highly persuasive way to fight. G.K. Chesterton would love it. You can’t always do it; but this is a prime occasion for it.
This is awesome! It appears that there is a cassock wearing priest amongst the mob.
I do believe those in cassock are the guys from St. John Cantius!
Who organized this? I want to be a part of it next time!
This is so cool! I love it!
And seeing so many young faces in the pro-life crowd!
I did see a couple of young fellows in cassocks-that was a cool witness too!
A few thoughts:
1.) I think that was Br. Chad McCoy of the Canons Regular of St. John Cantius!
2.) Where was Michael Pfleger?
3.) When the positivists/leftists are confronted with their own tactics, they are invariably gobstopped. They have no answers to any challenge that does not succumb to their “protests.”
4.) Listening to the pro-death their crowd, the phrase “…their snares, their lies, and their furious wickedness…” came immediately to mind. No joy, only the petulant fury of evil.
The Cantius folks had those balloons at the March this year, too. I’d assume it was organized by somebody with Cantius.
Father Z., Thank you so much for posting this wonderful event. It is an awesomely, awesome sight. May God bless all of these enthused, happy young folks for their beautiful witness to the gospel of life. This is the now and the future of the pro-life movement. The tide has turned, God be praised. St. Michael defend them.
The vibrant creativity of true orthodoxy is beautiful to behold!
Yes, the young people are an awesome inspiration!
And here in my community something surprising is happening in the pro-life efforts. The Catholics have yawned and rolled over and God is calling out the Protestants, especially the kids.
What joy! and they are all so YOUNG! I feel such hope and happiness to see this. Thank you very much for posting.
God bless you and all these young people!
I was there! I brought my young children and they were so excited! I found out via a friend who received an email from Br. Chad. It was quietly organized so the surprise wouldn’t be spoiled. Some of the video shows the shock on the ‘orange shirts’ faces.
They were truly surprised when the yellow balloons started appearing out of the corners of the plaza and the chants for Pro-Life began.
We had to leave a bit early and as we were walking to the parking garage we overheard some ‘orange shirts’ saying “Did you know the pro-lifers would be here? They all said No – that was a big surprise – how did they organize all those people without us knowing?” I quietly walked by them with my yellow Life balloons and said God works wonders for the truth!
It was very exciting! These Catholic kids were exhilarating! Kids as young as 6 were there yelling chants and carrying balloons!
For any high school or college age kids in the Chicago area, most of the people at the flash mob are part of a pro-life group called Crusaders for Life. They meet once a month in Lombard, IL and the brothers and priests from St. John Cantius try to attend the meetings. Yes, Br. Chad and some of the kids planned the flash mob, they want to do it every weekend. Please keep them all in your prayers.
As any true Star Wars geek knows, the Wookiees have a holiday called Life Day.
God bless these fine young people for standing up to the Culture of Death in a most cheerful way.
I did something somewhat similar today. For the past 12 years, I had subscribed to the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, a newspaper published by Richard Mellon Scaife. Pittsburgh is one of a very few number of citied that has two daily newspaers, and I cann0t tolerate the left wing radicalism of the Post-Gazette.
In the past several months, the Trib’s editorial and opinion page had become nastier and more disdainful of those who support the pro life view. There has been a recurring columnnist named Donald Collins who writes from DC extolling the vitures of population control. There was a guest oponion column stating that conservatives should support gay marriage. The editorials continue to rip on Rick Santorum four years after he was voted out of office – in fact, they had more bad things to say about Santorum that the butcher Kermit Gosnell. For more than a decade, the Trib’s editorial staff whined loud and hard about taxpayer support for the now 10 year old football stadium and baseball park in Pittsburgh.
Yesterday was the final straw. Mr. Scaife wrote a piece calling for the continued funding of Planned Parenthood – referring to efforts to defund PP “dead wrong”. Scaife praised the “intellect” of Margaret Sanger and dismissed her adversaries. I canceled my subscription and will no longer buy the Trib or allow it in my house.
Richard Mellon Scaife is an elitist hypocrite. Scaife, whose editorial page supports legalized drug use, homosexual relationships and abortion, who has whined for years against taxpayer funding for pro sports facilities, supports the garbage PP stands for. The Tea Party has made it clear that we want taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood stopped, and one way or another it will be stopped – not all at once, but it will happen.
Scaife is also stupid. Barry Goldwater’s libertarianism was smashed at the polls in 1964. Ronald Reagan’s conservatism was a huge winner – twice.
Praise and thanks be to God. What a joyful and confident witness to life!