From reader:
The Harvard Knights of Columbus and the Harvard Latin Mass Society invite you to celebrate the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Friday, March 25th, 2011, at 5:15pm.
Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite.
St. Paul Catholic Church, Bow and Arrow Streets, Cambridge, MAReception to Follow; All are welcome.
For more information, email HarvardLatinMass@gmail.comFind the event on Facebook.
Been waiting for this Mass in Harvard Square for years? Want to see how Catholics worshiped for over five centuries? Then help us celebrate this momentous occasion.
Never been to a Latin Mass before? No clue what the Extraordinary Form is?
This will be the perfect introduction. English-Latin aids will also be available.To find out more about the Harvard Knights of Columbus, see
Let’s have a cheer for HAHVard!
Not loud enough to be vulgar,
But loud enough to be heard!
H-A-R with a V!
V-A-R with a D!
WEEEE?!!! Fr Z you’re downright punchy tonight! Yay for Harvard!
VERY interesting venue for this Mass!
Important goings-on in mid-twentieth century American Catholic history transpired across the street from St. Paul! I dare say it may one day become a pilgrimage location.
Boolah! Bool… — err — um. Good for Harvard.
It took well over 3 years of effort to get this thing approved. Anyone who is able, please come! If it is successful, it can be a regular thing!
Don’t forget the Harvard football cheer:
“Harass them, harass them
force them to relinquish
the oblate spheroid.”
I’m a founding member of that KofC!!!
Harvard Divinity School alum 2007!
I’m planning on being there on Friday for what will be my first Extraordinary Form Mass. Thank you to all who were responsible for organizing this.
The link to the Facebook event is faulty. It should not have a space before “event.” If that space is deleted, it works. I’m looking forward to this grand event.
The Facebook link seems to be out of action at the moment.
Is the Boston Boy Choir from the Boston Archdiocesan Choir School going to be singing for this Mass?
Important question for those who might try to make it there in time from work – is it 5:15 PM Mass as the posting says or 5:00 PM Mass as the Harvard Knights website says?
More like 15 centuries!
“Tune ev’ry heart, and ev’ry voice . . . ” oh, wait. Good for Hahvahd (never thought I’d say that.)
I’m just trying to imagine what Latin sounds like with a Boston accent.
“Glawry-er in eckshell cease Day-err…”
I’ll be there.
If the above Facebook link isn’t working, try this one:
P.S. AmericanMonther, I feel the same way for what seems to be the same reason.
Hey, man, Harvard’s in the Bible. “Though your sins be as Crimson, they shall be as white as snow.” :)
Seriously, though, this is awesome. It sounds like people have worked very hard for this, and I’m sure it will enrich Catholic life in the area.
I haven’t been near the place since they appointed the execrable Singer to a chair. I still get the alumni weekly, but since the school took it over from the alumni committee it’s become a collection of politically-correct drivel. Every time I open it I’m scandalized and dump it in the trash. . . the only decent article recently was a retrospective on alumni recipients of the Medal of Honor (but even then they had to add the usual hateful comments on how mentally unbalanced and wicked soldiers are).
It’s a shame, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that I have very little in common with my alma mater.
Whoa, this is something! In HARVARD, no less?
The Puritan founder must be scratching his head-or turning over in his grave!
Seriously, though-Hooray for the ‘Hah-vaard’ Knights!
Centristian-‘Latin with a Boston accent’….hey, that’s funny! I’d be curious as to how it sounds, too!
Thank you, Andrew T.
Charivari Bob,
Alas the Choir School won’t be participating in this one. Brick by brick, and if it is successful, it could happen in the future. Our new pastor is much more open to this kind of thing than his predecessor.
However, some chants may be provided by members of Boston’s cathedral TLM schola, as well as some of the more musically inclined Knights.
I concur with Fr. Z:
I’m at MIT, but for this, I’ll go. :-)
Shouldn’t that be –
HAR with a V
VAR with a D
? :-)
You missed the most interesting part. Surely you didn’t want to take sides in a cross-town rivalry?
The Harvard LMS/KofC Mass has been moved around to 5:15, and there is ANOTHER Latin Mass at the original time of 7:30pm, organised by the newly-formed Boston College chapter of Una Voce! and the Seminarians of nearby St John Seminary
a Collegiate Latin Mass crawl!!!
TWO affiliated Masses for Friday the 25th, Feast of the Annunciation.
First is at St Paul, Harvard Sq (NOTE THE TIME CHANGE – yes, 5:15 is the correct time)
Time 25 March · 17:15 – 19:30 (5:15pm to ……)
Location St. Paul Catholic Church
Bow and Arrow Streets
Cambridge, MA
Harvard Latin Mass Society,
The Harvard Knights of Columbus and the Harvard Latin Mass Society
invite you to celebrate
The Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Friday, March 25th, 2011
5:15pm Mass in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite, Celebrant Fr. Patrick Armano
6:00-7:30pm Dinner in DiGiovanni Hall
For more information, email
Latin Mass for the Feast of the Annunciation
Time 25 March · 19:30 – 20:30 (7:30pm to…)
STM Chapel – 9 Lake Street – Brighton Campus – Boston College
Nate Sanders, Una Voce Boston College
Latin Mass in the Ordinary Form. We will have a full schola composed of BC students and St. John’s seminarians.
Outstanding news! I have very good memories of that church.
Hey wchoag – what happened across the street? All I can think of was the time I ate too much garlic soup at that little Spanish restaurant – not a high point for anyone.
I can cheer for my fellow knights of the Harvard K of C but I’m afraid I must pass on cheering Harvard University for any reason. I’m actually a bit surprised they allow a K of C council on campus!
Across the river, Rev. Gary Gurtler, SJ, will say Mass, ad orientem, in the Latin Novus Ordo, on Friday, March 25, at 7:30 pm at St. Mary’s Chapel, Boston College; I received this information from the father of a BC student, but so far I can find no confirmation on BC’s web site.
I think wchoag refers to the St. Benedict Center, c. 1941–1958. After an auspicious beginning, the Center fell into heresy under the influence of Rev. Leonard Feeney, SJ.
The Harvard KofC is housed at St. Paul’s parish which also houses the Harvard Catholic Center, as well as the Archdiocesan Choir School.
The Harvard KofC is not officially affiliated with Harvard College or its constituent graduate/professional schools. Harvard does not allow any single sex organizations.
The Harvard Catholic Center’s undergrad community is surprisingly conservative. Many of WDTPRS readers would be very proud of these young people.
I was a lost conservative soul in a sea of pagan liberalism when I was a grad student at the Harvard Divinity School but, was pleasantly surprised to find a home among the conservative undergrads at the Harvard Catholic Center.
And I am extremely proud to be a founding member of Harvard’s Pope John Paul II’s Chapter of the Knights of Columbus #14188…though, I have not been very active since I graduated and moved away shortly after the Council’s founding.
I withdraw with apologies my misinformation about the BC Mass, in favor of j’s post. In particular, I confused St. Mary’s Chapel, and the STM chapel.
Cufrax and Michaelus:
I am indeed referring to the original St. Benedict Center where hundred of Harvard men, some with names like Morgan and Dulles, found their way into Holy Mother Church.
One ought not to be so quick to claim that SBC “feel into heresy”. Heresy is the obstinate denial of revealed truth, and for all their faults the folks at the Center certainly never did that. Such an accusation may better fit the opponents of SBC. I am very certain that the monks at St. Benedict Abbey ( or the good brothers and sisters of the Slaves of Immaculate Heart of Mary in either Still River ( or Richmond ( would take umbrage at your assertion.
How I wish I could be there!!
St. Paul was my church when I lived in Beantown, back in the days of clunky Arborway trains.
I remember the wonderful hymns and chants at Masses there, everyone singing 100%.
I will pray that TLM continues in Harvard Square.
I wrote plainly and to the point. The fall of SBC and Father Feeney is often called the “Boston Heresy Case.”
My hometown. I have an older relative who will be interested in attending that service. I shall alert her. It is a pretty church, inspired by a lot of the civic buildings in Verona.
Real Bostonians say, “HAH-VID”. The Bostonian (Greater Boston – southern New Hampshire) dialect is non-Rhotic, and has similar pronuncation to Australian (Cockney) English. The use of the Broad A Received Pronunciation (Queen’s English) is common in “meny pahts of Baustin”, as in words such as, HA:LF, BA:TH, PA:TH, AU:NT, A:SK.
I have been told the New England Boston accent has its roots in East Anglia, England; however, was reinforced by mixing the English of 19th/early 20th Century Irish and the Received Pronunciation of the Yankee Brahmins (the then ruling establishment) of Beacon Hill.
Like everything else, the advent of Radio and Television has had a moderating affect on our provincial accent in recent years and become less common amongst the younger generations. Today, there is a tendency toward a more homogenous “American” accent reflected in the electronic media.
Photos of the Harvard Latin Mass Society/Knights of Columbus Extraordinary Form Mass at St Paul’s, Harvard Square are here