Summer 2012 – Norcia, Italy – Summer Programs

Since I sometimes listen to the office sung by the Benedictine Monks in Norcia, in gratitude I will post that they have a summer theology program coming up.

The Saint Albert the Great Center for Scholastic Studies is an organization dedicated to the revival of higher studies in theology undertaken according to the mind and method of the great scholastics. This purpose is realized principally through the regular hosting of two-week long Summer programs, in which participants are invited to an intensive course of studies in Catholic theology presented in the form of the great Catholic universities of the high Middle Ages. Unique to these programs is the combination of scholastic form and content, namely the study of St Thomas Aquinas in the way that St Thomas himself would have studied. Hence the dedication of the Center to his own teacher, St Albert the Great. This year’s program is again taking place in Norcia, Italy, from June 18 to June 30, with the theme: “Encountering Christ in the Gospels.”

Academics: We will be reading the four Gospels cover to cover over the course of our two-week program, in order to increase our familiarity with, understanding of, and appreciation for the Gospels, so that through them we might also encounter the living person of Jesus Christ in a deeper way. Together with the Gospels, we will be reading commentaries by St Augustine, St Bonaventure, St Thomas Aquinas, and Papa Ratzinger, among others.

Prayer: Participants are invited to attend daily Mass (Latin, Usus Antiquior) and to pray the Divine Office with the Benedictine Monks of Norcia.

Excursions: Optional excursions include trips to nearby Assisi and Cascia. There will also be a weekend trip to Rome for the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul (June 29), the glorious foundations of the Church of Rome. The Holy Father’s schedule has not been announced yet, but if we can we will try to obtain tickets to a papal Vespers and/or Mass for the feast day.

Cost: €675. (At the moment, that is less than $900.) Price includes tuition, room, and half-board (a light breakfast and a multi-course Italian style dinner each day in Norcia).

For more information on the program, or in order to apply, please visit:

About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Maltese says:

    Sounds fantastic. I wonder, however, if the course is in Italian? $900 is outrageously cheap for what you get!

  2. Lisa says:

    No Italian necessary. Courses are in English; prayers in Latin.

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