CNS VIDEO about the Pontifical Mass in St Peter’s

Each time I see a CNS Video I muse, “is this the same CNS I know?

It seems to be!



About Fr. John Zuhlsdorf

Fr. Z is the guy who runs this blog. o{]:¬)
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  1. Darren says:


    After attending the Solemn High Mass at Mater Ecclesiae in Berlin, NJ (with the great Fr. Pasley) I have no more doubt that I want to do everything I can to help the Fr. Woodrow (Trenton Diocese’s liaison for the extraordnary form) bring the this mass to Ocean County, NJ. Maybe I’ll get to chat with him after the Pontifical High Mass on 11/27 in Trenton (just waiting for my ticket in the mail… hope it comes!!!) … but I will definitely be in contact.

    The mass at Mater Ecclesiae was so extremely beautiful… returning to my ordinary form Mass at my home parish for All Saints (albeit, power was out in the church, no organ, etc… ) well, it felt like something was missing… I just have to remind myself each weekend, when I see the irreverence in manner and dress that the Eucharist is still the Eucharist… it is reallythe Mass… it is really Christ…

  2. sacerdosinaeternum says:

    Yes…I’ve noticed that for some time now. They certainly have someone one in control…or somewhere in the pipe…who’s friendly to tradition. Deo gratias!

  3. benedetta says:

    Great video and very beautifully filmed as well.

  4. acardnal says:

    I think I noticed our illustrious blogger in the video. Well, done Reverend Father! Thank you for participating.

  5. RobertK says:

    So when is the Pope going to publicly celebrate the Mass in the Extraordinary Form. Or are we just second class citizens. The Pope needs to face the Ordinary Form only clergy and defend what he preaches!. I will always feel second class until the Pope himself stands up to his liberal flocks and celebrates the Extraordinary Form publicly as much as he does the Ordinary Form. No matter how many get offended. Because I’m offended that he doesn’t celebrate the Extraordinary Form. If you see the Holy Father in Rome while your their Father Z. Pass this message to his Holiness.

  6. RobertK says:

    Father Z. While in Rome can you get a petition going for the Pope to celebrate the Extraordinary Form on Christmas Eve.

  7. inara says:

    Yes! I saw him too. :o)

  8. moon1234 says:

    Bishop Fellay of the SSPX was also in the video. I wonder how many people caught that? I sure wish someone would have professionally recorded the whole Mass. I would love to be able to see it.

  9. John Pepino says:

    Nice to see Gregory DiPippo, too, who made good points in favor of liturgical peace.

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