Some of you have been kind enough post greetings for my 20th anniversary of ordination. I am very grateful for your prayers and other gestures and greetings including donations.
Some of you have sent donations, particularly as a mark of protest against the openly heretical recent editorial in the Fishwrap. How long, O Lord? Pray that they either convert, which is preferable, or that they go down.
Since the last time and for the next Mass I say for benefactors… and Fishwrap or Bitter Pill protesters, I have added the following names:
TR, JH, Fr. RB, WH,
I happily send thank also to the kind soul who sent the book about the always fascinating Galileo. It was on my wishlist. Also, thanks to THS for a new book about WWII called The Storm of War by Andrew Roberts. Thanks as well to DB for the Moleskeine notebooks. I am trying to develop some discipline in using a Commonplace Book.
It is a duty and privilege to pray for benefactors.
Some posts, as the scroll along and off…
- It was twenty years ago today…
- Card. Lehmann of Mainz calls people who want the old form of confirmation foolish.
- WDTPRS: Pro seipso sacerdote – For the priest himself (Part 1 – 1962MR)
- Computer guts question for tech savvy readers
- The lighter side of cruelty to animals.
- NCFishwrap’s editorial for women’s ordination: creepy ineducability – PROTEST!
- True ecumenical gesture: Catholics, Orthodox together give Pope new Papal Tiara – WDTPRS POLL
- Editor of L’Osservatore Romano cured as a child by the intercession of St. Pius X
- Methodist “ordination” in Liverpool’s Catholic Cathedral cancelled
- A Michael Voris video, a WDTPRS POLL
- We’ve got Spirit, yes we do! We’ve got Spirit… well… not so much.
- Agony in England or Reason #100988876 for Summorum Pontificum
- Reminders about commenting here.
- RADIO SABINA STREAMING – Rosary in Latin, Prayers for Pope Benedict, other stuff
- QUAERITUR: Size of the amice.
- Weigel about the huge ( ____ ) in the John Jay Report.
- Bishops of England and Wales on the New Corrected Translation
- QUAERITUR: TLM readings in the vernacular and UE 26
- QUAERITUR: Altar girls dressed as clerics. What to say?
- Hate-filled editorial by The Tablet: Extraordinary Form, clericalism, and child abuse – PROTEST