I received a note from the Latin Mass Society in England about a fine celebration of St. Joseph’s Day in Westminster Cathedral. A few lines and a photo…
Fr Andrew Southwell, the LMS’s National Chaplain, gave the Morning of Recollection at St Vincent’s Convent, Carlisle Place, close to the cathedral. Nearly 60 people attended the event, exceeding the seating capacity of the meeting room so that extra chairs had to be brought in for those who arrived slightly late.
Many aspects of St Joseph and the Season of Lent were covered in the hour-and-a-half talk which concluded with the Litany of St Joseph in Latin and several people commented afterwards that they very much appreciated the insights given by Fr Southwell on Our Lady’s husband and foster-father to Our Lord.
Father Southwell was also the celebrant at the High Mass in Westminster Cathedral in the afternoon. Father Martin Edwards was deacon and Fr Patrick Hayward was sub-deacon; the Mass attracted a congregation of some 300 people.
Music was provided by members of the Cathedral Choir, which centred on Mozart’s Coronation Mass.
I am an actress whose day job for several years has been as secretary to a small law firm which practices what is euphemistically termed “family law”. Besides confirming my belief that God has blessed me with wonderful parents especially my dear, departed Daddy, I have grown more adament that there is not one social pathology that cannot be traced back to women’s stupid, surrender to the Sexual Revolution. In its aftermath we have boys in men’s bodies determined to live forever as a cross between Peter Pan and Hugh Hefner and children who are sired but not fathered.
I pray I will live long enough to see a generation of women who will stage a counter-revolution and term this tsunami of fatherlessness back from our shores. As Jesus will remind us in next Sunday’s Gospel (Novus Ordo) with His remarks – dare I call them a bit sarcastic – to the Samaritan woman this is an evil we women can and must turn around : “You said well you have no husband for you’ve had 5 and the one you are with now, you are not married to.” Most guys are not rapists. Most guys don’t have the stamina to storm the castle. They much prefer women’s present penchant for leaving the drawbridge down. We gals will get the respect we DECIDE we DESERVE when we live like we do indeed deserve it.
St. Joseph is a wonderful patron in this fight and a wonderful example that dads – even foster fathers – are not superfluous. God the Father made St. Joseph a necesary part of His plan. If Jesus needed an earthly father to guide Him to His manhood, how can we live as if our children need nothing but a drive-by sperm donor?
Amen, AvantiBev, amen!
“Most guys don’t have the stamina to storm the castle. They much prefer women’s present penchant for leaving the drawbridge down.”
LOL, AvantiBev, *thank you* for the much needed (and wonderfully descriptive) alternative metaphor to the tired old “why buy the cow…?”
I’d also like to add that not only do we have boys in men’s bodies, we have women in men’s bodies, men in women’s bodies & all sorts of other whackadoodle goings on…once women decided they wanted to be men & could even do a better job at it, the men sheepishly handed over their pants & decided to stay in their pajamas (or maybe a housecoat)…sort of like when you start allowing altar girls ;o)
I completely agree that if we women would truly understand & embrace our femininity in all its holiness & with modesty, the knights would reappear with fervor to protect, provide for, & defend us. There’s just not much point to it at the moment…
To that end, I am currently praying hard over attempting to revive the Purity Crusade of Mary Immaculate (an apostolate that had Papal blessing before it was trampled into oblivion by the feminist movement). Just not quite sure how to proceed…
Inara: I can tell you why TV specials and movies of Jane Austen’s novels have been such a hit with women over the past 15 years and why my favorite novel, JANE EYRE is in its 19th incarnation currently in cinemas, ROMANCE. No, most of us gals do not want to go back to having no property, few rights and no career of our own. I love using the talents God gave me as do most women, but in our private lives, if the guys know that Date #3 the panties come off, WHY in Heaven’s name would there be any romance, any wooing. Again, MEN ARE LAZY. They are not going to work — and Romance = Work — if they got a sure thing in every woman who gets to Date #3 with them. Women have become the objects that the character Charlie Sheen plays (on and off screen it would seem) uses, abuses, jokes about and kicks to the curb.
Amen, AvantiBev, amen! You said it!