First off, thanks to readers who have sent things from the wish lists or donations. I have your names jotted down and will remember you next Saturday when I will say Mass for the intention of my benefactors.
And thanks to those of you who have sent greetings in advance of my birthday and also for the good feedback about your experience of going to confession for the first time in a while. If this blog helps people go back to confession, it is worth the effort.
And don’t forget my SURVEY!
Here are links to some posts which are scrolling along:
- In retribution for my sins… a terrible thought to make the blood run cold! Save me, O Lord!
- Catholics on social issues in Minnesota
- Samuel Gregg on the new “white paper” from the Pont. Con. for Justice and Peace
- A reader used an Examination of Conscience to identify a sin
- A proposal for a “traditional” edition of the Ordinary Form missal in English
- The new “white paper” from the Pont. Council Justice and Peace. Fr. Z rants like loon.
- QUAERITUR: The “Novus Ordo” Ordinal for ordaining bishops, priests, deacons
- QUAERITUR: A lay person asked me to be an Extraordinary Minister for a Mass
- Your news and your notes
- QUAERITUR: Gift for a priest: reversible stole
- Bp. Sample on “ad orientem” worship
- “Stir Up Sunday” is nearing. Start planning.
- “Why are we letting heretics teach this crap in our churches?”
- Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham likely to have Masses “ad orientem”
- 15 seconds of fame… worth it?
- Archbp. Naumann (Archd. KC) on Bp. Finn (D. KC-St. Joseph) and the Kansas City Star
- BISHOPS & PRIESTS: a revival of the Sacrament of Penance is critical for a revival of our Catholic identity.
- New statue for the Roman Church attacked during rioting
- Card. Zen ends hunger strike protest over govt. decision about schools
- 5 Nov: Pontifical TLM in St. Peter’s Basilica
- The Remnant defends Bp. Robert Finn
- Bp. Morlino on beauty and worship: beauty is NOT just a matter of taste.
- QUAERITUR: Care of altar linens and the first rinsing by a priest
- REVIEW: New editions of the Roman Missal SIDE BY SIDE
- 22 October: Sts. Nunilo and Alodia! Virgins and Martyrs
- Baldichin By Baldichin
The Mystic Monk Coffee of the Month this month is Tanzanian Peaberry.
Many years ago when I ran a whole bean coffee and tea shop, I used to sell a lot of this stuff. It is, if memory serves, lower in acid than many coffees.
If you are starting to think about your Thanksgiving meal prep, use my link to get your coffee and tea!