Norma Jean Coon, A woman who did the “woman priest” thingie and simulated ordination to the diaconate has had a change of mind and heart. She has a webpage where she explains herself.
My emphases and comments. This starts off a bit odd, but keep reading. This is not the usual stuff about women being ordained. She becomes clearer and clearer until, at the end, she makes a deeply impressive conclusion!
I admire her courage.
Document of Renunciation of Ordination to Diaconate
On July 22, 2007, I was ordained to the diaconate [No, Ms. Coon, you weren’t.] by [pretend] Bishop Patricia Fresen, of Germany and South Africa who was [not] ordained by three male bishops in Germany for the group called Roman Catholic Women Priests. The [fake] ordination took place at the Santa Barbara Immaculate Heart Spiritual Center. Because neither Patricia Fresen nor myself were given permission for the ordination by Pope Benedict XVI, the ordinations were illegitimate and not recognized by the Roman Catholic Church. Thus an excommunication process called Latae Sententiae occurred, excommunicating oneself by failure to observe the Canon Laws of the Church. [There is a bit more to it than that. NO Church authority gave permission or even could give permission because you are a woman and cannot be ordained to anything. The statement Coon makes above buries the lead: “I am a woman and I cannot be ordained.” But read on! What follows is amazing…]
I wish to renounce the alleged ordination [Here she says “alleged”. This is a shift in language. If it were a simple matter of lack of permission (and it involved a baptized man) the ordination would have been valid but illicit, much in the same way that SSPX ordinations are valid but illicit . But in this case it was obviously invalid and it was also one of the graviora delicta.] and publicly state that I did not act as a deacon as a part of this group except on two occasions, when I read the gospel once at mass and distributed communion once at this same mass. I withdrew from the program within two weeks of the ceremony because I realized that I had made a mistake in studying for the priesthood. [AND HERE IT IS…] I confess to the truth of Pope John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis . I confess the authority of the Holy Father on these issues of ordination and recognize that Christ founded the ordination only for men. [BRAVA! Quite simply BRAVA!]
Formally, I relinquish all connection to the program of Roman Catholic Women Priests and I disclaim the alleged ordination publicly with apologies to those whose lives I have offended or scandalized by my actions. I ask God’s blessings upon each of these folks and their families.
Norma Jean Coon, RN, MFCC, PhD
San Diego, California
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Going on she says…
Holy God, I ask your blessings on my Bishop and my pastor and priests in Rome who have assisted me in the process of being re-instated into the Roman Catholic Church and I forsake all connection with the Roman Catholic Women Priests program via Internet or otherwise.
I thank you for the efforts of my family in my behalf and ask for Jesus’ Light and Love to pour over my husband of 47 years and my five children.
Forgive me my Beloved Jesus and Mother Mary for pursuing my own will in this matter of ordination and as I consecrate myself to your Divine Will through the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I ask you to pour out Light and Love upon any who have placed themselves outside of your Love and Light Bless us, O Lord, for these thy gifts and place us in the Heart of the Father, as we pray for more priests to serve in our church and for vocations to enrich our Church in the United States.
Forgive us for failing in obedience and enrich us in your Holy Love, I pray through Jesus and Mary. Fiat+
Okay. I am impressed.
I will say Holy Mass for her and her family later this week. I ask you readers to stop and say a pray for them as well.
Biretta tip o{]:¬) to Rorate.
as with the death of the penitent abortionist, Dr. Bernard Nathanson earlier this week, we are yet again reminded that no one is too far for the grace of God to reach and draw back to Himself. Let’s pray, not only for Mrs. Coon (who will surely be on the receiving end of all sorts of vitriol from her former associates, as well as torment from the Evil One for her brave renunciation), but also for all those whom we, in our earthly minds, tend to think are unconvertible.
Oh rahh! Go Ms. Coon!!!
She’s brave for being so public about it and adamant. Now she will find who her real friends are. I hope they are us. We?
She prays great, too.
That’s marvelous. It certainly took alot of courage for her to denounce her own actions and the actions and false doctrines of her peers so completely and so publicly.
It’s easy enough to get sucked into some cockamamie group that tells you their brand of Catholicism is more righteous than the mainstream version. It’s not as easy, however, to humble yourself enough to realize that the ideas you fell for are a just bunch of bunk and that the group you fell in with are just bunch of nuts. It’s harder still to publicly admit it and to cut all ties with an organization that once seemed to define your very spirituality.
Be assured of my prayers, courageous sister in Christ.
This is the second great return to the Sacraments that I have heard about this week, the other being much closer to home. Thanks be to God!
“What man of you that hath an hundred sheep: and if he shall lose one of them, doth he not leave the ninety-nine in the desert, and go after that which was lost, until he find it? And when he hath found it, lay it upon his shoulders, rejoicing:
And coming home, call together his friends and neighbours, saying to them: Rejoice with me, because I have found my sheep that was lost? I say to you, that even so there shall be joy in heaven upon one sinner that doth penance, more than upon ninety-nine just who need not penance.”
It’s good to see that things like this can actually happen. God bless her. May she be an influential example for others. I think the comparison to Dr. Bernard Nathanson is very appropriate as well.
May God bless her, especially for her humility.
God’s tender mercies are new every morning. May God bless Mrs. Coon and her family.
” I confess to almigtly God, and to you, my brothers and sisters, that i have …..”
Truely an inspiration for my life…
Praise the Lord! I pray that her community of faithful Catholics (if she has one) will whole-heartedly welcome her home. And if she is without a community of faith, that the parish she and her family join will be supportive and affirming of the decision to stand with Truth.
Deo gratias!
Now THAT took guts. Bravo, Mrs. Coon! You and your family are in my prayers!
Praise the Lord! Let’s hope that she tells Rome who the 3 male Bishops in Germany that took part in the scandal. It sounds as though there might have been at least one that was Roman Catholic rather than Old Catholic.
Wonderful to see the workings of God’s grace in the human heart and mind.
May God bless her and give her strength for the upcoming attacks from the Evil One
God is good. May He bless Mrs. Coon abundantly with continued courage, grace and strength. She will be in my prayers.
That took guts. And humility. May she grow in peace and in the love of God.
I was in tears to read this and to think about what it means. What a courageous woman. God bless her and her family.
This is wonderful news. I also think it’s a great example of how an excommunication can lead to eventual repentance by helping the fallen away Catholic to see how truly dangerous their spiritual situation is. If the word “excommunication” had not been associated with Norma Coon’s actions, who knows if she ever would have repented?
In spite of the confusing beginning, this is wonderful! I hope and pray that her understanding of the matter will deepen further so that the confusion at the start of the letter will not be replicated in further statements, and that she will have many blessings in the future. It is wonderful to see someone repent and humbly confess and renounce the error of their ways. And it’s a reminder to pray for the others involved in the futile, disobedient and scandalous attempts at ordaining women.
He still sets captives free.
If you have ever questioned the Father’s infinite love, doubt no more-this story is proof positive.
Praise be Jesus Christ! My heart was overjoyed upon reading this. PTL!!!
Laus Deo!
This displays nicely the idea that excommunication is intended to be medicinal. The goal is always to bring back into full communion. Blessings upon her and may she continue to receive the support she needs.
This has moved me to tears.
This is a truly remarkable and courageous act! It just goes to show us that you just never know. Prayers and best wishes to Mrs. Coon.
Now, I just wonder if we’ll see this covered in the National Catholic Reporter? [We shall see.]
this gave me goose bumps. May God and Mother Mary hold onto her and her family for the rest of their lives. Thank you God.
Deo Gratias! I’m very impressed by Mrs. Coon’s humility and I know that the angels in heaven are rejoicing over her repentance.
Welcome home, Mrs. Coons! May you be an inspiration to others who have wandered off the path. You and your family will be in my prayers. God bless you!
Welcome back, Norma Jean.
Welcome back. Welcome back. Welcome back.
I am very moved by this sincere declaration. What humility. She has the makings of a saint. De Caussade in his famous book on complete abandonment to God stated that the greatest sinners have the capacity to be the greatest saints.
God bless her, and my prayers are with her and her family.
Two enthusiastic thumbs up for Norma Jean Coon!
Her repentance and reparation is very touching and a great example to us all. I will ensure that her name is remembered among the living at Divine Liturgy on Sunday.
This is a wonderful story and in line with some writing I’ve done on the topic. It’s nice to see Norma Jean literally putting the teaching into action.
A Woman In Support of an All-Male Priesthood
Roman Catholic Womanpriests – Not!
This is wonderful. Her act is very humble and very touching and encouraging.
One of the problems is that there are thousands of little old ladies out there (this woman wasn’t that old, and in fact, the worst generation is probably the one before hers) who believe that Vatican II has somehow declared that they are the authorities in the Church.
I happened to be at a diocesan historical site today and one of the volunteers (a woman of some 75 yrs of age) came up to me and said how happy she was that she had attended a meeting of a group that even our liberal, anti-Rome bishop had told local Catholics they should not attend. She said the group was all about “protecting Vatican II” and she couldn’t imagine why the bishop had said Catholics shouldn’t attend.
I looked at the handout and saw that it was the group that had been known as Voice of the Faithful but has now renamed itself locallyso that it will sound like an official Catholic organization, and in fact has been advertising in the press as such. The whole flyer was about the “priesthood of the laity” and the failure of the Church to “adapt,” combined with several paragraphs criticizing “outmoded” Catholic disciplines and doctrines (obviously referring to abortion and contraception).
I told her that the bishop had forbidden Catholics to attend because this group was actually not supporting Vatican II (whatever that means) but was attacking Catholic doctrine and practice, and she said she didn’t care because these things were wrong.
I know she’s an EEM at the Cathedral and this has obviously gone to her tiny head. She’s a little old granny who probably has no kids or grandkids who practice Catholicism any longer and she’s dreaming of being a priest and totally rejects the authority of the bishop…what’s wrong with this picture?
What an inspiring story. I have a former priest who has been excommunicated, and I hope and pray he can overcome his pride and come back to the Church. So happy for her!
I’d nearly logged off the computer for the night and chanced across this. Prayers going up, of course, for Mrs. Coon – but also in thanksgiving. One massive party going on in heaven right now, I should imagine!
Te Deum laudamus…
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful!
Luke 15:7
It took a lot of courage on your part, Mrs. Coon. Praise be to God!
May the Lord bless her for this brave act of humility.
Deo gratias!
Wow, that is beautiful. Praise God! Let’s pray that Dagmar Celeste (ex of my ex-governor) is next.
Or what woman, if she had ten drachma coins, if she lost one drachma coin, wouldn’t light a lamp, sweep the house, and seek diligently until she found it? When she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the drachma which I had lost.’ Even so, I tell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner repenting.”
– Luke 15:8–10
Gaudeamus! with tears of gratitutde.
Wow-this is great!
Te Deum Laudamus, indeed!
Welcome back, Mrs. Coon!
This is a wonderful story. Someone mentioned Dr Nathanson above; I ask you to pray for the conversion of Dr Henry Morgentaler, arch-abortionist of Canada. He lives in Montreal, where St Joseph’s Oratory is. Whenever I visit the Oratory (and at other times too) I pray to St Joseph to convert this man from abortion and to the Catholic faith. Why pray for small things?!
Wow – Praise God!
I pray for her protection from the evil one. He’s rallying the troops right now against her.
St. Michael the Archangel….
Memorare, o piisima Virgo Maria, non esse auditum a saeculo, quemquam ad tua currentem praesidia……..
This post is dated February 23. It is now February 27, and we haven’t heard A WORD from the NCR about this story. Hmmmmm.
TNCath: That is a good point. Why hasn’t NCR written about this?