We have waited a long time for this.
The clock has inexorably ticked away. The date for the implementation of the whole of the new, corrected translation – Order and Proper – has finally arrived for the UK and for the USA. In some places it waits a while longer, but most of the English speaking world will use it as of this evening, the vigil Mass for the 1st Sunday of Advent.
I invite your thoughts and initial reactions.
It is okay to have an “initial” reaction even if you have been hearing or using the new, corrected version since September. I think we are still in our “initial” reception phase.
I welcome your comments and discussion in the combox, below.
Was it, as some critics whine, tooo haaard for you to understand? Did you have an aneurysm or become confused when you heard “consubstantial”? Did anyone stage a nutty when they heard “for many” during the consecration? Did anyone faint from stress at the words “The Lord be with you”? Were you able to grasp the Collect and other orations? When the Preface and Sanctus came did you have a case of the vapors or break out in a sweat? When you were to say “enter under my roof” did you vow to join an evangelical mega-church?

The wording is a definate improvement but our parish has selected a Haugen Mass setting. (Blech)
So decided to go to the closest TLM. (98 miles away). Must face reality sooner or later. Much later.
I am looking forward to hearing the phrase “holy and venerable hands” which I had expected never to hear again.
Our parish began in September to introduce the changes, one at a time. It’s an improvement, but hardly earth-shattering. As to the setting, we use the Bolduc Mass of St. Anne. Better than Haugen, less wonderful than returning to more traditional forms. As Ed Bolduc’s mother is our parish secretary, I doubt there was consideration given to any other setting.
Our parish music director picked a Haugen mass, too. It’s the “Storrington Mass” which is at least slightly more dignified than the “Mass of Creation.”
I always attend the EF on Sundays, but during the week I attend the OF Mass nearby. The music they have chosen sounds very much like the music they had before, so I suspect the Mass will not sound much different.
One of the best changes in the translation, the “through my fault” part of the “I Confess” prayer will no doubt never be heard, as it is an option that even in the old translation was hardly ever chosen. Until the options are taken away, I fear that there will be no real change in many places.
I thank God for Benedict XVI and Summorum Pontificum.
It has been a long decade since the Third Edition of the Roman Missal was issued, a long time to wait for it. It has been a long desert which we are now emerging from. This is good.
But, I think in some places, certainly here in Canada, that a new translation is simply not enough. Already, certain bishops have issued documents saying; “The GIRM says this…in the Diocese of NameOne we will do something different…”
As Marlon above states, until the options are gone and the rubrics are obeyed, particuarly in music and EMHC’s, it will be more of the same.
However, it is changing; and as Father Z has noted frequently, our young priests are much, much different.
I hope I live long enough to see the Fourth Edition!
I have a terrible confession to make. Although I happily read the new translations for the longer prayers like the Confiteor, I am still saying “And also with you” from force of habit.
I must also say I still prefer the side-by-side English translations in my 1954 Missal, and remember the pre-73 phrases as better, as well (“And pray for me to the Lord thy God” rather than “And pray to the Lord your God for me”).
However a proper Creed with “I believe” makes these little cavils pale into insignificance………I NEVER got used to “We believe” and “look for the Resurrection” always made me think it had been lost under the pew in front.
I won’t experience the new new new revised revised missal until weekdays next week. The read through however leaves me shrugging shoulders – i would throw rose petals if it were a direct translation of TLM, including rubrics and Mass settings. How “in Creation” (ha! Pun intended) did we get a Protestant composer designing our Mass settings ?
The norm in Canada is the apostle’s creed, so there won’t be the word consubstantial, and my diocese has chosen the chant versions for the propers. I’m strongly wanting to attend the OF tonight so my first new translation experience isn’t Christmas Eve, but the remaining standing and joining in the communion song completely indifferent to what just occurred posture is causing me anguish.
Canadians have a choice.
We can use the Nicene Creed and say “men” or we can use the Apostle’s Creed and say “Hell!”
I think heads will be spinning, regardless of which one us used after those two little words.
APX: I know of at least one Canadian diocese that is switching to the Nicene Creed. Alas, it’s not the one that I’m in right now. Actually, this one might be too, for all I know. I’ll find out this evening.
The “Communion chant” is something that I normally have not participated in at all since it was introduced here. Of course, if it were ever to be a chant I would have to seriously consider it.
Oh how I wish that this diocese had picked the ICEL Mass setting to be doing for the next year…
In my mind, I know that it is trumpet, choirs, and rose petals, but the tongue tied-ness of of trying to go against years of muscle memory makes it hard to say the right thing, and it sounds awkward to ears that have been similarly conditioned.
I have no doubt that it will be a 5 as soon as I have forgotten all about the translation thats on the way out. When I can really pray the words instead of just trying to remember and say them.
Ok, what’s a Haugen Mass? As far as I’m concerned, the EF (which is an oxymoron, in my opinion), is the ONLY complete and true “translation” of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. But, I welcome ANY traditional changes to what has been happening in local parishes across the world, but esp. in the U.S. There has been wailing and knashing of teeth, and wringing of hands for months in the left-wing liberal portion of the Catholic Church. There WILL be vast disobedience coming as well.
I usually attend a parish which celebrates the TLM exclusively (Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest), but tonight I plan on attending the Vigil Mass at the church down the street to get a taste of the new translation and see if there have been any changes in the way in which the liturgy is celebrated there in light of it (pastor is kinda old, sooo…doubting it, but God is mysterious, so who knows). I really love the new translation. It’s not perfect, but it is a vast improvement. I’m abstaining from voting until I hear it in practice, but with this translation I really think we’ve made our biggest step towards a reform of the Reform since the Council itself. But right now I’m trumpets, choirs, and rose petals happy on principle.
“Consubstantial” is all well and good, but a faithful translation of the Gloria, Eucharistic Prayers (particularly the Canon) which reflect the beautiful rhetorical flourishes of the original Latin, “and with your spirit”…now that I’m really excited about. I became a Catholic because I believe that Catholicism is true. But I never would have had that initial curiosity about the Church were it not for the peculiar beauty of the Roman Rite, to which I was first exposed on TV and in movies and stuff. Now we have a translation which reflects that beauty so much better. IF the priests and bishops implement the new translation faithfully and without an excess of grumbling, I think the only way to go for the liturgy in the English-speaking world is up. At the very least, hopefully I can now go to a Novus Ordo Mass and actually feel like I’m in a Catholic church. I might have to close my eyes and block out the music, but if I listen to the texts alone…well, one small step at a time.
I guess I dragged on a bit. I’ve been looking forward to this since before I was even baptized and confirmed.
The translation is beautiful. :)
Sadly, our priest has chosen a folk Mass by Alstott.
It’s heartbreaking after joyfully looking forward to the new translation these past several years.
I was very pleasantly surprised when I went to the anticipated mass for the Anglophone community here in Beijing to find them implementing the revised translation, after not hearing hide or hair about it for months and months–the pastor here decided to implement it cold turkey, along with the help of the projectors, and the congregation were able to follow along very well. He confessed there are several things he much prefers about it, which was great to hear, in particular saying “I believe” as it is a strong confession of faith in modern society where people usually have to be strong in their own belief without the support of people around them, and the Biblical citation of “Lord I am not worthy… enter under my roof”. He is indifferent to much else he says including “And with your spirit”, and is one of the group who does not like saying “for many”, but he’s a loyal soldier and is following his orders entirely, and would that many others would do the same. Incidentally, he is Irish, if that means anything… Hearing the new prayers by the priest was the highlight for me, including “chalice” instead of the bald “cup”, and the depth and fidelity of the new texts to the original ideas in the Latin. Nunc dimitis! After mass I made sure to thank him for a very smooth and effective implementation, and the pleasant surprise, and he was grateful to hear the positive reaction. I am sure after a couple of weeks the words will become much easier for us all, and we’ll all forget all the angst, but my initial assesment is that the cold turkey way is a very good way to go!
[I am so glad to see you here! Thanks for the comment! I’d love to come visit. Have a sofa?]
No thanks. With any luck the EF will be around for a long time and I won’t ever have to listen to any English in the Mass.
That said, I’d like to see the results of such a poll taken this time next year once the novelty wears off.
This calls for a Te Deum Laudamus!
We have been gradually gearing up to this and dispite a few slip ups I think it will go well. We are using the Belmont Mass its a simple chant like setting. Since we do not use the Gloria during Advent and Lent I will be introducing a sung Credo. I hope we can make things as solemn as possible in our little church. I will be using the English edition of the Missal tonight.
Here in my parish in the Netherlands we use texts provided by the Archdiocese of Dublin, and while we have been exposed to the people’s responses, the new translations of the prayers was simply a pleasure to hear. I noticed Father struggle a few times, simple because English is not his best language, but he did very well, even if he did fall back to the old translation of the embolism. We also used the Nicene Creed but sadly not the new translation of the Confiteor.
I sat in our Adoration Chapel and did a line-by-line comparision of the old and new translations using my November and December missalettes. What a delightful surprise. We attend the EF most Sundays, and let me say that I cannot wait until my first weekday Mass at my local parish to enter into this New Translation! Thankyou BXVI!! I note in Canada that the pre-eminence in the missalette has been given to the Nicene Creed. Would that it translates into weekly usage.
(The second and fourth Sundays mean the EF Mass at my parish, so I won’t hear the new version in all its glory until next Sunday. It is a measure of how much things have changed since the late 70s that I can be confident that the parish clergy, all three of them, will use the new texts without fussing with their own emendations and commentary.)
I am excited to go to Mass on Sunday morning!
I teach 8th grade Religion class at a Catholic school (I am also guidance counselor and campus minister) so we have been talking about the new Mass translation for a while… We were practicing some of the new parts in class and one student was really frustrated and said “UGH! Why cant we just go back to Latin?!!” haha!
I think this is great… as long as I don’t hear “Table of Plenty” ever again.. then everything will be all right! :)
We stumbled a bit, celebrant included, but all in all, it went well. I think once we get the flow down, it will be well accepted. Of course we are lucky to have a musical director who established a schola when she arrived and who teaches the children’s choir Latin hymns. She composed mass settings for the new translation which are clearly influenced by her love of Gregorian chant. So our parish need not fear the Haugen.
We stumbled a bit, celebrant included, but all in all, it went well. I think once we get the flow down, it will be well accepted. Of course we are lucky to have a musical director who established a schola when she arrived and who teaches the children’s choir Latin hymns. She composed mass settings for the new translation which are clearly influenced by her love of Gregorian chant. So our parish need not fear the Haugen.
Not literal enough. Case in point: the “new” confiteor.
We had quite a few trips over ‘and with your spirit’, but everyone breezed through ‘consubstantial’ with no problem.
Just posting that, well, after all this time, I am in a one-month overseas trip to a country where the new English translation is irrelevant… It will be fun in 2012!
God bless y’all!
Just got back from my neighborhood parish’s first Mass with the new translation. Like others have noted at their Masses, there was a good deal of “And also with you,” but “Consubstantial” went over really well. The priest had a bit of trouble adapting to the new text as well, but after saying Eucharistic Prayer II on autopilot every single day for decades, you can’t blame him too much if he messes up the odd sentence. He chanted the Preface in English in the Solemn Tone, which he doesn’t do often when I attend that church, and I’ll admit I was surprised that his voice wasn’t half bad. The Sanctus and Agnus Dei were more of the same old thing musically, but I really do feel that these new translations go a long way in making Mass more reverent in spite of all that. Still a ridiculously disproportionate number of EMHC, and the responsorial psalm indicated in the Missal was substituted with one of the “may also be used…” psalms, which was a bit perplexing as the one in the Missal fit the readings so well, but I’m trying to be patient. We shall see how the new Missal and Pope Benedict’s Marshall Plan play out.
The new translation is a WALL in the “brick by brick” of reforming the reform – if Catholics, the clergy and the laity alike, observe it faithfully and use these new translations better to reflect on what it is to be Catholic and what we believe. This is big. Or it can be. Maybe once a sense of “Mass is about something outside the realm of our ordinary day-to-day experience” really becomes ingrained in one’s mind and sense of aesthetics, we’ll hear more people asking for more Latin, more chanting, more formality, more of the things that makes Mass well-celebrated such a moving thing. Now we can just encourage our priests and pray for it to bear fruit.
Oh, and the stuff we heard so often about the prayers being “unfit for reading aloud” – utter hogwash. Sounded just fine to me. So as one might have guessed, I voted 5.
The 27th November is the feast of the Miraculous Medal. One of the features of this apparition is Our Lady pouring graces from her outstretched hands to those who want to receive them and are worthy. What a wonderful God- incidence!
The awkward moment of the evening was at Vespers, when the priest gave us the apostolic greeting and out of confusion nobody said anything, old or new response. But most of the responses were strong and proud, admittedly less so throughout the Mass as our tendency to put our minds on autopilot reared it ugly head at every et cum spiritu tuo. It did my heart good to see the priest actually reading inaudibly from the Missal during the preparation of the gifts. It reminded me of what Evelyn Waugh said about the priest approaching the altar with the acolyte like a craftsman with his apprentice, preparing to humbly complete a task that he alone can do.
We must stop the protestant evangelicalization and protestant charismaticization of the music of the Liturgy and also totally reject the Marty Haugen stuff. We must return to chant and traditional Catholic music. Be Catholic. Saint John of the Cross says we must not seek after supernatural manifestations. This in fact condemns the Charismatic Catholic movement. Say not to Charismatic Catholicism and say no to protestant praise and worship songs and styles in the Holy Mass.
Let me put my two cents worth into the blog. All I can say is WOW. I just came back from the Saturday evening Mass and it was so uplifting. I sing in the choir and the psalms warmed my soul.
All the parishioners were pleased even if we slipped up once with the “and with your spirit.”
Our priest had worked hard to make sure he knew what he was doing and that rubbed off on all of us.
I have the new Roman Missal and we will all persevere and before you know it, it will be part of us.
Latin is my love, but this new Mass is so improved, I’m sure the Holy Spirit had His hand in it.
Before Saturday Mass (not Mass of anticipation) while the pastor was hearing confessions, I was in the sacristy with the assistant pastor and asked him if we would have any kind of ceremony to retire the old Sacramentary, I pointed out that a black chalice veil would make a nice sort of funeral pall for it. This did not appeal nor amuse at all, and he said “It’s going to be entirely unceremonious.”
When Mass started there was a surprise, the pastor was in a white chasuble for a Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin and the assistant pastor was in cassock and surplice. Yes he served Novus Ordo Mass for the pastor, apparently because he wanted that much not to have to say Mass in the old translation again. The assistant pastor also celebrates EF Mass and doesn’t see serving Mass as something bizarre for a priest to do. The pastor’s homily was a sort of eulogy to the old translation. He said “dynamic equivalence” was the norm for translations at that time, they had no malice but were just trying their best, and in the future people will probably laugh at the new translation and say “what were they thinking?” We should believe that the Holy Spirit knows best and the old translation was what the Church needed for that time period. But even the people who don’t like the new translation know it’s a better translation, and he’s looking forward to using it tomorrow. And, he said, we should have a party after Mass in honor of the old translation.
I was not entirely paying attention, but I’m not sure the celebrant gave the server Communion.
After Mass and after putting away his surplice, the assistant pastor came to the ambo and said firmly there was NOT going to be a party after Mass, but would people please help with decorating the church for Advent and putting pew cards for the new translation in the pews.
Back in the sacristy (I was sacristan) with the two priests, the pastor was looking at the very beautiful Midwest Theological Forum new Roman Missal (it was a foregone conclusion which one they would get; they know the priests involved in MTF and also have the MTF Book of the Gospels and Latin Novus Ordo Missal, they are all gorgeous books) and he asked the assistant pastor “so have you started learning any of these chants?”
“Not really,” said the assistant pastor, “since I figured we won’t be using them for a while.” They picked a very contemporary new setting for the ordinary of the Mass and are using that exclusively until some time next year. I dared to say “I can’t wait till we can chant all of it.” They have heard my opinion about this before. The assistant pastor said “me, too!” The pastor was silent and went out to make his thanksgiving. (they are both good and faithful priests, and they actually work extremely well together although you can see they think quite differently about some things)
I went, and while I could notice the different language and father gave a good homily on the new translation, at the particular parish I went to (not my own), the priest openly admitted that the first time he opened up the sacramentary (? I thought it was the Roman Missal) was today…and it showed. He stumbled through the propers. I give him kudos for chanting the preface, but there was mass confusion of how the chant for “it is right and just” goes. When we got to the Ecce Agnus Dei part father definitely did NOT say the black and do the red. He said, “this is Jesus. Behold him who takes away the sins of the world. Happy are we who are called to this banquet. ” Grr! What makes this so annoying is this is the same priest who went on last weekend about how important it is to be faithful to what the book says.
Music wise, aside from the Holy Holy, all the old Mass settings were used, including some weird Broken up Latin version where all the words are sung, repeatedly, but not in order. Grr!
And a note on music selection. The opening song was some stay awake be happy *clap* *clap* song. I was standing there wondering where I had heard this song before, when it dawned on me. When I was a little kid there used to be these PSA’s two rabbits, Burt and Gert teaching kids how to play safe. It had a jingle, “stay alert! And stay safe!” so all through Mass I had that darn PSA stuck in my head.
Overall, if people continue to ignore the standing after communion change, and choirs and priests actually do their part thoughtfully, perhaps go over the propers a few times before Mass, it’ll be good, but not perfect.
Things went almost perfectly at the vigil Mass. Only one miniscule error of the priest, several hundred “and also with you”s and I bobbled badly on the under the roof part but nobody noticed because I was in front and only the Mary statue heard me probably. But the difference in the prayers was what was so great. And I noticed we were kneeling longer because the old translation was not just dumbed down it was truncated. So I am sore. I will have to train for this.
Since 1978 when I studied the matter I have had sufficient doubt as the validity of using “for all” as to make me think I did not fulfill my obligation of hearing Mass on Sundays. I do not regret this as it steered me towards legitimate Traditional Latin Masses (yes, as early as 1978) and especially Eastern Rite Masses; however, I always felt alienated from the bulk of my Catholic fellows by having this qualm of conscience.
I couldn’t wait to experience the correct translation in a regular parish setting, so I went to a Saturday anticipated Mass, even though I think this option should only be used in Extreme emergencies.
I have to say that I was quite overcome emotionally at the Cannon of the Mass. I was able to keep my joyful sobbing to myself but I wonder if that was because it was Cannon II. I wonder if it was Cannon I if I would have made a spectacle of myself.
So now tomorrow I will go to my Ruthenian Mass, but now not because I have to but because I dig it! But most importantly now I can make arrangements to go to Mass every day during Advent, and in the future every day during Lent.
Posted on the Archdiocese of Halifax (Canada) website:
‘November 27 weekend, we welcome the renewed Roman Missal, we will hear new words, and we will also experience some differences in when we stand and when we kneel during the Liturgy of the Eucharist.
After the bread and wine have been prepared, we will stand for the invitation to the Prayer over the Gifts, which begins “Pray my brothers and sisters….” and we will remain standing during the Eucharistic Prayer, until we are invited to kneel just before the priest extends his hands over the bread and wine. We remain kneeling for the Institution Narrative and the Consecration. We stand again at the invitation to the Memorial Acclamation: “Great is the Mystery of Faith” , and then we remain standing until all have received Holy Communion. Those who are unable to kneel or stand may be seated at any time. In those parishes which do not have kneelers, parishioners are asked to stand during the entire Eucharistic Prayer and to make a profound bow after the consecration. The priest or deacon or another minister will give us instruction at each point during the Mass.’
At the Saturday anticipated 4pm Mass only 2 people (both lectors) stood after all had received Holy Communion.
I just returned from Our Lady of Peace (Santa Clara) where Cdl. Theodore McCarrick was the guest celebrant. Other than his going off-rubric after the first “and with your spirit” (some mixes from the parishoners) and telling jokes, etc., he then went back to the rubrics. We had a pretty good showing for Saturday evening — probably due to the cardinal’s visit. But all in all, it went very well– I especially like the “mea culpa” part, striking the breast, and the “consubstantial” part of the Nicean Creed.
During today’s vigil, I was struck by the thought, “EP II sounds like a [real] prayer now!”
I wanna hear the ‘new’ Canon…
Visiting family in Richmond VA. St Brigid in the West End.
There had obviously been lots of prep for the new translation. Handouts for the congregation with every new word in boldface, plus pew cards. Everyone did very well – I confess I was caught short on “and with your spirit” a couple of times, once my inner Anglican rose up and I said, “and with thy spirit.” Whoops. Everyone else seemed to be doing just fine.
The Monsignor reminded everyone before Mass began to follow their handouts, noted that he had been practicing hard along with everyone else, and apologized for any slips he might make. But except for one tiny hesitation he was absolutely letter perfect. And my those new prayers do sound wonderful!
A transitional deacon in residence delivered a dynamite homily on the meaning of Advent, pulling no punches on the need for penance, good works, and essential transformation as part of our Advent preparation. Dynamic, heartfelt, convincing but reverent delivery. I made sure to tell him so afterwards.
Except for the excellent recessional hymn which was a good old four square German 16th c. Hymn with a Winkworth translation, the hymns were GIA/OCP junk, especially an execrable Bernadette Farrell number with to say the least suspect theology. Grail psalter, not bad but the cantor was up front, loud, and off pitch (pop settings didn’t help). They had a perfectly good organist in the choir loft with a singer for the hymns, they need to lose the piano and the loud cantor on the mike up front and just go with a cantor in the loft. The congregation sang well and didn’t need the “assistance” (read: drowning out). Mass setting was the GIA “Mass of Joy and Peace” – it wasn’t awful, but it wasn’t very good either. Typical mass-production pop.
Now they’ve got the words straightened out, they need to work on the music.
It was pretty awesome. It was WONDERFUL to see everyone strike their chest 3 times, and the Eucharistic Prayer was just heavenly. It took me back to my second or third TLM when I was staring at my Latin-English Missal thinking, “Our Catholic faith is all here!!!” I was able to really HEAR and process the Collect and the other prayers as well. For some reason, I always used to tune out those prayers (not on purpose), but today they seemed to penetrate my mind such that I could “actively participate”! Imagine that. :0)
I have to say that I love the new translation! Our pastor did an awesome job preparing us and presenting it for the first time tonight. It seemed that the entire congregation was uncharacteristically engaged and excited by the changes. Overall, two thumbs up for an extremely smooth transition.
Yeah, that’s how it was here too. I had finally been able to summon my obedient humility and remain standing, but then everyone started sitting. As a sign of unity I sat down too, and further continued to kneel after communion, ya’know, as a sign of unity with everyone else who was kneeling.
Translation is much better…. It’s too bad Vox Clara wasn’t able to keep ‘Sabaoth’ like they wanted.
Music at holy Mass has gotten steadily worse since the revised translation came down the pipe.
It almost seems like there are music directors purposely sabotaging the music…. passive aggressively. I’ve taken to doing the ‘Little Office’ during the Gloria because the Gloria has become sooo long and repetative that it actually causes me to lose focus. It’s like fingernails on a blackboard.
Believe it or not but I make about 90% of the way through before the Gloria has ended.
(Somebody else beside me used a kneeler last week so this Sunday looks promising.)
The new translation is not bad but one thing I would ask is why is the ‘et te pater’ omitted in the confiteor? Why are there changes about when to stand and kneel to pray? It seems to me that the trendy crowd just cant seem to get their heads round the notion of humbling themselves before their maker but would opt for a man-to-man discussion with god as if they were equals . When will this crowd learn to kow -tow to their lord and creator is not demeaning. Get on your knees to pray,god well knows the arrogance of that gang. Finally sorry about the slight rant but if we just got back to a proper latin mass, EF type ,allthis change would be unnecessary. AMDG
The funny thing is I’ve been looking forward to attending Mass with the new translation for almost 2 years. But tonight at the vigil Mass the changes hardly affected me at all. Oh sure, the words were very different from what I heard last week, and I tripped over a couple of the responses. But it felt like this is the way Mass should have been all along.
A couple of years ago I started attending the TLM most Sundays. It wasn’t until I experienced the Mass in Latin that I realized how impoverished the language of the English Mass was. I have since been longing for a more dignified translation, but now that it’s come, I hardly noticed. Why? Because it felt like the Mass.
Perhaps the most surprising thing for me: Tonight at Mass it didn’t even register for me that the words of institution had changed. I didn’t realize it until reading Father’s post a moment ago. The new words just sounded right.
@James Hughes
Of all the criticisms I’ve heard levelled at the new translation, the one the that strikes me as the most ridiculous is that it focuses too much on our sinfulness and unworthiness. There was some article on the NcR’s site that I read awhile ago, and aside from the usual shrill “THIS IS PRE-VATICAN II! Jesus didn’t speak Latin! This is a power play by the hierarchy!” nonsense, there were a few people talking about that. One actually said something to the effect of “I AM worthy to receive you” would be a better text for Mass, because Christ has made us worthy, followed by his stated refusal to strike his breast at the Confiteor. I just don’t get it. From the way some people talk, you’d think the new translation came along with auto-flagellation indicated in the rubrics. In any case, the “I’m just fine as I am,” mentality seems like the quickest route to damnation, and I’m glad for any change in our texts which makes the reality of sin harder to ignore. It’s not like we’re doing God a personal favor by showing up to Mass.
I LOVED IT. baby steps
I was joyous at hearing the words in the Roman Canon that came as close to the English translation in my 1962 missal as anything I’d heard. Although I read the translations and listened to the PodcaZt’s, it was still nebulous until I’d actually heard it for real in my parish. Well, tonight I heard it!… and glorious it was! The choir sung beatiful traditional hymns and chanted a beautiful chant during Communion. Lastly, the Benedictine Arrangement of a crucifix and six very tall candles, three on each side of the crucifix which towered over the priest, have been placed on the altar. This is not a temporary move, but a permanent one! I also attend and serve the Mass in the Extraordinary Form and this change in translation coupled with physical changes and the exceptionally reverent way in which the Holy Sacrice of the Mass is offered with the new translation has found me happy… very happy indeed! Deo Gratias!
Adelaide Cathedral South Australia. Well the new translation was good. What let it down was the pentecostal hmns that sounded like love songs with “Jesus” inserted! They were from a Pentecostal Church called Hillsong. Also is it normal for the penitential rite to be removed for the “Eucharist”by the priest ponting his hands at the lit candle on the advent wreath then making up a blessing? The petitions let it down too as they were in the same old English. The cohorts of disinterested shabby extraordinary ministers! Stand out words and phrases “chalice”, “I believe”, “that you should enter under my roof”. No problems at all and all the congregation were confident. Holding hands during the Our Father and no I did not shake hands during the sign of peace!
Our parish breezed right through it. We’ve been singing the revised Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus and Agnus Dei for a couple of months now. There were no slip ups on the responses, but a few people on auto-pilot did make some mistakes on the Confiteor. Father introduced a chant Creed and no one slipped on consubstantial. All in all a very good Mass and it can only get better.
There was some stumbling by Father and by all of us in the new wording – I’m sure the “kinks” will be worked out in a few weeks for us and in a matter of days for Father. We prayed the Roman canon – my favorite – this morning, and I must confess it was even more beautiful today than it was before. I think my Advent resolution will be to attend daily Mass as often as possible in order to learn the new words even more quickly.
Crash and burn at my parish. We were very poorly prepared (I guess they don’t all read Fr. Z). Our retired bishop was the celebrant this morning and he did a lot of ad-libbing and we even recited the old Confiteur. The deacon was no better — lots of “And also with you.” Needless to say, it was very discouraging. I was so looking forward to the new translation!
I somehow think if Jesus ever took a poll, (as if he ever needed to, since he knew everything anyway) he’d probably have chosen different response options.
I’ve always found that the Confiteor hits me right in the conscience, but today… man, that’s a sock in the chest even before you start in with the gestures!
Btw… discussed this with my mom, and found out that in her earliest memories of pre-Vatican II childhood, “nobody beat the breast” that she could think of, except for a few old people. Neither her parents nor her grandparents did it, even though they were regular Massgoers. And her memory goes back to the mid-1940’s. (Granted, our archdiocese was sometimes a little “progressive”, but I didn’t think it was that far ahead of the pack.)
So I have finally managed to be Edgy and Defiant and a Breaker of Family Tradition…. Hee!
(And yes, I did carefully question her about whether this included even the gentlest of chest touches or chest-level gesturing. No breastbeating, period. Although often the hands were folded in prayer or holding a missal the whole time, which may have been what breastbeating was given up for.)
Changed less than about 1% and the new words forced such added focus on our participation.
We laughed at all the “And also with your spirit” statements at the end of the mass……
Besides a few “hiccups”, absolutely spirtually awesome. Our diocese provided some preparation in prior weeks and also provided laminated cards in the pews to help us.
Also awesome was the loving obedience of the parishioners. They will know us by our love. :-)
It went well – Father followed the text closely – except for a couple of places where he inadvertently slipped up. (Same for the congregation it must be said). That’s to be expected. Everyone tried hard and did an admirable job. Kudos all around.
There wasn’t a lot of preparation beforehand in the parish, but people were open to the change (encouraged from the pulpit). “cue cards” provided by the diocese helped. Father said afterward that he needed to rely on his reading glasses more which was his only problem.
It went terrific here! Before Mass, Father gave an excellent and well through through short introduction, then had us go through and practice the new responses twice. It was frankly wonderful to have the more profound language about sin and contrition, disposing me toward receiving God’s overflowing mercy. Cause for joy!
This is in Madison and we had Communion under one species and the assistant pastor came and helped distribute Communion (as is normal here) so zero EMHCs. On the other hand that has always been typical of this parish during the holidays since we are on a university campus and less people are there (and less to volunteer to be EMHCs). But I think this will be our norm most Sundays now (we have long had CUOK on weekdays).
It was all beautiful, dignified, and there was a spirit of joy.
Our parish has been working toward the change for weeks, starting with the new music, and I would echo tzard to say that here in Toronto too the congregation did a great job.
Due to the demographic of our congregation there are enough of us who are pre-Vatican II that a lot of this is familiar, but it will take a little time for those who have grown knowing nothing but the previous version. As one of our ministers of hospitality put it, it’s “liturgy on training wheels” for a while, and we have to expect a slip or two.
Standing next to Father today however I was really captured by lilt of the Eucharistic Prayer – enough so that I had to remind myself to listen to the Gospel and “Be watchful! Be alert!” to what was coming up as the Liturgy proceeded.
And I think I join most of the other deacons who have posted on the subject in saying I like the third dismissal best, because glorifying the Lord by our lives is what we’re all about, isn’t it?
Ended up going to the 0730 OF this morning just so that I could remember the first official day of the new version; one or two minor ‘accidents’, but the celebrant, servers, we all of us in the pews, we got an A today, I think.
I began many years ago to murmur the Latin at places in the ordinary where the ICEL was an habitual irritant; to be able to say the Domine, non sum dignus aloud was, well, a pleasure.
Suburbanbanshee says:
Btw… discussed this with my mom, and found out that in her earliest memories of pre-Vatican II childhood, “nobody beat the breast” that she could think of, except for a few old people.
Before Vat II the Congregation didn’t participate in the Confiteor.
Our pastor, the first couple masses after he arrived used the Confiteor ,but some one must have talked to him because he stepped using it on Sundays. With the new translation he brought it back just part of the change. I hope it holds up.
A major improvement with much promise to bring other items along with it. we had good start but we still have a number of bad habits that changing the translation itself will not fix.
Brick by Brick.
Hank’s Eclectic Meanderings
It was alright. this parish routinely has sentimentalities built into the “Liturgy”, and we had a visiting priest from out of the country (a Redemtorist Father from Ill.) whom I assume is some sort of a celebrity because we were asked to not take flash photography. Weird, no?
Overall, not bad. He used the CCCB decommissioning prayer thingy, and said that it would be kept alongside the Mass promulgated after the Council of Trent. I can only assume he meant the 1962 Missal, but who knows.
Now, my Advent season may be rusty, but there was no Gloria—but like I said, I have been to Advent in almost year ;) , and although teaching the congregation about the Real Presence is a great thing, it should not come informally before the Ecce Agnus Dei. He was also one of those “I can’t here you say Amen” type priests, and oddly motioned with his head towards the congregation during a “you” in a prayer that I am fairly certain is addressing the Father, and not the people. Typical of this Parish.
One fun note, I have heard stories of JRR Tolkein belting out Latin responses once vernacular became the de facto language during the Mass. For the first few “And with your spirit”s, I know I heard a few guys basically shouting “AND ALSO WITH YOU”. This died down by the time of the dismissal. A few words accidentally dropped by some (including myself). Pretty good for a first run.
Oh yeah, our Archbishop in Edmonton has directed us all to kneel after the Sanctus as per the Canadian GIRM. People did. Yay.
Went to Mass, the priest used the new and the people did not. I think the new sounds silly bravo for the congregation. I know many will hate me for this comment but that’s okay.
Our parish: before 10 AM Mass started our deacon candidate gave a talk about the reasons we have the new translation, and said (kind of apologetically) that our pastor had asked him to be up at the ambo throughout Mass to help people with the new responses. He would just lift up the pew card when it was time for people to pay attention to something new. We began with the chanted introit (Ad te levavi, Graduale Romanum). Then we had a rite of catechumens which supplanted the penitential rite as well as the opening greeting, so nothing was new until the Gospel “and with your spirit.” Our schola was pretty strong on the responses, and though there were a few stumbles and I saw people sort of laughing at themselves for mistakes (I did it too), really things went quite well. We sang the offertory antiphon in English (Richard Rice) with a good Advent hymn, did the Sanctus chanted in English (the version in the missal), Memorial Acc. 1 chanted, and Agnus Dei in Latin (Missa de Angelis). (Our missalette [WPL] had a misprint on the 3rd Eucharistic prayer, omitting the words “and gave the chalice to his disciples, saying”.) We chanted the Communio in Latin from the Graduale, sang “E’en So Lord Jesus” (Paul Manz) and a hymn. The biggest stumble of the Mass came, as it did in other cases here, at the dismissal. In our case, we had not practiced the sung response to “Go forth, the Mass is ended” which is what threw people a little, but it was in the missalette so some people caught on and all was not lost. Our associate pastor had this Mass, and I know he had been practicing… he did a stellar job. I love the new translation, I can hardly believe this has happened, what a gift! I am sure that Fr. Z’s influence played a large role in raising awareness of the need for this new translation, so thank you for all your dedicated work Father.
I can say without reservation that I loved it. The language of Eucharistic Prayer 1 is so much richer and better emphasizes the Mass as Sacrifice. My Dad, who was in grade school during Vatican II, said “After hearing that I feel like I have been cheated for the past forty years.”
Our priest had to call a do-over when half the congregation started off “and also with you.” Once everyone had laminated cards in hand, though, I could hear responses resound like never before. Our choir director had chosen the Proulx Missa Simplex , which had a nice chant-like feel to it.
The new translation is great. I went to the 11:00 a.m. Mass. The pastor had spent a few Sundays preparing everyone for the changes in the people’s parts of the Mass. We also had Mass cards in the pews. Therefore, things went pretty smoothly this morning with the exception of the people’s response to the priest’s greeting at the start of Mass, when many people said “And also with you.” Moreover, I don’t think that anyone was upset or even bothered by the changes.
The biggest changes, of course, are in the prayers which the priest says and that is where the more literal translation of the Latin really shines, making the scriptural basis of the prayers far more evident than the previous translation, which should be consigned to a well-deserved oblivion. The new translation emphasizes God’s majesty and transcendence as well as the sacredness and sacrificial nature of the Mass. It should help to restore the sense of reverence and piety that the previous translation had so effectively eroded. Thanks be to God for this new, necessary, and very welcome change to the Mass.
Another Canadian reporting in.
In terms of the prayers and responses, things went smoothly. Our bishop, a good natured and holy man who gave an excellent homily, made a fair attempt at the chants and only slightly fumbled the new version of the “Orate Fratres” – he mashed the old and new together. His Excellency will need additional personal practice time on the Preface Dialogue. A concelebrating priest did an impeccable job of leading the chants for the Gospel and the Universal Prayer, and the folk in the pew around me were in like gang busters on the responses. We had cheat sheets, of course; there was ample catechesis ahead of time with bulletin articles and portions of homilies dedicated to the new translation. The Nicene Creed was prayed. Overall, the priestly prayers were presented more sedately than usual – likely due to newness – which lent a more solemn pace to the liturgy. We stood for the “Ecce Agnus Dei”; I share the discomfort of not kneeling, but at the time the thought occurred to me that I am being called to obey and follow the new posture, and it is in that spirit of obedience to my bishop that I will stand and be fully attentive in the presence of the Lord. Most of us knelt once we had received Holy Communion.
The music was nearly all bland. Well, ok – one traditional hymn at the closing, but its text has been corrupted (grr…), and one half decent seasonal anthem. No Introit, Offertory nor Communion Proper in sight – not even the Alleluia verse. And, forget the Psalm. I’m not looking forward to the Gloria previewed last week and due to return at its appointed time. It is simply atrocious: a melody that is so disjointed as to rob the text of any prominence. The leaps and rhythm frequently miss where the accent should fall, and the harmony is so bad that if a first year college student of mine turned in a piece similarly poorly composed they’d be asked to redo the assignment and burn the first attempt. I’m almost convinced that the composer (a priest!) hates the new translation of the Gloria so much he intentionally threw together the most irrational progression and employed rhythms unrelated to the text so as to make everyone think its the translation itself that is bad.
I felt like I had been invited to sit at the big kids table, as it were. The language is just so much more elevated. It feels more dignified.
I teared up a little at “supper of the lamb.”
Honestly, the best part about this Mass is that it shows that our Church does still care about liturgy, and doing something beautiful for God. It has been a little hard to remember that at times.
All in all it went over very well. Our parish had plenty of cards in the pews with the new responses, and before mass one of the deacons explained that today was a new liturgical year, and the date that the new translation came into effect. Before mass began our pastor reiterated for the latecomers what was happening. Father used the confetior (as he usually does thanks be to God) and nobody really stumbled. I love the extraordinary form mass and it felt so correct and normal To say “through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous fault” and triple strike my breast at the the ordinary form, I just might start attending it more.
Father’s homily touched on how in Holy Mother Church’s wisdom she chose to change the translation – as it forces us all to go off auto-pilot or auto-priest as father said, and really read and contemplate what is being said in the mass.
There were no issues with the creed, and by the end of mass almost everyone was saying “and with your spirit” correctly. Father used EP II and for the first time I didn’t mind. He followed the black very closely and we heard “for many” and no ones head exploded.
All in all, it went swimmingly – no grumbles after mass or in the pews as far as I could tell.
Praise God! The new translation is really quite beautiful. It orients us back to God, and feels very grown up. We celebrated, in the Archdiocese of Edmonton nonetheless, with fiddleback, lace alb, mc, incense, all sung propers etc. Not to mention, a biretta. The Our Father was sung in english, but to the latin musical setting. I mc for our priest and it was amazing to here him intone the Pater Noster and have the choir chime in. I smiled everytime we sang “and with your spirit”. “It is right and just” feels so good.
It was humbling for us all as Father preached about his nervousness: “I’ve never been this nervous to say mass since my ordination”. He carefully followed all rubrics, and slowly prayed each new prayer. Deo Gratias! After mass it felt like we should be high-fiving people(not because it would fit with the liturgy, but because the emotion of a good mass is something that almost needs an outlet). The whole experience made me feel…. Catholic. The Roman Canon is especially stirring.
Well everyone here at Fr. Z, my expereince was disheartening and in conrtast to the majority of you.
Coming up to the new mass, I was filled with excitement and curiosity. I’ve seen countdowns for the new translation and read many interesting things from blogs on the blogosphere (Fr Z’s, Catholic Knight, Vox Cantoris, …), got a series of handouts from the internet from my archdiocese that explained the translations, an app from Cale Clarke called “The New Mass” for Iphone (which has a more biblical explanation of the changes for Why’s), and a pew card for the new responses. Fr. Z’s blog especially gave me more to look forward to wordwize as he has masterfully shown how pitiful the 1973 ICEL translation is and how it butchers many of the collects into wimpy feel good “prayers.”
So what happened when I got to my parish? The same old usual. Same old procession, same old 4 sandwich hymns from our current Parish only hymnal (not Gather thankfully!), Homily, consecration, etc. Though it was cool to hear the new eucharistic prayer and collect. Reflecting on the Mass, I didn’t feel at all elevated in soul and body. I felt like it didn’t do what it was being touted to do by everyone, the blogosphere, the diocese, etc. Even with a Catholic Colleague at work we agreed the effect wasn’t pronounced as it should have been. Were it not for my lectoring and a decent homily by my priest who usually goes far out into academia land (as he was/is involved in teaching and committees in the Church so that’s his audience 85% of the time), it would have been even more saddening.
There is a few small gems of hope though out of it today. I helped an older lady in her 40’s once with the responses using the pew card. I saw a young elementary school boy and his mother do a simple/moderate bow before receiving the Eucharist. Also, I gained an even further appreciation for the TLM, for even a simple low Mass would have seemed better for me today. While I do acknowledge that as a whole, this is a good start to correcting the damage done to the laity of the Church over the last 40+ years, personally the New Translation was a letdown for me this Sunday and ineffective. That or maybe I should considering transferring to my Mother’s new parish for Novus Ordo things (where there are good traditionally minded Novus Ordo priests).
A marked improvement, without question. The ordinary form of Mass seemed much more dignified with the revised texts than ever before (I’m too young to remember the transitional period). I found myself, in fact, delighted by the experience of it. Had I been in the pews of a tambourine-shaking new-suburban or college campus-convenient parish I might have been less impressed, but I attended two Masses at two liturgically centrist (normal) parishes, and the improvement (to me) was clear.
As far as the reaction from the pews…hardly the Y2K factor that many writers and clerics have predicted. As it turns out, we lay worshippers are not the inept, uneducable ogres that many clergy like to tell themselves and each other…and even us…that we are. Seems we’re capable of saying “and with your spirit” when told to say that instead of “and also with you”. EMTs did not arrive on the spot when the word “consubstantial” emerged.
At the two Masses I attended this weekend (Saturday vigil at my parish, and the Sunday choral Mass at the cathedral), it was explained to the congregations by the celebrants that a new translation would take effect today (if they hadn’t heard by now), and that they should please make use of the handy pew cards or follow along in the missalettes. We did. The cathedral choir practiced the new setting with the congregation beforehand. Catholics don’t sing. No change in that department.
I was hoping to witness at the cathedral the pontifical version of the “new Mass”. It wouldn’t have been too impressive, I’m sure; our bishop isn’t exactly renowned for his finesse and skill when it comes to pontificating. Alas, as it happened, our bishop was in Rome ad limina, and a lowly monsignor celebrated the principal Mass. Oh well; can’t have everything.
The celebrants in both cases paused a little here and there as they deliberately read from the new Missal, the flow and familiarity to which they had become used replaced by new language needing to be carefully pored over. That deliberation alone, I think, on the part of the celebrants lent a certain solemnity to the liturgy that had often been absent before. The elevated language of the “new” texts, themselves, added more solemnity, still, of course.
I had hoped one of them would have rolled-out the reformed confiteor this Sunday. Alas, they both chickened-out. Killjoys. Just before the Saturday vigil began I encouraged my pastor to do the confiteor (I’m on staff); he responded that he might, but hadn’t decided. I further encouraged him, mischievously, to say “brethren” rather than “brothers and sisters”, as the Missal provides. Quite aware of my “High Church” leanings, he teased that he imagined I would prefer he just used the Latin. I demurred from heartily agreeing as I might otherwise have. After all, should he have said it in Latin, I wouldn’t have been able to experience the new translation. ;^)
Afterwards, when the congregation left without rioting and it was determined that in the pews there were no bodies of worshippers slumped over who had died of a stroke on account of the revisions, I complimented the pastor on a job well done “saying the black and doing the red”. He seemed pleased to receive a compliment on that. Priests don’t get many compliments when they do things correctly, I gather.
The experience of this first Sunday of the revised Roman Missal reminded me of two things:
1. I should attend Mass at our cathedral more often; perhaps every Sunday. Mass is usually celebrated with more beauty, dignity, and solemnity at a cathedral than it is in a typical diocesan parish. The choir, alone (processing in as they do, ahead of the clergy, in their burgundy cassocks under long, ankle-length English cottas), makes the experience a majestic one. It is even more so, now, with the revised texts.
2. Church liberals are talking to themselves, not to the rest us. They don’t influence Catholics outside of their own cliques and circles, they just kvetch amongst themselves. The preponderance of us will cope (and are now coping) with the revisions just fine. Only at those relatively few parishes of a certain reputation will there be angst and regret and frustration and indignation (and probably rebellion) on account of the changes. Such communities are akin to little hells, and I feel sorry for those who proudly condemn themselves to such a dark experience of Church. What an ugly Church they create for themselves. A Church whose very liturgy is to them an enemy to be derided, fought, and crushed (or at least deformed) instead of something profoundly delightful to be anticipated and celebrated.
After all these years they finally adopted a translation of the Roman Missal that undoes some of the bad things in the older English Mass. I had very high hopes for it. Even so, my reaction is “Blah.”
This after the parish Gestapo told us for two months during the announcements that is was our DUTY to like and accept the new translation. Our pastor, who is a bit of an aging hippie, obviously does not like it, but he is doing his level best to accept it. (At least we have a priest. There is a terrible shortage of priests in Montana, with many parishes being consolidated and with three, four, or five parishes in rural areas sharing one pastor — one priest covering two or three counties. Our own parish has two “missions” in other towns.)
Anyway, the new translation is awkward, but at least it is more doctrinally correct. I’ll embrace it, but not enthusiastically.
I love it! They have taken something already beautiful (the Mass) and made it even more so. Especially the prayers that the priest says.
I went to Mass Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and by Tuesday had all the right “and with your spirits”. Today at the anticipated Mass, my mind slipped back into “and also with you” once. A Catholic who attends Mass once a week has probably answered “and also with you” 10,000 times in the last 40 years. It will take a little time to undo that!
I’m very happy about the new translation. It’s much more beautiful than the old one in addition to being more accurate, and since I attend both the EF (on Sunday) and OF (on weekdays) there is now more of a sense of continuity between the two masses, eg. in the Confiteor and Domine, non sum dignus …
One thing I wish were different is at the beginning of the Gloria – I wish it was “and on earth peace to men of good will.” It sounds better, it has a better rhythm, it is the traditional phrase that anyone who sang Christmas carols growing up knows. I know, political correctness and all that, blah blah blah (I am a woman by the way), but “peace to people of good will” sounds awkward and self-conscious to me. Ah well. At least we still say “men” in the Creed. I guess they realized that “For us people and for our salvation” sounded really lame.
Give it a 4.8. It’s worlds better than the previous, but there are irritations that do not improve with use.
As above, “people of good will” is impossibly awkward, So is “enter under my roof” instead of the traditional “come under”. I realize that both are literal, well, “enter” anyway, but as with “there is nothing I shall want”, they are like being thrown around in a car that suddenly stalls as you are cruising along. Besides, “come under my roof” has more of a sense of the personal protection of hospitality (sub tectum) than the statistical-sounding “enter”.
I am sorry that “Wash me from my iniquities” did not become “Wash me thoroughly from my iniquities” as the psalm reads. Could be worse, though. Could have been the weak and wordy NAB version.
I wish “Cleanse my heart and my lips” included that very beautiful reference to Isaiah and the burning coal.
Is there a musical setting of the Gloria that shows an understands the words? The one we use (the Gokelman/Kauffman Mass of Renewal) has it as a song with verses and a refrain. Also (am I wrong abut this?) doesn’t “You alone are the Holy One, etc.” refer to the Trinity, not to “the most high Jesus Christ” – with the Holy Spirit and God the Father mentioned afterthoughts? I don’t know of one setting that understands either this or the parallelism in the passage.