As I understand it, two states have defense of marriage amendments for their state constitutions up for a vote in 2012: North Carolina and Minnesota. As I understand it, the amendment to defend true and natural marriage will not be nearly as much of an issue in N. Carolina as it will be in politically kooky Minnesota, my native place. (By the way, Minnesota isn’t politically kooky because it is my native place… I figured I better say that right here and now.)
What I think is going to happen is that huge money is going to pour into Minnesota from out of every dark hole and crack in order to defeat the amendment in a continuing effort to distort the definition of marriage. The Catholic bishops in Minnesota, with the leadership of Archbishop Nienstedt, have nailed their colors to the mast in promoting passage of this defense of marriage amendment. This is going to be a war.
I suspect that, much as money and activists poured into Wisconsin during the big labor/legislature battle, so too homosexual activists and their money will pour into Minnesota, since it is far more likely they can defeat true marriage there than in N. Carolina. Minnesota will become “ground zero” in this fight during this election cycle.
That’s just my guess.
In any event, we have to give Archbishop Nienstedt and the bishops of Minnesota strong support over the next 12 months.
That is why I was pleased to see this from The Catholic League:
October 26, 2011Catholic League president Bill Donohue stands with Saint Paul and Minneapolis Archbishop John Nienstedt in his support for a state constitutional amendment on marriage:
The reason why Minnesotans will vote next year on the issue of a constitutional amendment affirming marriage, traditionally understood, is due to attempts to reconfigure this ancient social institution. For example, people excluded by nature from procreating are currently demanding the right to marry, winning sympathy in some courts. Catholics are being rallied by Archbishop John Nienstedt to support the marriage amendment partly because some of those on the other side, e.g., “Catholics for Marriage Equality MN,” are falsely promoting themselves as representing an authentic Catholic position.
Critics of the Church’s position on marriage are saying that Archbishop Nienstedt is being “divisive,” and does not represent what Catholics want; others are literally going off the rails.
All bishops are called to lead, not follow. Moreover, the latest survey of Catholics published in the National Catholic Reporter (NCR) [aka Fishwrap] shows more support for Church teachings on same-sex marriage than on the death penalty. The bishops are opposed to both (though proscriptions against the death penalty are not absolute), yet this hasn’t persuaded the gay marriage advocates to demand that the bishops ratify the pro-death penalty sentiments of the rank-and-file. [It seems to me that the death-penalty point, while interesting, is not the real point to worry about. Enemies of marriage will accuse Catholics and others who support natural marriage as being similar to “racists”. They will, ironically, try to reframe the issue as one of civil rights.]
Not surprisingly, NCR recently published a piece by the former head of Catholic Charities in San Francisco calling bishops who uphold the Church’s teachings on marriage “villains”; he accused them of promoting “an atmosphere of ignorance and hate.” If they—and this includes NCR’s editors—really believe this to be true, then it’s time to do the manly thing and get out.
Finally, it is ironic that “Rainbow Sash” says Archbishop Nienstedt is guilty of abusing his authority — its members are known for such fascistic exercises as disrupting Mass at Communion.
Contact our director of communications about Donohue’s remarks:
Jeff Field
Phone: 212-371-3191
WDTPRS kudos to The Catholic League.
WDTPRS stands with Bp. Nienstedt and the bishops of Minnesota in defense of true, natural marriage.
While Mr. Donahue has gone off the rails a couple of times, I have to give him kudos for being a lone voice crying out in the wilderness much of the time. Good for him for being a (loud) voice in support of the cause of marriage!
As a former Minnesota resident (Mankato; 1993-2007), I also found it difficult to deal with the political leanings of the state. And, yes, I was there for the experiment known as Jesse Ventura.
When are critics going to realize the doctrine of the Church is not up for a popular vote? Because those critics has somewhat successfully separated the moral and legal aspects of this issue. Law is their only pedagogy.
Let’s hope the citizens of the “Star of the North” keep their true bearings.
I will ceaselessly repeat this (straight Ruth Institute) question: “What is the public purpose of marriage?” There are all sorts of private reasons people get married, but the public purpose, in which the state has a vested interest, in to connect biological children with their mother and father, and vice versa. This line of reasoning completely sidesteps all the blithering chaff about civil rights, and the ‘same love-same rights’ bumper sticker glitter. We must win this argument and we must win this fight! We have a chance to stop at its conception (sic.?) something potentially as devastating as abortion. There’s gonna be a fight, let’s win it!
“When are critics going to realize the doctrine of the Church is not up for a popular vote? ”
They’re not. Catholics are only about 25% of the population in Minnesota. Just because cradle Catholics are usually used to being around other Catholics and think it’s normal to be Catholic doesn’t mean that everyone else knows what we have to say, or even that everyone cares what we have to say. The other 75% of the population usually doesn’t, as a point of fact.
That’s why the church has to work harder to make them Christians, and barring that, we have to work around them.
When can someone do SOMETHING about NCR and make them stop passing themselves off as even remotely Catholic? At some point doesn’t freedom of association come into play — people calling themselves Catholic Church hang out and do certain things together, along comes this band of ruffian interlopers with a printing press, claims they too are Catholics, and disrupts the freely associating people — and can’t they be subjected to an injunction or something?
And it seems that yes, even Bill Donohue can’t quite get the death penalty right …
There’s good and bad in every Catholic publication. U.S. Catholic, Wanderer, NCR, etc. Take what’s good and discard the rest. NCR/Celebration still provides the best homily prep resource available by Pat Sanchez.
Yeah, and Mussolini made the trains run on time.
If the Church Fathers and St. John Vianney aren’t good enough, there is homily prep all OVER the internet. No need to give the Fishwrap financial support.
Amen, American Mother, Amen! I’m with you all the way!
No support for the Fishwrap!
I lived in Minneapolis-St. Paul from 1974 to 1979 total of five years. I was involved in homosexual outreach, as this was an issue then. Remember, the Lutheran synods have caved in on these issues, except for the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (not same as below),Missouri Synod and the Wisconsin Synod. Most Minnesotans would fall into the liberal Lutheran category. Catholics are a small minority. The Evangelical Lutheran Church has non-celibate gay ministers. As I noted before here, what has been accepted in the culture will be enshrined in law. We, as good Catholics, must be ready for the onslaught of hatred as we shall pretty much stand alone on this issue.
Why do you tar everyone with the same brush? Same-sex marriage advocates more often than not do not care what the Catholic church’s policies are regarding communicating homosexuals. I’ve heard of and even seen the rainbow sash folks, but that’s a tiny fringe protest within a set (Catholics) most gays do not participate. Meanwhile same-sex marriage is law through the legislative process of representative democracy in six states.