If a person can strive this hard for a moment of worldly glory and interior satisfaction, how much more should we strive for the “unfading crown of glory”?
A friend a benefactor of this blog alerted me to a video on Youtube which reminds me of our Lenten discipline and, especially, about our Christian perseverance, our determination in life with the help of God’s graces unto our last breath and final heartbeat.
2 Timothy 4
And a fellow Minnesotan to boot!
That is determination! Magnificent!
O quanta apud Deum merces, si in praesenti pretium non sperarent! Quantis sudoribus haereditas cassa expetitur! Minori labore margaritum Christi emi poterat. (Hieronymus Ad Nepotianum de vita Clericorum et Monachorum, ep. LII)
Thanks Father Z, I really needed to see this today.
Beautiful! Thank you.
justMe, I definitely agree with you. Thank you, Father!
Here, too. This spark of encouragement was especially needed today.
Fr. Z’s video prompted me to remember another good one for our Lenten days:
My Redeemer Lives, a short video filmed at the Iron Man Triathlon
“about the relationship between a father and son… and God’s relationship with us.”
We were always inspired to see Team Hoyt race the Boston Marathon.
Ricky has cerebral palsy.
Going now to open my Bible to 2 Timothy 4.
A Minnesota running blog called Down the Backstretch interviewed Dorniden after the race (link here), in which she said, “I try to tell myself before the start of every race that all things are possible through Christ, and first and foremost I have to send the credit his way, because I certainly didn’t feel like I did that all by myself.”
Wow-after a fall, she went from last to first!
Thanks for posting this, Father Z!
Thank you so much for posting that Father Z! If that was me, I probably would’ve just laid there on the ground and bawled my eyes out! What an inspiration!