Here are some recent posts of interest, ne pereant. Lot’s of questions in the last few days!
(“Quaeritur” is Latin for “It is asked”, a classic way of introducing questions of the philosophical/theological kind. The Latin way of thinking likes impersonal questions.)
I draw your attention to two WDTPRS POLLS, one about women covering their heads in church (4000+ votes so far) and about the Sign of Peace during the Ordinary Form of Holy Mass (4400+ votes).
- HELP WDTPRS in the Reader’s Choice Awards!
- UPDATE REVIEW: iPhone app to help you make a good confession updated
- QUAERITUR: Is it a sin not to pray every day? Yes.
- Propose rather than impose
- Angry! Disgusted! ARRRRRRRCH – – GAAH .. *cough – II
- FOLLOW UP: REVIEW of iPhone app for help with confession
- QUAERITUR: Long distance sacramental absolution of sins? No.
- Cong. for Divine Worship… but no longer Discipline of the Sacraments?
- WDTPRS POLL: Should women wear head-coverings in church?
- REVIEW: The new iPhone app for confession – useful but flawed
- QUAERITUR: folded chasuble
- QUAERITUR: Women singing in church
- QUAERITUR: How can I leave the Catholic Church?
- QUAERITUR: Should I remove chapel veil to read during Mass?
- Obama Administration rewards another pro-abortion nun
- QUAERITUR: Should I teach my child to confess sins in kind and also number?
- A really fun Super Bowl Commercial
- QUAERITUR: How to tell priests you don’t want concelebration?
- QUAERITUR: After what point of lateness can I no longer receive Communion, fulfill obligation?
- Dissident Irish priests try to create discord and resentment against the new translation
- A visit to the Met, a matter of great joy, and music so beautiful it hurt
- A first fruit of the provisions of Anglicanorum coetibus
- Birettiquette revisited
- WDTPRS POLL: The Sign of Peace in the Novus Ordo
And don’t forget: