For what it’s worth…

This popped into my head this morning.

For what it’s worth…


About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Theodore says:

    Totally apropos now. We used to sing this a lot in Chem 101 lab in college as well.

  2. Midwest St. Michael says:

    This is the part that makes me ponder the times in which we live:

    Paranoia strikes deep
    Into your life it will creep
    It starts when you’re always afraid
    You step out of line, the man come and take you away
    We better stop, hey, what’s that sound
    Everybody look what’s going down

    Especially this part:

    “…the man come and take you away”

    You think Young, Stills and Furray will support the taking away of Catholics who don’t support the HHS mandate?

    One wonders.


  3. digdigby says:

    That’s funny. I had a flashback to Quicksilver Messenger Service “Pride of Man”
    the other day. Undoubtedly the most ruthless Jeremiad in the entire rock oeuvre.

  4. Fr_Sotelo says:

    Fr. Z:

    Dear Brother, your selection of music is once more 1) hilarious 2) entertaining and 3) definitely dating you to fossilized ancient history of tunes. This is what my confirmation kids call the really, really, really old old school of music. LOL.

  5. racjax says:

    Actually, I think this is a most appropriate song for us as we march on Washington. Seriously.

  6. Legisperitus says:

    “There’s battle lines being drawn.”

    About time, too.

  7. AnAmericanMother says:

    Fr Sotelo,
    Re “the really, really, really old old school of music” —
    We had a joint Vespers service here with the local Greek Orthodox Cathedral. Our choirmaster wanted to make the Orthodox feel at home, so he selected Gregorian chant and Palestrina for us to sing.
    I mentioned this to a friend, and he commented, “Oh! Laying some of that really modern music on ’em, huh?”
    It’s all relative. :-D

  8. irishgirl says:

    Couldn’t watch it here, Father Z-had to go over on YouTube.
    Wow, this takes me back! A memorable song from the 1960s.
    And very apropros to what’s going on today, if I may say so!

  9. lucy says:

    Absolutely relevant.

  10. pm125 says:

    Unforgetable -” … there’s something happening here – what it is ain’t exactly clear … ”
    No train Springfield to Buffalo either now. I think the songs were written about mysterious foreign war & Army draft. Now we have the musing about Catholics and Public life posted above and the Mandate dividing the people here. All I know is thankfulness to be part of the place where reason, eternal truths, and beauty of life can be found.

  11. Kent says:

    One of my favorites. Actually on my favorites playlist. One that I never grow tired of. And I’m old enough to remember when it was new.

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